PUBLIC HEARING – Small Cities Grant Applications – 7:30 PM



Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall, New York 14476


Public Hearing – Small Cities Grant Applications – Federally funded; administered by State


Public Present: K. Lillibridge, Vince Flow, Brad Ferries, Bob Nelson, Sr., Stephen Seaman, Mary Ellen Seaman, Scott B. Hardenbrook, Nadine Hanlon, Don Mann, Mary Mann, Gert Hauck, Allen Lofthouse, Bev Lofthouse, Brittany Froman


Supervisor Vick opened the Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m., and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


No public participation.


Supervisor Vick stated that the Board intends and is preparing to reapply for grant funding to advance Water

District  #6.


There will be another Public Hearing on March 15, 2007 on this matter.


Supervisor Vick declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:34.





Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Vick at 7:35 p.m.



                        Councilman Gaesser                          present

                        Council Pritchard                         present

                        Councilman Schuth                   present                  

                        Councilman Scroger                  present

                        Supervisor Vick                            present


Department Heads Present:  Ken DeRoller, Assessor; Scott Hardenbrook, Code Enforcement Officer; Warren Kruger, Highway Superintendent; Bob Nelson, Planning Board Chairman



Councilmen Pritchard and Schuth suggested corrections involving dates on the January 4, 2007 Organizational Meeting Minutes. Councilman Pritchard moved that the minutes be approved, as corrected. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gaesser. All votes were Aye; minutes were accepted.







Public Safety/Emergency Services & Occupational Safety - Scroger, Chair

        Town Hall Security – Councilman Scroger has procured two companies’ bids, and is awaiting a third.

Sale of Replica – still pending, has not been advertised

Defibrillator – no report





Buildings, Grounds & Cemeteries – Vick , Chair

1823 Kendall Road – The Board wants to provide a “controlled burn”, but the weather has not been cooperative. There have also been other fires recently, all of which have rendered these properties uninhabitable according to C.E.O. Hardenbrook. Supervisor Vick stated that it is time to ask the owners to take their responsibilities. Everyone wants those properties cleaned up. If the Town has to force compliance by the property owners and the property owners do not comply, legal steps must then be taken in order for the Town to accomplish the clean-up. This would, of course, be at taxpayers’ expense until the costs could be recovered in REM proceedings. These procedures are time-consuming, expensive, and there is no guarantee that the costs would be recovered. It may be in order to call a Public Meeting to announce the problem, and ask if the public is willing to bear the expense of the clean-up, if reimbursement does not occur.

Generator – The Board has decided on a 20 KW, small automotive engine, water cooled generator. This should provide for current and future needs.  Placement is an issue. An engineer’s specification will be necessary.

Heating System – current is inadequate, but costly to upgrade. Individual electrical wall heaters may be the answer. Total cost for studies of the system will be $800.00.

Garage Heating and Ventilation - Councilman Gaesser has done research and inspection. The insulation is inadequate, and there are air leaks around windows. The project needs preparation time, and calculations done, in order to do the job adequately.


Cemetery Policies and Procedures – Mary Ellen Seaman is helping to research the current policies in place. There are no rules governing publicly owned cemeteries. We need procedures drafted and properly administered. There are $16,000 in a non-expendable trust fund for Greenwood, and $8,000 in a non-expendable trust fund for Beechwood. Both cemeteries also have some money in savings. The interest coming in from these accounts do not cover the costs of maintaining and repairing these cemeteries, and providing markers for the veterans. These costs could be covered, as well as security additions and lighting, if we had access to the trust funds. The County Court Judge could be petitioned to release the trust fund monies. Supervisor Vick asked the Board if it has issues with this route. Councilman Scroger voiced his support for this action. Mary Ellen Seaman was thanked for her efforts to compile records, and draft procedures. Gert Hauck was thanked for her walk-through mapping efforts. An advisory committee will be formed to navigate this effort. Allen Lofthouse and Judy Ernenwein have been asked and have agreed to serve on such a committee, chaired by Mary Ellen Seaman.



Planning, Zoning & Agriculture - Schuth, Chair

Training Policy – in final format, to be reviewed


Community Relations – D. Schuth, Chair

Bicentennial Committee will meet in April.

Councilman Schuth will be judging an Art Fair contest on April 16, 2007


Culture & Recreation – D. Pritchard, Chair

After discussions with Dan Gaesser and Barb Flow, it has been decided to meet once a month to discuss registrations, finances, and other topics as necessary.


Human Resources and Ethics - C. Scroger, Chair

Change in Clerk will be addressed through later resolution.


Finance, Taxes & Special Districts - W. Vick, Chair

Verizon Litigation and Time Warner – an assessment reduction is being approved by New York State. Those lost revenues will have to be made up for by other taxpayers.



Information Services – D. Schuth, Chair

No report


                Employee Benefits - W. Vick, Chair

 No report




Planning Board - R. Nelson, Chair

                        Written report submitted

Also, reported that a Special Use Permit was processed to convert a single-family residence to a farm labor

camp on West Kendall Road.

Supervisor Vick interjected that turning old residential homes into migrant labor camps may have a negative impact on the Town.

The meteorological towers study has been worked on. A final draft should be presented to the Town Board imminently.

Mr. Nelson asked for advice as to how to determine what documents can be discarded. Supervisor Vick responded that the Records Retention Manual is in the Clerk’s office.


Zoning Board - Banker, Chair

Written report submitted




Assessor – Ken DeRoller

         Mr. DeRoller introduced his guests, Christine Bannister and Mary Moscicki, who came to give an analysis of the 2007 triennial assessment reevaluation, which is taking place throughout Orleans County. Every parcel (1781) of property has been looked at to ensure that assessments are equitable.              

        Impact notices will be going out to every resident in Kendall, and Mr. DeRoller wanted to ensure that all wishing to meet with him to discuss their notices have ample time to do so.


        Mr. DeRoller turned the floor over to Ms. Bannister, who gave an overview and analysis and provided a handout to follow, outlining the Assessment Disclosure Notices that will be sent, assessment disclosure tax rate calculations, expected tax liability shifts, computation of impact information for the various neighborhoods of Kendall, and a discussion of the procedures that go into the reassessment process. It was explained that a goal of this process is to ensure consistency across the Town and County. Lakefront property and farmland are the groupings that will see the largest upward shift in assessment.


        Mr. DeRoller encouraged the Board to ask any questions they have regarding this process. He has spoken to the large farmers, to ensure they understand the various equations used for the calculations. Mr. DeRoller felt ready to mail the impact notices. Supervisor Vick requested that the Board be given more time to understand the notice and method of arriving at the new assessments. The shifts in the tax liability will likely cause residents to question them as well the assessor. Mr. Vick asked for another week to prepare the Board, but no longer. Mr. DeRoller emphasized that the notices need to reach taxpayers so that they have time to schedule appointments, but if the Board wants to meet with him to fully understand the process, one week is feasible. Supervisor Vick cautioned the Board to take this matter seriously, and thanked Mr. DeRoller and his guests for their presentation.



Code Enforcement Officer – Scott Hardenbrook

        Mr. Hardenbrook did submit a written report.  Councilman Scroger commended Rick Seaman, Deputy CEO, for finishing all of his training courses so quickly.  

        The State of New York is requiring all Towns to update their Code Enforcement Laws to incorporate International Code, which has been in effect since 2003.  The State can provide a model of this law, which can be reviewed and modified. Councilman Pritchard will meet with Mr. Hardenbrook to enable him to prepare this document for Board review. 


Highway – Warren Kruger, Highway Superintendent

Winter has kept the Highway Department busy, and the weather will be causing drainage issues. Mr. Kruger reported that a Caterpillar Loader owned by the Highway Department has lost its hydraulic braking system. This repair is beyond the ability of his crew, and has to be done by Caterpillar. Orleans County has hauled the machine to Rochester for repairs, and has loaned Kendall a loader, both of which saved Kendall significant costs.

The cost of repairs and additional engine maintenance will be $11,000. It has been a reliable machine for twelve years, and is well worth fixing correctly. The Highway Department did receive a check for $15,000 from Albion for its aid in Albion’s snow clean-up.



Recreation – Barb Flow, Director

Written report submitted



        A letter received from Orleans Transit Service was read. OTS wishes to increase public awareness of its services.



                Nadine Hanlon, Center Road, Kendall

        Mrs. Hanlon stated that she had been very active as Town Clerk with the cemetery records, and as of her resignation as Town Clerk on October 31, 2006, the records were in order, in EXCEL files.  Beechwood is complete, Greenwood as complete as possible after records’ destruction many years ago. She wanted to assure the Board that no records were lost during her years as Records Manager, and countless hours were spent updating those records. She took care to ensure that those laid to rest in Kendall’s cemeteries were properly documented.  Mr. Vick assured Mrs. Hanlon  that  records keeping is not in question; it is policies and procedures that need to be addressed.


No additional public comments.



General Fund                                  Abstract 003                  $18,180.77                              Vouchers 91 – 144, 161,166

Highway Fund                         Abstract 003                  $19,388.69                 Vouchers 90, 98, 114, 120,                                                                                                   145-160,162-165           

Street Lighting

  Districts 1, 2 and General            Abstract 003                  $874.18                   Voucher   139


Councilman Pritchard moved that the Payment of Claims be approved for payment. Motion was seconded by Councilman Schuth. All ayes, motion carried.



Supervisor Vick read Cynthia Kruger’s resignation letter.







Councilman Schuth moved that the following resolution be adopted:

Whereas Cynthia Kruger did submit her resignation by letter to Supervisor Vick on February 21, 2007 to be effective immediately, now, therefore…..

It is hereby resolved that the Kendall Town Board does hereby accept Cynthia Kruger’s resignation as being effective, retroactively, to February 21, 2007.


Councilman Scroger seconded the motion. Supervisor Vick called for a vote, with the following results:

                                                 Councilman Gaesser                  Aye

 Councilman Pritchard                                Aye
 Councilman Schuth                   Aye
 Councilman Scroger                  Aye
 Supervisor Vick                                   Aye

Supervisor Vick declared the motion carried.





Councilman Gaesser moved that the following resolution be adopted:  

Whereas Amy Richardson, having been offered the position of Town Clerk, Town of Kendall on February 22, 2007 has hereby accepted the position on that date, now, therefore...

Amy Richardson, an elector of the Town of Kendall, residing at 15938 Roosevelt Highway, Kendall, New York is hereby appointed Town Clerk, Town of Kendall, effective and retroactive to March 1, 2007. It is further understood that Amy Richardson must stand for election in the 2007 election to fulfill the unexpired term for this office, which expires December 31, 2009.


Councilman Schuth seconded the motion. Supervisor Vick called for a roll call vote, with the following results:

 Councilman Gaesser                 Aye

 Councilman Pritchard                                Aye
 Councilman Schuth                   Aye
 Councilman Scroger                  Aye
 Supervisor Vick                                   Aye

Supervisor Vick declared the motion carried, and congratulated Mrs. Richardson.




Councilman Gaesser moved that the following resolution be adopted:  


Whereas a vacancy exists as of February 21, 2007 for the positions of Registrar of Vital Statistics, and Records Manager for the Town of Kendall, now, therefore….


It is resolved that Amy Richardson is appointed Registrar of Vital Statistics and Records Management Officer, retroactive to March 1, 2007 and effective as of that date.


Councilman Scroger seconded the motion. Supervisor Vick called for a roll call vote, with the following results:

 Councilman Gaesser                 Aye

 Councilman Pritchard                                Aye
 Councilman Schuth                   Aye
 Councilman Scroger                  Aye
 Supervisor Vick                                   Aye

Supervisor Vick declared the motion carried.




Councilman Pritchard moved that the following resolution be adopted:

Whereas software installations were not complete for the Williamson Law Book Fund Accounting System during the fiscal year 2006 and remaining budgeted funds were absorbed into fund balance at the end of fiscal year 2006 and...

Whereas the installation of Payroll programs, End of Year Close Out programs and Annual Report programs for the NYS Comptroller were required to be installed to complete the installation of the fund accounting system,  now, therefore...

It is hereby authorized to transfer the sum of $1279.75 from Contingency Account A1990.40 to Supervisor’s Equipment Account A1220.20 to cover the above outlined expenses.


Councilman Schuth seconded the motion. Supervisor Vick called for a vote, with the following results:

 Councilman Gaesser                 Aye

 Councilman Pritchard                                Aye
 Councilman Schuth                   Aye
 Councilman Scroger                  Aye
 Supervisor Vick                                   Aye

Supervisor Vick declared the motion carried.



Councilman Gaesser moved that the following resolution be adopted:

Whereas there has accumulated the sum of $530.00, in cash, in the Town Clerk’s Office, identified as Anonymous Donations for Bicentennial, and whereas....

Town Clerk Richardson, Councilman Gaesser and Supervisor Vick have counted and confirmed such funds, now, therefore...

Supervisor Vick is hereby authorized to create a new Revenue Account A2611 designated Bicentennial Donations/Revenues and cause the above funds to be deposited in the Money Market Account, and to be accounted for as such in the general fund accounting system, and further...

That such funds, as they are received from time to time, shall be accounted for and deposited in the same manner, and further...

That prior to the close of Fiscal Year 2007, a Reserve Fund will be created to accumulate and preserve such funds for the express purpose of funding expenses for the 2012 Bicentennial Celebration.


Councilman Pritchard seconded the motion. Supervisor Vick called for a vote, with the following results:

 Councilman Gaesser                 Aye

 Councilman Pritchard                                Aye
 Councilman Schuth                   Aye
 Councilman Scroger                  Aye
 Supervisor Vick                                   Aye

Supervisor Vick declared the motion carried.


Councilman Pritchard moved that the following resolution be adopted:

Whereas from time to time, in the normal course of operations, it is appropriate and necessary for the casual use of the copier/fax to provide for public and taxpayer needs, and whereas...

It is appropriate to charge a fee for such use, and whereas....

It is necessary to account for these fees and properly apply them as revenue to reduce the cost of central printing and mailing, now, therefore...


The Town Clerk is hereby authorized to collect such fees and maintain the corresponding petty cash as it accumulates, use petty cash if required to pay for any expense necessary to maintain central printing and mailing and maintain receipts of same, utilize this petty cash account as a source to provide for change when appropriate and necessary, and maintain the petty cash amount at no less than $100.00 but no more than $200.00. And further...

That in keeping with this policy the clerk should cause the excess of funds and receipts for expense to be turned over to the Supervisor, collecting a receipt for same, providing a record of the amount and dates as a Town Clerk’s fee revenue and the Supervisor will deposit such funds into the Town’s accounts and maintain the expense receipts with the deposit record.

Councilman Gaesser seconded the motion.


Councilman Pritchard asked if these revenues would be used to offset the copier overrun expense. Supervisor Vick responded that they would, but indirectly.


 Supervisor Vick called for a vote, with the following results:

 Councilman Gaesser                 Aye

 Councilman Pritchard                                Aye
 Councilman Schuth                   Aye
 Councilman Scroger                  Aye
 Supervisor Vick                                   Aye

Supervisor Vick declared the motion carried.


Councilman Gaesser moved that the following resolution be adopted:

Whereas Labella Associates, PC has provided a proposal for Mechanical & Electrical Engineering services….

To provide for determining heating load and additional capacity required for selection and installation of electrical heating units to provide supplemental heating for the South facing offices in the Town Hall, and further...

To provide for evaluation of code issues and gas service modifications to ensure additional gas capacity of 32OCFH to serve a 20KW Emergency Generator, now, therefore...

Supervisor Vick is authorized to accept the proposal and enter into agreement for the above services at a cost not to exceed $800.00.

Councilman Scroger seconded the motion. Supervisor Vick called for a vote, with the following results:

 Councilman Gaesser                 Aye

 Councilman Pritchard                                Aye
 Councilman Schuth                   Aye
 Councilman Scroger                  Aye
 Supervisor Vick                                   Aye

Supervisor Vick declared the motion carried.




Councilman Pritchard moved that the following resolution be adopted:


RESOLVED, that the Kendall Town Board does hereby authorize execution of the annexed Modification Agreement thereby amending the Intermunicipal Agreement by and between the Towns of Hamlin and Kendall, providing for the construction, financing and operation of a joint water project consisting of the Kendall-Beechwood Park Water District and the Kendall Water District No. 5; and be it


FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute the aforementioned Modification Agreement on behalf of the Town of Kendall and the Kendall Water District No. 5.


Councilman Gaesser seconded the motion. Upon being put to a roll call vote, the vote resulted as follows:

                        Councilman Gaesser                  Aye

                        Councilman Pritchard                Aye

                        Councilman Schuth                   Aye

                        Councilman Scroger                          Aye

                        Supervisor Vick                                    Aye

The resolution was deemed to have been adopted.



                None brought forward.


Supervisor Vick announced that there will be a second Public Hearing on March 15, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. on the Small Cities Grant Applications. It will be followed by a reconvention of this recessed meeting.


Supervisor Vick called for an Executive Session to discuss information relating to a current investigation.


Councilman Pritchard made the motion for executive session, seconded by Councilman Gaesser. Upon being put to a roll call vote, the results were as follows:

                        Councilman Gaesser                  Aye

                        Councilman Pritchard                Aye

                        Councilman Schuth                   Aye

                        Councilman Scroger                          Aye

                        Supervisor Vick                                    Aye

Supervisor Vick declared the motion carried, and the Board moved into Executive Session at 9:40 p.m.


Councilman Pritchard moved that the meeting be recalled at 10:31 p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schuth. The vote was unanimously in favor, and the meeting resumed.


With there being no further business, Councilman Scroger moved to recess this meeting until March 15, 2007, immediately following the Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Schuth. The vote was unanimously in favor, and the meeting was recessed at 10:32 p.m.

















Public Present : Cark Lindsay, Darlene Lindsay, K. Lillibridge, Joyce Henry, Wendy Balka, Al Lofthouse,

Bev Lofthouse, Dawn Allen


Supervisor Vick opened the second Public Hearing on Small Cities Grant Applications at 7:30 p.m.


There were no public comments, and no comments from the Board.


Supervisor Vick declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:32 p.m.





Supervisor Vick brought the meeting of March 8, 2007 back to order at 7:33 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.



                                Councilman Gaesser                          Present

                                Councilman Pritchard                        Present

                                Councilman Schuth                           Present

                                Councilman Scroger                          Present

                                Supervisor Vick                                    Present


Department Heads Present: Ken DeRoller, Assessor



Supervisor Vick stated that he and the attorney met with U.S. Rural Development and did the closing for SW#5. This represents a major milestone, and it was done at a reduced cost.

The Marina project is moving along slowly. It has experienced delays due to finances. The Board has helped to move this project forward, and will continue to help the operator and the surrounding neighborhood.



Town Board Meeting Minutes of February 8, 2007

Town Board Special Meeting Minutes February 24, 2007


Councilman Pritchard moved that the minutes of February 8, 2007 be approved. The motion was seconded by Councilman Scroger. All votes were Aye; minutes were accepted.


Councilman Schuth moved that the minutes of February 24, 2007 be approved. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gaesser. All votes were Aye; minutes were accepted.



Supervisor Vick introduced Michael Schaffron of LaBella Engineering. He was invited to make a presentation as to what is involved in water system expansion, and to aid the Board in deciding a path to eliminate the requirement to create new water districts when expansion of our water transmission system is desired.


Mr. Schaffron gave a Power Point presentation outlining previous special district studies done by LaBella, to address problems of economical water system expansion and drainage issues in other towns. Solutions for economical and equitable improvements can be achieved through consolidation or dissolution of water districts. Consolidation offers a reduction in administrative burden, can allow for economical expansion, and the benefits of interconnectedness.  It does, however, pose cumbersome steps when expansion is desired. Dissolution of the water districts is another option. In this option, the operation of the water districts becomes a town function, similar to those of the Highway Department. The advantages to this option are that it reduces the administrative burden, can supply economical and equitable expansion of the system, and it accelerates the time required to expand the system.  One disadvantage is that large expansions may need approval from Audit Control.

In determining the best course for Kendall, Mr. Schaffron suggested these questions be answered:

What are the needs of the community for public water supply?

Do all residents want public water?

What are the Town Board’s goals for the community?

What will happen to existing and future debts, and who will be exempt?

Is the action as equitable as possible for all parties?

These questions can be addressed by establishing a Citizens’ Advisory Committee, representing all factions of the Town, to work with the engineer and attorney, who give their recommendations to the Town Board. The questions can also be addressed through Town Board action. The engineer works with the Board, the assessor, and the attorney. In either case, Public Information Meetings are recommended, to be held before the Public Hearing.

Supervisor Vick and the Board asked Mr. Schaffron several questions regarding Kendall’s unique situations.


Supervisor Vick thanked Mr. Schaffron for his presentation and opened the floor to public comment.




Clark Lindsay – 16761 Lakeland Beach Road, Kendall

Asked if the Town is growing enough in population to warrant the expansion of water?

Supervisor Vick responded that the issue is predicated on the needs of current home sites, not potential growth.


Joyce Henry – 16915 Bald Eagle Drive, Kendall

Asked if during a consolidation there could be refinancing?

Supervisor Vick asked Mr. Schaffron; both believe there could not.


Wendy Balka – 16764  Lakeland Beach Road, Kendall

Asked if current water residents would incur costs to pay for new extensions during a consolidation.

Mr. Vick responded that we do not know what the approach will be. This presentation is a first step in exploring our options, and equitability will be a difficult hurdle. The goal is to serve as many residents in the community, at the least possible cost, in the quickest possible way.


Allen Lofthouse – Roosevelt Highway, Kendall

Asked, if during a dissolution of water districts, the Town runs the water system.

Mr. Schaffron answered yes, that it would become a Town function. Supervisor Vick explained that it would be another fund within the general funds account system. Councilman Pritchard stated that Monroe County Water Authority would

run the system; Kendall would decide when and where to expand.


Clark Lindsay - 16761 Lakeland Beach Road, Kendall

Asked if the dissolution would be an advantage.

Supervisor Vick responded that research has to be done, but the Board feels it would be; particularly administratively. We are just beginning to think this way. The possibilities of economical expansion are dwindling.


Supervisor Vick called a ten-minute recess. The meeting was called back to order at 9:06 p.m.


Supervisor Vick introduced Ken DeRoller, who gave a presentation on the re-evaluation process.

Mr. DeRoller provided an information packet, including examples of the Assessment Disclosure Notices that each taxpayer will receive, an impact statement, and a cover letter that will accompany these disclosures. Mr. DeRoller wants the recipients to understand how to contact him with questions and complaints.


Mr. DeRoller introduced Dawn Allen, the Director of Real Property in Orleans County, who helped present an overview of how the triennial re-evaluations are done, and how informal hearings will be conducted. Arriving at a fair and equitable redistribution of equity is complex, and time-consuming. The redistribution of tax liabilities will, in general, shift toward farmland and lakefront property. Assessments are based on market/sales values, comparable properties comparisons, and an income-market approach – which concerns businesses and properties. Land values have changed. Anticipated increases in corn prices are affecting land values.

 Supervisor Vick expressed a concern that non-local buyers, paying inflated prices for lakefront property, may falsely drive up values enough to drive out long-time residents.

 Mr. DeRoller explained that the current re-evaluation is based on the past three years. Approximately 70% of residents will see steady or reduced assessments. The other 30% will see increases in their assessments.


An intense line-by-line discussion of the letter that will accompany the assessment disclosure notice was conducted between Supervisor Vick, the Board Members, Mr. DeRoller, and Ms. Allen.  Several changes in the wording of the tentative letter were strongly suggested and accepted for the final draft. Supervisor Vick warned the Board to take this issue very seriously; to act upon the best interests of the Town of Kendall residents. Councilman Gaesser suggested that Mr. DeRoller attach the final draft as an e-mail to the Board members to expedite the revision process. Mr. DeRoller agreed to do that immediately.


Supervisor Vick opened the floor to the public for questions and comments.




Joyce Henry – 16915 Bald Eagle Drive, Kendall

Asked if the lake valuation changes were based solely on market value.

Mr. DeRoller responded that the valuation formulas have been consistent; changes upward have been based on sales prices.


Clark Lindsay – 16761 Lakeland Beach Road, Kendall

Asked what is considered “hamlet” of Kendall, and what has changed to cause the area’s assessments to decrease.

Supervisor Vick answered that the hamlet is the area of the four corners, “downtown”

Mr. DeRoller answered that the decrease was due to market value decreases.

Mr. Lindsay pointed out that the term “ability to pay” had been used by Mr. DeRoller earlier during his presentation, before correction, concerned that Mr. DeRoller had that thought process during his assessments.

Mr. DeRoller apologized for the use of that phrase. Supervisor Vick interjected that the phrase should not have been used, and that’s all that can be said.


Bev Lofthouse – Kendall

Asked why the Assessor recommended showing an insurance policy when arriving for an assessment review hearing.

Mr. DeRoller stated that it can be a tool in determining what an owner feels his home is worth. Supervisor Vick said that is not true; people are rarely insured for true replacement value. Mr. Lindsay pointed out that insurance companies do not always allow full coverage. Mr. DeRoller stated that it is just one tool of many. He does not accept real estate appraisals.


Supervisor Vick told the Board that each member needed to respond to Mr. DeRoller by Monday morning, March 19, 2007, with any input, so mailing of the notices can begin.


Wendy Balka – 16764 Lakeland Beach Road

Asked if Mr. DeRoller would entertain discussion during the hearings regarding the impact on her neighborhood’s ability to sell their homes, with the current circumstances they are facing.

Mr. DeRoller responded that it could be discussed, but briefly, because the market does not show the impact due to Eagle Creek Marina to which Ms. Balka was referring.  


Supervisor Vick thanked Ms. Allen for her time, and fortitude.


Councilman Scroger moved that the following resolution be adopted:

      WHEREAS, the Town has commissioned a preliminary engineering evaluation to define the extent of improvements and cost associated with the installation of public water improvements to serve the Town of Kendall Water District No.6; and

     WHEREAS, the cost of undertaking these improvements is estimated at $520,000 including construction, legal, engineering and administrative costs; and

     WHEREAS, the Town Board has previously authorized the Supervisor to file a Small Cities application in the amount of $400,000 for the installation of the needed water system improvements,

     NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board commits that it will provide $120,000 in funds plus any overruns that may be incurred to build the proposed improvements recommended in the preliminary engineering analysis referenced herein, to address the problems and eliminate the problems facing residents in this area due to inadequate private water supplies. THIS COMMITMENT IS CONDITIONED ON THE TOWN RECEIVING THE $400,000 SMALL CITIES GRANT REFERRED TO ABOVE. THE TOWN’S FUNDS ARE TO BE PROVIDED BY GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THIS BOARD CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK.

Councilman Schuth seconded the motion. Upon being put to a roll call vote, the vote resulted as follows:

                        Councilman Gaesser                  Aye

                        Councilman Pritchard                Aye

                        Councilman Schuth                   Aye

                        Councilman Scroger                          Aye

                        Supervisor Vick                                    Aye

Supervisor Vick Declared the resolution adopted.


Councilman Gaesser moved that the following resolution be adopted:

“RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York, is hereby authorized as the official representative of the Town to execute and submit a Small Cities application to the administrative agency for the Fiscal Year 2007 program, all understandings and assurances contained therein, and is hereby directed and authorized to act in connection with the submission of the application and to provide such additional information as may be required.

Councilman Pritchard seconded the motion. Upon being put to a roll call vote, the vote resulted as follows:

                        Councilman Gaesser                  Aye

                        Councilman Pritchard                Aye

                        Councilman Schuth                   Aye

                        Councilman Scroger                          Aye

                        Supervisor Vick                                    Aye

Supervisor Vick Declared the resolution adopted.






Councilman Pritchard moved that the following policy be adopted:

Town of Kendall

Policy for the Personal Use of Town Resources


 This policy applies to the use of town resources for purposes other than official Town business.


This Personal Use Policy provides guidelines to employees and officials of the Town of Kendall    concerning the use of the Town’s resources and services for non-official purposes.

The Town of Kendall deals constantly with the public’s perception of how we conduct the business of the Town. All Town of Kendall employees and officials must be constantly mindful of the necessity for conducting ourselves with the highest ethical principles, and avoid any action that may be viewed as a violation of the public trust. As custodians of resources entrusted to us by the public and by government entities, we should always be mindful of how we utilize these resources. As members of a working group, we should also be mindful of our responsibility to act so that others are not deprived of access to these same resources as they perform their duties. These resources include, but are not limited to, employee’s time, facilities, supplies, and equipment, such as telephones, fax machines, and computers.


The use of the Town’s resources and services for non-official purposes is permitted only in compliance with the following criteria:

1. The cost to the Town must be negligible.

2. The use must in no way undermine the use of Town resources and services for official purposes. The use must not interfere with a Town employee’s obligation to carry out his or her duties in a timely and effective manner. Time spent engaged in the non-official use of Town resources is not considered to be Town work time.

3. This policy also applies to all contractors, subcontractors, interns, members of the public, and other visitors to Town of Kendall facilities.

4. The use neither expresses nor implies sponsorship or endorsement by the Town.

5. The use must be consistent with state and federal laws regarding obscenity, libel, or the like, and state and federal laws and Town policies regarding political activity, the marketing of products or services, or other inappropriate activities.

6. Employees and officials of the Town of Kendall have no right to use Town resources for personal use. Such use is granted so long as it is not abused.

In applying these guidelines, each case will depend upon the particular circumstances and other important factors such as materiality or reasonableness. The ultimate control, therefore, lies with each employee’s department head, as that department head should have direct knowledge of the behaviors and needs of the individual employee.

Employees should consult with their department heads in advance if they have any questions about appropriateness of certain practices. A department head’s decision cannot, however, circumvent other policies and procedures of the Town of Kendall that may restrict personal use beyond the limitations cited in these guidelines. For example, the use of Town telephones, fax machines, and mail services must comply with existing Town policies, and the use of Town resources in political activity is prohibited. This privilege to use Town resources for personal use may be revoked or limited at any time by department heads or Town officials.

Specific Provisions on Use of Equipment and Services


The public, Town employees and Town officials are allowed to make local and toll-free calls.

Personal toll calls may not be billed to Town telephone numbers.

Personal long distance calls may be made from Town telephones only when these calls are placed as credit card or collect calls.

Copier and Facsimile (Fax) Machines

The public, Town employees, and Town officials are allowed personal use of the copier and facsimile machine for a per-copy fee of $0.15 per page for the copier and $1.00 per page for the facsimile machine (excluding cover sheet).

The per-copy fee for copies also applies to stand-alone, sheet-fed printers and for the copier when it is a multi-function machine that is operating as a computer printer.

High-volume copying and printing represent a significant cost to the Town, both in the cost of the Town’s service contract for the copier and in the wear and tear on the copier. As such, copying or printing more than 20 copies for non-official business is prohibited unless special permission is granted by the Town Board.

Prohibited Uses

Employees and officials are expected to conduct themselves professionally in the workplace and refrain from personal use that is inappropriate. Examples of misuse or inappropriate personal use of Town resources include:

The use of Town resources for commercial purposes or in support of “for-profit” activities or in support of other outside employment or business activities;

Any personal use that could cause congestion, delay, or disruption of service to any Town system or equipment. For example, transmittal of chain letters, video, or large file attachments or large data streams that can degrade the performance of the entire computer network;

The use of Town resources for activities that are illegal or offensive to fellow employees or the public;

The creation, downloading, viewing, storage, copying, or transmissions of sexually-explicit or sexually-oriented materials;

Any use that could generate more than minimal expense to the Town.


Privacy Expectations

Privacy is not implied or assured by the Town when Town resources are used for non-official purposes.

Sanctions for Misuse

Unauthorized or improper use of Town resources could result in loss of use or limitations on use of Town resources, disciplinary action, criminal penalties, and/or responsible parties being held financially liable for the cost of improper use.

Policy for the Personal Use of Town Resources              REV: March 14, 2007

Councilman Gaesser seconded the motion. Councilman Pritchard suggested the removal of a section called Proper Representation. Upon being put to a roll call vote, the vote resulted as follows:

        Councilman Gaesser                          Aye

                Councilman Pritchard                        Aye

Councilman Schuth                   Aye

        Councilman Scroger                          Aye

        Supervisor Vick                                    Aye

Supervisor Vick declared the resolution adopted, as amended.



Generator Project - Supervisor Vick has the specifications back for gas service, and the engineering request ready to send to RG&E

Planning/Zoning Training Policy – The Board can review Councilman Schuth’s document before the April Board

Meeting and be prepared to pass it.



Mowing Contractors’ Bids are in. The decision has come down to being between M&M Mowing and Kendall Property Maintenance. After discussion, it was decided to choose M & M Mowing for all of the mowing needs of the Town. They are overall, the least expensive option.





Councilman Pritchard made a motion to award the Lawn Care Contract for all the Town’s sites to M & M Mowing.


The motion was seconded by Councilman Gaesser. Supervisor Vick called for a roll call vote, with the following results: 


Councilman Gaesser                          Aye

                Councilman Pritchard                        Aye

Councilman Schuth                   Aye

        Councilman Scroger                          Abstain

        Supervisor Vick                                    Aye

Supervisor Vick declared the resolution adopted.



Grant Programs – Supervisor Vick asked Councilman Gaesser to look into rural renewal grant options. Councilman Gaesser had not found any grant options specifically for demolition. Supervisor Vick suggested searching for “renewal” grants. Councilman Gaesser had found energy efficiency grants available toward winterization of the Highway Building. He also has quotes for the costs of windows and siding.


Heating System Improvements of the Town Hall – Supervisor Vick reported that LaBella did an inspection and report regarding the heating system at the Town Hall. They reported that the current system meets the requirements, and suggested adding ceiling-installed electric heaters. After discussion, Supervisor Vick suggested we go with the recommendation. When there is time, an electrician will be brought in to install the heaters. It is not an immediately pressing problem.


Councilman Pritchard stated that he wants the close-out of the joint Kendall Hamlin Water District to be a high priority.


Supervisor Vick stated that the Water District equipment, including a Hole-hog, a 2500 HD pickup truck with a stall service body, and a tag trailer are set to go to auction. The Town has no interest in the tag-trailer. The service-body truck could be purchased for $12,500. The hole-hog may be available for less than the $2500 appraisal price. These are reasonable prices for good pieces of equipment, which will be useful. There is not an immediate need for them, however. The options are: do not consider them at all, letting it go to auction with intention to bid to a certain maximum, or buy them. Decision must be made by the end of the month.





Councilman Pritchard made a motion to adopt the following resolution:


To authorize Supervisor Vick to bid on two pieces of equipment, belonging to the former joint water department, at auction; the bids not to exceed the appraisal range values – Truck - $12,500 - $13,500; and hole-hog - $ 2,500 - $3,000.


Councilman Scroger seconded the motion. Supervisor Vick called for a vote, with the following results:

Councilman Gaesser                          Aye

                Councilman Pritchard                        Aye

Councilman Schuth                   Aye

        Councilman Scroger                          Aye

        Supervisor Vick                                    Aye

Supervisor Vick declared the resolution adopted.



Notice has been given that the March 22, 2007 Town Board Meeting is cancelled.



Mr. Lofthouse wanted to know about room in the basement for the Fire District records. Records of Historical value may be more secure in the Town Hall. This will be decided at a later date.





With there being no further business, Councilman Pritchard moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilman Gaesser. Unanimously in favor of adjournment at 11:36 p.m.



                                                                                                Respectfully Submitted,



                                                                                                Amy K. Richardson

                                                                                                     Town Clerk