Kendall Residents Needed for Project Advisory Committee
The Town of Kendall received a Smart Growth Community Planning Program Grant from the New York State Department of State to prepare a Town of Kendall Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan. The Town’s Comprehensive Plan was last updated in 1997 and significant changes in land use (e.g., solar farm installations, Troutburg Planned Unit Development), school population and resident demographics have occurred since then.
Kendall was also awarded a grant from the New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets for preparation of an Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan. Kendall is primarily an agricultural community which means this plan will be an important component of the overall comprehensive plan.
The Town Board will engage a consulting firm to guide the overall process. It will also establish a Project Advisory Committee to oversee the plan development in cooperation with Kendall elected officials, other Kendall boards, and community members. This Project Advisory Committee will have a diverse range of stakeholders and will include at least one member from the Kendall Planning Board, as well as farmers, business owners, and residents from a range of ethnic, social, and cultural backgrounds.
Kendall is requesting resident participation as members of this Project Advisory Committee. The Committee will help guide the planning process, participate in meetings, generate ideas and build consensus, and provide the consultant team with relevant information reflecting the community’s current condition and needs. They will also provide feedback on materials drafted by the consultant team, support public participation and outreach efforts, and set the stage for the plan’s implementation.
If you are interested in participating in this important process please contact:
Bruce Newell Kendall Planning Board Chairman 585-705-1835
Kendall Comprehensive Master Plan Part 1 of 2
Kendall Comprehensive Master Plan Part 2 of 2