KENDALL TOWN BOARD - September 13, 2007 7:30 P.M.


Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York                                                                                                            



PUBLIC PRESENT: Vince Flow, Scott Hardenbrook, Allen Lofthouse, Bev Lofthouse, Bob Nelson, Larry Gursslin, Steve Seaman, Eric Maxon, Ken DeRoller, Ken Rush, Barb Flow, Nadine Hanlon, Lisa Stenshorn



Supervisor Vick called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., and led the Pledge of Allegiance.



            Councilman Gaesser                  Present

            Councilman Pritchard                Excused

            Councilman Schuth                    Present

            Councilman Scroger                  Present

            Supervisor Vick                         Present



Councilman Scroger moved that the minutes of the July 12, 2007 Regular Town Board Meeting     be approved, seconded by Councilman Schuth; all ayes, minutes approved.

Councilman Schuth moved that the minutes of the July 26, 2007 Recessed Town Board Meeting    be approved, seconded by Councilman Scroger; all ayes, minutes approved.

Councilman Gaesser moved that the minutes of the August 9, 2007 Public Hearing and Regular     Town Board Meeting be approved, seconded by Councilman Scroger; all ayes, minutes      approved.



Standing Committees

§         Public Safety/Emergency Services & Occupational Safety-C. Scroger, Chair no report

§         Highway - C. Scroger, Chair - no report

§         Buildings, & Grounds – W. Vick, Chair – maintenance and winterizing has commenced

§         Planning, Zoning & Agriculture - D. Schuth, Chair – written reports submitted

§         Community Relations – D. Schuth, Chair – Bicentennial Committee will meet; quilt ticket                                      sales are doing well

§         Human Resources and Ethics - C. Scroger, Chair – no report

§         Finance, Taxes & Special Districts - W. Vick, Chair – budget input is being considered          

§         Information Services - D. Pritchard, Chair – recent computer problems may be due to                                          overheating, since both with problems are in non air-conditioned rooms

§         Employee Benefits - W. Vick, Chair – Personnel and Self-insurance has announced an                                         increase in Workmen’s’ Composition benefits raising premiums. This will also affect the                                             Fire Departments’ budgets.

§         Culture & Recreation – D. Pritchard, Chair – no report



§         Planning Board - R. Nelson, Chair – written report submitted

§         Zoning Board -  K. Banker – no report


     Department Heads

§         Assessor - K. DeRoller – written report submitted

§         Code Enforcement - S. Hardenbrook – written report submitted; introduced Larry Gursslin,                             Kendall’s new Deputy Code Enforcement Officer

§         Highway - W. Kruger – written report submitted; glass-leaking garbage truck                                                 situation was reported, and the Highway Department cleaned the affected areas. NEI told                                Mr. Kruger via phone that the situation would be corrected; the Town will monitor, and                                Supervisor Vick will send a letter.

§         Historian - J. Knapp – no report

§         Recreation - Barb Flow – written report submitted

§         Town Clerk – A. Richardson – no report

§         Town Justice - R. Ernenwein & C. Lape – no report



Town of Barre – tour of ethanol plant – invitation to Councilmen



Vince Flow, Norway Road – asked when minutes will be available, and if unapproved copies can be distributed. Clerk Richardson answered that after approval, hard copies are available, and all minutes are published on the Town of Kendall website. Supervisor Vick stated that minutes cannot be issued until after approval. Mr. Flow complimented Highway Superintendent Kruger for the work he has done on Norway Road.


Lisa Stenshorn, Kendall Road – Asked if the Deputy Code Enforcement position was advertised in the paper. Supervisor Vick responded, “No”.


Nadine Hanlon, Center Road – asked if there was a reason that the abstracts have not been available for public review at the Board Meetings. Supervisor Vick responded that there is no reason. Clerk Richardson will make copies for review at subsequent meetings.



General Fund                Abstract 009     $ 18,094.18       Vouchers 561-566, 568, 570-573, 576-                                                                                                       597, 622

Highway Fund               Abstract 009     $ 42,702.30       Vouchers 570-571, 598-621

Library                         Abstract 009     $      252.03       Voucher   567

Street Lighting #1          Abstract 009     $      364.33       Voucher   579

Street Lighting #2          Abstract 009    $      215.31        Voucher   579

Street Lighting–Gen.      Abstract 009    $      117.28        Voucher   579

Water District #1          Abstract 009     $   4,502.32       Voucher   569

Water District #2          Abstract 009     $   1,290.45       Voucher   569

Water District #3          Abstract 009     $   1,653.45       Voucher   569

Water District #4          Abstract 009     $   3,183.45       Voucher   569

Water District #5          Abstract 009     $ 26,171.63       Vouchers 569, 574, 575

                                                            $ 98,546.73

A motion to approve the payment of claims was made by Councilman Scroger, and           seconded by Councilman Gaesser. The vote resulted in all Ayes; motion carried.



Councilman Gaesser moved the following resolution be adopted:



            It is hereby resolved to appoint Mary Markusen of 17218 Roosevelt Highway, Kendall, New York 14476 to a 5 year term on the Board of Assessment Review, effective September 30, 2007.


The motion was seconded by Councilman Scroger.


Supervisor Vick called for a vote, which resulted in all Ayes; motion carried.


Councilman Scroger moved the following resolution be adopted:



            Whereas extensive repairs have been required and authorized to the Town Highway Department Caterpillar Loader and....
            Whereas these repairs far exceeded any perceived or budgeted amount such that these costs have a severe negative impact on the budgeted amount for DA 5130.4 Machinery
Contractual, resulting in the depletion of appropriations as of August 31, 2007 and...
            Whereas the Town Highway Fund revenues have exceeded planned revenues in the amount of $15,511.38 through work accomplished under FEMA programs thus effectively adding to the Fund’s cash balances by that same amount,
            Now therefore it is resolved to increase revenues in DA4960 FEMA by the amount of $10,000.00 and increase appropriation account DA5130.4 by $10,000.00 thus raising the modified budget amount to $54,100.00 to provide for remaining necessary machinery repairs for fiscal year 2007, and further...
            The Highway Superintendent is encouraged by this resolution to minimize expenditures from this account for the remainder of fiscal year 2007 in order to preserve additional earned revenues, thus improving end of year fund balances.
            This action has no effective impact on the taxpayer other than reducing earned revenue balances which were in excess of budget.

The motion was seconded by Councilman Gaesser.


Supervisor Vick called for a roll call vote, with the following results:

                        Councilman Gaesser                  Aye

                        Councilman Schuth                    Aye

                        Councilman Scroger                  Aye

                        Supervisor Vick                         Aye

Supervisor Vick declared the motion carried.


At 8:00 pm, the bids for the replica cannon were unsealed and read by Supervisor Vick, verified by Councilman Scroger, and recorded by Clerk Richardson. The bids were as follows:


Tom Gray, 11898 Platten Road, Lyndonville, NY                                      $  805.00

Jeffrey Johnson, 12118 East Yates Center Road, Lyndonville, NY            $1781.00

Calvin Zimmerman, Roosevelt Highway, Kendall, NY                             $  625.00

James P. McCabe, 3430 Horan Road, Medina, NY                                  $  555.00

Eric Maxon, 1377 West Kendall Road, Kendall, NY                                  $    65.00

Harry Waggener, 400 Wacker Lane, Mobile, AL                                                 $1269.99

Harry Waggener, 400 Wacker Lane, Mobile, AL                                                 $2279.99


After discussion, the Board agreed to sell the replica cannon to Mr. Harry Waggener, 400 Wacker Lane, Mobile, Alabama, for $2279.99.; reliant upon receipt of his cashiers’ check for the full amount, being cashed and on deposit at HSBC, and shipping arrangements being made at his expense.


Each bidder will be notified of these results by Clerk Richardson.


Councilman Scroger moved the following resolution be adopted:




Be it resolved to sell the “Replica Cannon” to Mr. Harry Waggener of 400 Wacker Lane,             Mobile,             Alabama, for his bid price of $2279.99; conditioned upon the receipt of his cashiers’ check within     ten business days of notification, and deposit of same in the Town of Kendall’s account at HSBC,       and with shipping arrangements to be made by Mr. Waggener.


Motion was seconded by Councilman Schuth. Supervisor Vick called for a roll call vote,    with the            following results:

                        Councilman Gaesser                  Aye

                        Councilman Schuth                    Aye

                        Councilman Scroger                  Aye

                        Supervisor Vick                         Aye

Supervisor Vick declared the motion carried.



Councilman Gaesser moved the following resolution be adopted:

RESOLUTION 106-907 FUNDING FROM NYS OFFICE OF CHILDREN                                                          AND FAMILY SERVICES

            Be it resolved, that the Kendall Recreation Youth Director is authorized to submit the application for funding for the year 2008 to the New York State Office of Children and Family Services in the amount of $1,600.00.

Motion was seconded by Councilman Schuth. Supervisor Vick called for a vote, which      resulted             in all Ayes; motion carried.



Dissolution of Joint Hamlin-Kendall Water District  - meeting necessary to discuss hydrant            rentals, and funds from such

2007 Justice Court Assistance Program – Grant availability is being researched

Cemetery Trust – still awaiting Judge Punch’s decision

Stolen Sign – Beechwood Cemetery – no reward offered; may have a boulder                                         engraved, in lieu of replacement.


Orleans County Representative Ken Rush gave updates on the jail plans, and the Orleans County Nursing Home.


With there being no further business, Councilman Scroger moved that the meeting be moved into executive session to discuss a personnel issue, seconded by Councilman Schuth; all ayes; meeting moved to executive session at 8:40 pm.


Meeting was moved out of executive session at 10:29 pm. Councilman Scroger moved that the meeting be recessed until September 27, 2007 at 7:30 pm, seconded by Councilman Schuth; all ayes; meeting recessed at 10:30 pm.


Scheduled Meetings:

Recessed Town Board Meeting: September 27, 2007 at 7:30 pm

Regular Town Board Meeting: October 11, 2007 at 7:30 pm

Town Board Work Session: October 25, 2007 at 7:30 P.M.


Respectfully Submitted, 



Amy Richardson

Kendall Town Clerk