The Kendall Lawn Chair Ladies are a unique dance/drill team, made up of ladies “of a certain age” who are alumni of Kendall Central School and their friends. They debuted in the summer of 2012, and have been marching in local parades ever since.






In 2019, the ladies participated in the following community parades/events:

– Holley Days Parade

– Albion Strawberry Festival

– Hamlin Parade

– Kendall Firemen’s Carnival Parade

– Hilton Firemen’s Carnival Parade

– Leroy Oatka Festival

– Hilton Parade

– Brockport Arts Festival

They also participate in winter events, like the Kendall Christmas Tree Lighting and Brockport’s Winter Parade.

See this article about them in the D&C!

The Lawnchair Ladies are also on Facebook!