Please know that the town board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 18, 2025 has been postponed to Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at 7:00, due to dangerous weather conditions.


Collector’s Notice of Receipt of Tax Roll and Warrant

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, Amy K. Richardson, the undersigned collector of taxes in and for the Town of Kendall, have duly received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Kendall for the year 2025, and that I will attend the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to noon, and 1:00 p.m. until 3:30 p.m., and Mondays from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., for the purpose of receiving taxes on the said Roll. Tax payments may also be deposited into the drop box to the left of the front door of the Town Hall. Taxes can also be mailed to Tax Collector, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2024 without penalty. On all taxes received after such date, there will be an added penalty, as follows:

February 1 – February 28 1%

March 1 – March 31 2%

April 1 – April 30 3%,

until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Orleans County Treasurer, on the first day of May, 2024.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, Real Property Tax Law, Section 987: NOTICE OF UNPAID TAXES. On April 10, 2024, a notice will be mailed to each owner of real property on which taxes remain unpaid.

Amy K. Richardson
Tax Collector
Kendall Town Clerk


The 2025 organizational meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be held on Thursday, January 2nd, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. All interested persons are encouraged to attend.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk


Please take notice that a year end meeting has been scheduled by the Kendall Town Board for Monday, December 30, 2024 at 2:00 p.m., to be held at the Kendall Town Hall, to approve the payment of year end bills and to conduct other business properly coming before the Board.

By order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk


Collector’s Notice of Receipt of Tax Roll and Warrant

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, Amy K. Richardson, the undersigned collector of taxes in and for the Town of Kendall, have duly received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Kendall for the year 2025, and that I will attend the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to noon, and 1:00 p.m. until 3:30 p.m., and Mondays from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., for the purpose of receiving taxes on the said Roll. Tax payments may also be deposited into the drop box to the left of the front door of the Town Hall. Taxes can also be mailed to Tax Collector, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2024 without penalty. On all taxes received after such date, there will be an added penalty, as follows:

February 1 – February 28 1%

March 1 – March 31 2%

April 1 – April 30 3%,

until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Orleans County Treasurer, on the first day of May, 2024.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, Real Property Tax Law, Section 987: NOTICE OF UNPAID TAXES. On April 10, 2024, a notice will be mailed to each owner of real property on which taxes remain unpaid.

Amy K. Richardson
Tax Collector
Kendall Town Clerk

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall at their rescheduled December meeting on Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Sandra W. Peragine, 29 Monroe Orleans County Line Road, for a minor subdivision of Tax ID parcel 11.-1-12.1. Property is zoned Waterfront Residential (WR). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.

By Order of Chairman Bruce Newell
Town of Kendall Planning Board


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Kendall Planning Board’s regular scheduled meeting for Tuesday, December 24, 2024 is canceled. The rescheduled meeting will be held on Thursday,

December 19, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.

By Order of Chairman Bruce Newell
Town of Kendall Planning Board

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendall on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall,
1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Sandra Peragine, 29 County Line Rd.,
Tax ID #11-1-12.1. Applicant seeks a variance for a subdivision of an undersized lot, creating
115 feet of road frontage, 151 sq. ft. of area and 3.5-foot side setback (accessory structure).
Seeking relief from Article V, Sections 265.28 E. (d), requiring 140 feet of frontage, 28,000
square feet of area and a 25-foot side setback. The property is zoned Waterfront Residential
(WR). All people wishing to speak will be heard at this time. A copy of the application is
available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.

Chairman Patrick Bolton
Zoning Board of Appeals
Legal Notice

Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendall on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall,
1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Larry Feller, 15713 Knapp Shores,
Tax ID #9.6-1-5.1. Applicant seeks a 24×30 barn addition, six feet from the side lot line,
doubling the square footage of existing structure. Seeking relief from Article V, Sections 265.28
F. (7), requiring a 15-foot side setback and limiting square footage to 1200 feet. Property is
zoned Waterfront Residential (WR). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. A
copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.

Chairman Patrick Bolton
Zoning Board of Appeals


Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Special Meeting of the Town Board on Monday, November 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. The purpose of such meeting is to present and approve the 2025 BUDGET and to conduct any other necessary business.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board


Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board Work Session scheduled for November 5th has been cancelled, because it is Election Day.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2025 is completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 pm on Thursday the 7th of November, 2024 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected Officials: Supervisor: $ 10,800, Town Council: $ 3,850 each, Town Clerk: $ 35,450, Highway Superintendent: $ 63,750, Town Justice: $ 12,000.

By the Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Town Clerk
Town of Kendall


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2025 is completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 pm on Thursday the 7th of November, 2024 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected Officials: Supervisor: $ 10,800, Town Council: $ 3,850 each, Town Clerk: $ 35,450, Highway Superintendent: $ 63,750, Town Justice: $ 12,000.

By the Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Town Clerk
Town of Kendall


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Kendall Planning Board’s regularly scheduled meeting for Tuesday, August 27, 2024 is cancelled. It has been rescheduled to Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 7:00 pm. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.

By Order of Chairman Bruce Newell
Town of Kendall Planning Board

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendall on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall
Road, to consider the application of Ryszard Jurzysta, 17284 Sand Rd., Tax ID #33.4-1-19.11.
Applicant seeks a variance of 20 feet to erect a commercial structure within 30 feet of residential
lot line. Seeking relief from Article V, Section 265.24E.(3), requiring a 50 foot setback. All
persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. A copy of the application is available for
review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.
Chairman Patrick Bolton
Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of
Kendall on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 7:05 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to
consider the application of Nathaniel Gustke, 1250 Center Road, Tax ID #10.-1-18.1. Property is
zoned Residential Agriculture (RA). Applicant requests a special use permit and site plan review
for a home business. All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. A copy of the
application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.
Chairman Bruce Newell
Town of Kendall Planning Board

NOTICE IS HERE GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received by the Town Clerk,
Town of Albion, Orleans County, NY until 12:00 P.M. on July 22, 2024 at Albion Town
Hall, 3665 Clarendon Road, Albion, NY 14411 for Ambulance Services for the Towns of
Albion, Barre, Carlton, Clarendon, Gaines, Kendall and Murray, Orleans County.
The Bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of the mail by the
employees of the Town of Albion. Whether sent by mail or means of personal delivery,
the Bidder assumes the responsibility for having the bids in at the time and the place
specified above. All bids are to be returned to the Albion Town Clerk, 3665 Clarendon
Road, Albion, NY 14411, marked: “Bid: Proposal for Ambulance Services.”
Bid specifications may be obtained at the office of the Town Clerk in said Town Hall or
downloaded from each town’s website.
The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to accept that bid which is
deemed most favorable to the interests of the Towns of Albion, Barre, Carlton, Clarendon,
Gaines, Kendall and Murray, Orleans County.


The Town of Kendall has scheduled a public Open House and exhibit for Kendall property owners within the established Town of Kendall & Hamlin Joint Sewer District. This will be held on THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the gymnasium of the Kendall Junior/Senior High School, 16887 Roosevelt Highway, Kendall, New York. The meeting will provide an update on the sewer project, afford an opportunity to ask questions, and aid those affected to complete required easements and receive septic tank and potential grinder pump marker stakes.

Amy K. Richardson

Kendall Town Clerk


The Town of Kendall has recently taken ownership of Curtis Park, at 1223 Countyline Road, in Morton, through a generous donation by Morton Fire Company. This offers the public a variety of possible uses for this property.

The Town Board wants to hear ideas and suggestions from the community – all parts of the community – as to how this land should be utilized. Please send any ideas or comments to the attention of Amy Richardson, Town Clerk, phone (585)659-8721, ext.1, or email, or come in person during office hours.

Councilwoman Flow is seeking representatives of various demographics to participate on a small committee whose mission will be to guide the utilization of this new public asset. Please contact her at if you are interested in serving.



Please take notice that due to the school election being held at the Kendall Town Hall on Tuesday, May 21st, 2024, the monthly meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be rescheduled to May 23rd, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Kendall Planning Board’s regular scheduled meeting for Tuesday, April 23, 2024 is canceled.  The rescheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.

By Order of Chairman Bruce Newell
Town of Kendall Planning Board

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Trudy Slocum, 17011 Lakeshore Rd., Tax ID #11.-1-19.2.  Applicant seeks a variance for construction of a (14×28 foot) garage with a 46-foot front setback.  Seeking relief from Article V, Sections 265.22 E, requiring a 90-foot front setback.

All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.

Chairman Patrick Bolton
Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendal

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Kludt FLP, 1161 West Kendall Road,  for Farm Labor Housing at 1004 Center Road, Tax ID parcel 10.-1-2.   Property is within the Ag District.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.

Chair. Bruce Newell

Town of Kendall Planning Board

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Kendall’s Planning Board regular scheduled meeting for Tuesday, February 27, 2024 is cancelled.  It will not be rescheduled.  The next regular meeting of the Planning Board will be held on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.

By Order of Chairman Bruce Newell

Town of Kendall Planning Board




The Town of Kendall has appointed Supervisor Cammarata as the Fair Housing Officer for the Community. The Town has also adopted a Fair Housing Plan and maintains resource materials concerning fair housing, including Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 and the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988.

The Federal Fair Housing Law, as well as the Laws of New York State, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, financing, and brokerage of housing based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.

Persons who feel they have been victims of housing discrimination may receive assistance in filing a complaint by contacting Mr. Cammarata, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall NY 14476, telephone (585) 659-8721, ext.7.

The 2024 organizational meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be held on Thursday, January 4th, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. All interested persons are invited to attend.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Special Meeting of the Town Board on Thursday, December 28th, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. in the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. The purpose of such meeting is to pay claims and to conduct any other year-end business.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk

Legal Notice


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Kendall’s Planning Board regular scheduled meeting for Tuesday, December 26, 2023 is cancelled.  It will not be rescheduled.  The next regular meeting of the Planning Board will be held on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.

By Order of Chairman Bruce Newell
Town of Kendall Planning Board


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York on the 5th day of December, 2023, proposed Local Law 2 of 2024 entitled “A Local Law Providing for Partial Exemption from Taxation on Improvements to Real Property Occupied by a Physically Disabled Resident”.  Said Local Law will provide for an exemption from real property taxes to persons with disabilities in the Town of Kendall.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on 19th day of December, 2023, at 7:05 o’clock in the afternoon of that day the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York, will conduct a public hearing at the Kendall Town Hall located at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, for the purpose of considering the advisability of enacting said proposed Local Law, at which time and place all persons interested will be heard.

A copy of said proposed Local Law is on file at the office of the Kendall Town Clerk, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York and is open for inspection during regular office hours.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York on the 5th day of December, 2023, proposed Local Law 1 of 2024 entitled “A Local Law to Amend Tax Exemption Limits for Persons Over 65 Years of Age in the Town of Kendall”.  Said Local Law will amend income limits for persons to qualify for property tax exemptions in the Town of Kendall.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on 19th day of December, 2023, at 7:00 o’clock in the afternoon of that day the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York, will conduct a public hearing at the Kendall Town Hall located at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, for the purpose of considering the advisability of enacting said proposed Local Law, at which time and place all persons interested will be heard.

A copy of said proposed Local Law is on file at the office of the Kendall Town Clerk, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York and is open for inspection during regular office hours.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk

December 5, 2023
Dear Short-Term Rental Owners,

Local law #4 governing short-term rentals (STRs) has been in effect since September 11, 2023. The law allows 120 days for STR owners in the waterfront district to apply for a permit in order to legally continue to operate as a short-term rental. The last day to apply for such a permit would be January 11, 2024.

This letter is meant to make you aware of the law and the time you have to apply for a permit. If a permit is not obtained within this time frame your rental would no longer be considered pre-existing and you would no longer be able to legally run a short-term rental at the stated address.

Applications may be obtained through the Town Clerk’s Office.

The Kendall Town Board



Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Special Meeting of the Town Board on Monday, November 13, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. The purpose of such meeting is to present and approve the 2024 BUDGET and to conduct any other necessary business.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2024 is completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday the 2nd of November, 2023 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected Officials: Supervisor: $9,600; Town Council: $3,550 each; Town Clerk: $34,250; Highway Superintendent: $57,000; Town Justice: $11,200.

By the Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Town Clerk
Town of Kendall

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of James A. Bonafini, Jr., 16571 Banner Beach Road, Tax ID #10.11-1-15.1.  Applicant seeks a variance for a new 24’x 40’ accessory structure.  Seeking relief from Article V, Section 265-28 F-6 (c) 1) For second detached garage accessory structure.  2) For combined square footage of 152 sq. ft. above allowed 1200 sq. ft.  Total square footage of both accessory structures will be 1,352 Sq. ft.  The property is zoned Waterfront Residential (WR).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.

By order of Chair. Patrick Bolton
Zoning Board of Appeals



The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest with resumes from those interested in a position as Justice Court Clerk.

Inquiries regarding a job description and details of expectation may be directed to Justice Kluth, 659-8721 ext. 2.

Please direct all correspondence, on or before October 16, 2023, to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours.

The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk


is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Legislature of Orleans County,
State of New York, on July 19, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Legislative Chambers, 14016 Route 31W,
Albion, New York to consider the creation of a District Court in Orleans County and the
abolishment of the current Town and Village justice courts in Orleans County. This public hearing
is being held for informational purposes, all parties and interested citizens will be heard by the
Orleans County Legislature. The public may also attend the Public Hearing virtually, via or by telephone at 1-646-558-8656 Meeting ID: 85336464419 Passcode: 476872.
Written comments are invited and may be submitted to the Clerk of the Legislature at 14016 Route
31 West, Albion, NY 14411. To be considered, comments must be received by 3:00 p.m., July 19,
Dated at Albion, New York
July 8, 2023
Lisa Stenshorn, Clerk
Orleans County Legislature

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Annette Cappon, 16076 Lomond Shore W., Tax ID #9.12-1-64.1.  Applicant seeks a 2-foot variance for a 12’x24’ structure with a 3-foot side setback.  Seeking relief from Article V, Section 265-28 E (2)(b)(2), requiring a 5-foot side setback.  Property is zoned Waterfront Residential (WR).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.

By order of Chair. Patrick Bolton
Zoning Board of Appeals




Please be advised that the Kendall Town Board Workshop scheduled for July 4, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. has been cancelled.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy K. Richardson

Kendall Town Clerk


Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Twenty3 Estates, LLC, Tax ID #20.-2-16.2.  Applicant seeks approval of a one lot subdivision (235’ x 300’) at 1547 W. Kendall Rd.  Property is zoned Residential/Agriculture (RA).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Chair. Bruce Newell

Town of Kendall Planning Board

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Charles Bropst, Tax ID # 9.1-31.1.    Applicant seeks approval for a one lot subdivision (200’ x 565’).  Property is located at 1290 Peter Smith Rd.  Property is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.

Chair. Bruce Newell

Town of Kendall Planning Board

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Kyle Dudley, property located at 1152 Kendall Rd., Tax

ID # 10.-1-28.11.  Applicant seeks a variance for construction of a lean-to addition with a side setback of 7-feet.  Seeking relief from Article V, Section 265-22 E, requiring a 25-foot setback.   All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.

By Order of Chair. Patrick Bolton

Town of Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Vicki Geuveia, property located at 16883 Bald Eagle Dr.,

Tax ID # 11.13-1-12.1.  Applicant seeks a variance for construction of a 3-season room within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area.  Seeking relief from Chapter 59, Article ll, Section 59-10 B prohibiting non-movable additions to an existing structure.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.

By Order of Chair. Patrick Bolton

Town of Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Joel Wall, property located at 15697 Thompson Dr.,

Tax ID # 9.5-1-28.  Applicant seeks a variance for a garage addition (zero) 0-foot rear setback and a 4-foot side setback.  Seeking relief from Article V, Section 265-28E, requiring a 20-foot rear and a 5-foot side setback.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.

By Order of Chair. Patrick Bolton

Town of Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Kendall’s Zoning Board of Appeals regular scheduled meeting for Tuesday, June 13, 2023 is canceled and being rescheduled.  The rescheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.

By Order of Chair. Patrick Bolton
Town of Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Kendall’s Planning Board regular scheduled meeting for
Tuesday, June 27, 2023 is canceled due to the town hall being used for the primary elections.
The rescheduled meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall
Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.
By Order of Chairman Bruce Newell
Town of Kendall Planning Board





PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York on the 8th day of May, 2023, proposed Local Law No. 6 of 2023 entitled “A Local Law to Amend the Zoning Map of the Town of Kendall to Rezone Tax Parcels 33.4-1-19.1 and 33.4-1-17.1 from H to GB”.  Said Local Law will permit the Town of Kendall to regulate the accumulation of brush and weeds on property within the Town.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on the 6th day of June, 2023, at 7:15 o’clock in the afternoon of that day the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York, will conduct a public hearing at the Kendall Town Hall located at 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, New York, for the purpose of considering the advisability of enacting said proposed Local Law, at which time and place all persons interested will be heard.

A copy of said proposed Local Law is on file at the office of the Kendall Town Clerk, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York and is open for inspection during regular Office hours.

Dated: Kendall, New York

May 8, 2023

Amy K. Richardson, Town Clerk

Town of Kendall, New York



 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York on the 8th day of May, 2023, proposed Local Law No. 5 of 2023 entitled “A Local Law to Adopt a Brush and Weeds Law of the Town of Kendall”.  Said Local Law will permit the Town of Kendall to regulate the accumulation of brush and weeds on property within the Town.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on the 6th day of June, 2023, at 7:00 o’clock in the afternoon of that day the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York, will conduct a public hearing at the Kendall Town Hall located at 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, New York, for the purpose of considering the advisability of enacting said proposed Local Law, at which time and place all persons interested will be heard.


A copy of said proposed Local Law is on file at the office of the Kendall Town Clerk, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York and is open for inspection during regular Office hours.


Dated: Kendall, New York
May 8, 2023
Amy K. Richardson, Town Clerk
Town of Kendall, New York

LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF KENDALL Please take notice that due to the school election being held at the Kendall Town Hall on Tuesday, May 16th, 2023, the monthly  meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be rescheduled to May 18th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. By Order of the Kendall Town Board

LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF KENDALL PLANNING BOARD Notice is hereby given that the Town of Kendall’s Planning Board regular scheduled meeting for Tuesday, April 25, 2023 is canceled.  The rescheduled meeting will be held on Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.
By Order of Chairman Bruce Newell Town of Kendall Planning Board




PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Public Hearing regarding adoption of Local Law 5 of 2023, titled A LOCAL LAW TO ADOPT A BRUSH AND WEEDS LAW OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL.

The public hearing will take place April 18th, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.

Copies of this law are available for public inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours, and are available for review here.

All persons interested in this matter and desiring to be heard will be heard at this hearing.


By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy K. Richardson

Kendall Town Clerk

Legal Notice


Town of Kendall



Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Jay Kopaczewski, 1543 Norway Rd, Tax ID #22.-1-13.2.  Applicant seeks a variance for construction of an accessory structure within 8-feet of the rear property line.  Seeking relief from Article V, Sections 265.22 E, requiring a 30-foot front setback.  Property is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.


Chair. Patrick Bolton

Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice


Town of Kendall



Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Gary Zink, 16887 Bald Eagle Dr., Tax ID #11.13-1-13.  Applicant seeks a variance for construction of a garage with a 10-foot side setback.  Seeking relief from Article V, Sections 265.29 F, requiring an 18-foot front setback.  Property is zoned Waterfront Residential (WR).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.


Chair. Patrick Bolton

Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice


Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Zingler Camps, LLC. Applicant seeks a Site Plane and Special Use Permit approval for a farm labor camp located at 1561 Norway Road, Tax ID #22.-1-13.11. Property is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.


Bruce Newell

Town of Kendall Planning Board

Legal Notice


Town of Kendall



Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of James Bonafini, property located at 16027 Lamond Shores, Tax ID #9.12-1-1.11.  Applicant seeks a variance for an addition to an accessory structure.  Seeking relief from Article V, Sections 265-28 E and 265-28 F, Addition to a non-conforming structure and exceeding the maximum 1200-sq. ft. property.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.


Patrick Bolton

Chair., Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice


Town of Kendall


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Zingler Camps, LLC. for property located at 1561 Norway Rd, Tax ID #22.-1-13.11.  Applicant seeks a variance for a farm labor camp with a front setback of 86.9-feet.  Seeking relief from Article V, Sections 265.56 and 265.22 E, requiring a 90-foot front setback.  Property is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office.


Chair. Patrick Bolton

Zoning Board of Appeals

LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF KENDALL   Collector’s Notice of Receipt of Tax Roll and Warrant PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, Amy K. Richardson, the undersigned collector of taxes in and for the Town of Kendall, have duly received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Kendall for the year 2023, and that I will attend the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Mondays from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., for the purpose of receiving taxes on the said Roll. Tax payments may also be deposited into the drop box to the left of the front door of the Town Hall. Taxes can also be mailed to Tax Collector, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476. Online payment may be completed through the Town of Kendall website. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2023 without penalty. On all taxes received after such date, there will be an added penalty, as follows: February 1 – February 29          1% March 1 – March 31                  2% April 1 – April 30                      3%, until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Orleans County Treasurer, on the first day of May, 2023. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, Real Property Tax Law, Section 987: NOTICE OF UNPAID TAXES. On April 10, 2023, a notice will be mailed to each

owner of real property on which taxes remain unpaid. Amy K. Richardson Tax Collector Kendall Town Clerk


LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will hold a public hearing at 7:00 pm on January 10, 2023, at Kendall Junior/Senior High School, 16887 Roosevelt Highway in Kendall, New York 14476, for the purposes of considering and possibly adopting two Local Laws amending the Town of Kendall Zoning Code to regulate transient or short-term rentals in certain zoning districts (“Local Law No. 1 of 2023”) and amending the Kendall Town Code to license transient or short-term rentals (“Local Law No. 2 of 2023”). Copies of the proposed Local Laws can be reviewed at Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road in Kendall, New York 14476. At the time and place stated above, all interested members of the public shall be heard.  



  Local Law No. 1 Local Law No. 2


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, on the 6th day of December, 2022, proposed Local Law 4 of 2022 entitled “A Local Law Providing for Partial Exemption From Taxation on Improvements to Real Property Occupied by a Physically Disabled Resident”. Said Local Law will enact a real property tax exemption to benefit qualifying disabled property owners.


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on the 20th day of December, 2022, at 7:15 p.m., the Town Board will conduct a public hearing at the Kendall Town Hall located at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, for the purpose of considering the advisability of enacting said proposed Local Law, at which time all persons interested will be heard.


A copy of said proposed Local Law is on file at the office of the Kendall Town Clerk, and is open for inspection during her regular office hours.


By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy K. Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk





PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, on the 15th day of November, 2022, proposed Local Law 3 of 2022 entitled “A Local Law to Amend Tax Exemption Limits  for Persons Over 65 Years of Age in the Town of

Kendall”.  Said Local Law will modify income limits for property owners over 65 years of age to qualify for tax exemptions.


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on the 20th day of December, 2022, at 7:00 p.m., the Town Board will conduct a public hearing at the Kendall Town Hall located at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, for the purpose of considering the advisability of enacting said proposed Local Law, at which time all persons interested will be heard.


A copy of said proposed Local Law is on file at the office of the Kendall Town Clerk, and is open for inspection during her regular office hours.


By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy K. Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk






NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2023 is completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.


FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 pm on Tuesday the 1st of November, 2022 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.


AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected Officials: Supervisor: $9,600, Town Council: $3,550 each, Town Clerk: $ 34,250, Highway Superintendent: $63,750, Town Justice: $10,000.



By the Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy K. Richardson

Town Clerk


Town of Kendall


LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF BOND RESOLUTION TOWN OF KENDALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a bond resolution, a summary of which is published herewith, has been adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, County of Orleans, New York (the “Town”), on September 1, 2022 and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested only if: (1)       (a)        such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town of Kendall is not authorized to expend money or (b)       the provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within 20 days after the date of such publication; or

                        (2)        such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution of New York.

SUMMARY OF BOND RESOLUTION The following is a summary of a bond resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Kendall (the “Town”) on September 1, 2022.  Consistent with the terms of an intermunicipal agreement between the Town of Kendall and the Town of Hamlin executed in conjunction with such joint project (as such agreement may be amended from time to time, the “IMA”), the proceeds from the sale of the obligations authorized in such bond resolution shall be used to finance a sewer system capital improvements project generally consisting of the installation of approximately 70,000 linear feet of force main piping, approximately 10,000 linear feet of gravity sewer piping, grinder pumps and service laterals, pump stations, air valves, cleanouts, odor control systems, and manholes, as well as other such improvements as more fully identified in (or contemplated by) such map, plan and report prepared in connection with such project, all of the forgoing to include all necessary site work, equipment, apparatus and other improvements and costs incidental thereto and in connection with the financing thereof (collectively, the “Purpose”), at an estimated maximum amount of $16,324,812.  Said bond resolution authorizes the issuance of serial bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $16,324,812 of said Town, said amount to be offset by any federal, state, county and/or local funds received including, but not limited to, grant and/or loan funds expected to be received from the Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative (REDI) and the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (NYSEFC).  Unless paid from other sources or charges (including, but not limited to, funds received from the Town of Hamlin pursuant to the terms of the IMA), the cost of the Project will be paid by the assessment, levy and collection of special assessments from the several lots and parcels of land within the Sewer District which the Town Board shall determine and specify to be especially benefited thereby, so much upon and from each as shall be in just proportion to the amount of the benefit conferred upon the same, to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same shall become due and payable, except as provided by law.  The period of probable usefulness for said purpose is 40 years.  A copy of the resolution summarized herein is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Office of the Town Clerk, located in the Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.   By Order of the Kendall Town Board Amy K. Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk  

Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Town of Kendall Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Michael and Stephany Holland, Tax ID #42.-1-49. Applicant seeks a variance for placement of a double-wide mobile home on a parcel located within the Residential/Agricultural (RA) district. Seeking relief from Article V, Section 265-37A. All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerk’s Office. Patrick Bolton Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Town of Kendall Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Dorothy Butler, Tax ID #32.-1-24.1. Applicant seeks approval for a subdivision of a 3.4 acre parcel located at 16337 Roosevelt Hwy. Property is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerk’s Office. Bruce Newell Chair, Planning Board

TOWN OF KENDALL PUBLIC POSTING The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from Kendall residents interested in the immediate openings of a full-time and alternate member positions on the Town of Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals. Please direct all correspondence to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during normal business hours. The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates. By Order of the Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman, Patrick Bolton

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, NEW YORK TO CONSIDER ADOPTING A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York on the 19th day of May, 2022, proposed Local Law No. 2 of 2022 entitled “A Local Law to Adopt a Community Choice Aggregation Program Law of the Town of Kendall”. Said Local Law will allow implementation of a CCA program, town wide, to provide participating customers with the potential to reduce their energy costs, while reducing environmental impact. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on the 21st day of June, 2022, at 7:00 o’clock in the afternoon of that day the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York, will conduct a public hearing at the Kendall Town Hall located at 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, New York, for the purpose of considering the advisability of enacting said proposed Local Law, at which time and place all persons interested will be heard. A copy of said proposed Local Law is on file at the office of the Kendall Town Clerk, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York and is open for inspection during regular Office hours. BY THE ORDER OF THE KENDALL TOWN BOARD Amy K. Richardson, Town Clerk

LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF KENDALL Please take notice that due to the school election being held at the Kendall Town Hall on Tuesday, May 17th, 2022, the monthly  meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be rescheduled to May 19th, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Legal Notice Notice of Public Hearing Town of Kendall Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Robert and Diane Furness, Tax ID #31.-2- 24. Applicant seeks approval for a .73 acre subdivision of property located at 1775 West Kendall Road. All persons wishing to speak on this matter will be heard at this time. Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s office. By Order of Bruce Newell Town of Kendall Planning Board Chairman

Legal Notice Notice of Public Hearing Town of Kendall Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Denis and Marina Kondakova, Tax ID #11.14-1-29. Applicant seeks approval for a subdivision of a 60’ x 175’ foot lot located at 17125 Norway Heights. All persons wishing to speak on this matter will be heard at this time. Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s office. By Order of Bruce Newell Town of Kendall Planning Board Chairman

Legal Notice Notice of Public Hearing Town of Kendall Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Joseph E. Heberle Farms for the property located at 17276 Lakeshore Road, Tax ID #22.-1-7.12. The applicant is seeking a Special Use Permit and Site Plan Review for farm labor housing. All persons wishing to speak on this matter will be heard at this time. Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s office. By Order of Bruce Newell Town of Kendall Planning Board Chairman

LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF KENDALL Kendall and Carlton Assessor Postpones Reassessment until 2023 The Assessor of both towns, Kendall and Carlton, announced today the postponement of the 2022 Reassessment Project until 2023. It has been decided that additional time is needed to responsibly inform property owners of assessment changes and the potential impact to taxes. Both towns have agreed, that given the recent rise in inflation across the area, that they do not want the changes in assessment adding extra stress to property owners. The Assessor will continue to keep the towns informed about the projects. Residents are welcome to contact the Assessor’s office via phone (Kendall 585-659-8721) (Carlton 585-682-4358) or email ( with any questions or concerns. Respectfully, Lisa Hewitt Town Assessor

LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF KENDALL, NEW YORK PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on April 19, 2022, the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, New York, adopted a resolution entitled: “Resolution of the Town of Kendall, New York, Establishing Sewer District No. 1, in said Town, and providing that such resolution shall be subject to permissive referendum,” an abstract of such resolution, concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof, being as follows: FIRST: RECITING that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall (“Town Board” and “Town”, respectively), New York, has heretofore duly caused the preparation of a general map, plan and report for the proposed Sewer District No. 1, in the Town (the “District”) consisting of the construction and installation of approximately 70,000 linear feet of force main, 10,000 linear feet of gravity sewer, 301 grinder pumps and service laterals, three pump stations, 24 air valves, 45 cleanouts, three odor control systems, and 24 manholes, including land or rights in land, stream and road crossings, furnishings, valves, fittings, connections, fill, services, appurtenances related site work and other ancillary work; which map, plan and report have been duly filed in the office of the Town Clerk of Town public inspection; that an Order was adopted on February 24, 2022, reciting a description of the boundaries of the proposed District in a manner sufficient to identify the lands included therein as in a deed of conveyance, the improvements proposed, the maximum amount proposed to be expended therefore, the proposed method of financing, the fact that a map, plan and report describing the same are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office for public inspection, and specifying the time and place of a Public Hearing to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same; that copies of such Order have been duly published and posted, that all environmental laws and regulations will be complied with, and that such hearing has been duly held on March 30, 2022, at the time and place specified; SECOND: RESOLVING AND DETERMINING that (a) the Order Calling Hearing was published and posted as required by Law and is otherwise sufficient, (b) all the property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby, (c) all the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed District, and (d) that the establishment of the District is in the public interest. THIRD: FURTHER RESOLVING AND DETERMINING that the establishment of the District be approved, DESIGNATING such District as Sewer District No. 1 in the Town of Kendall, and DESCRIBING the District by parcel references; FOURTH: FURTHER RESOLVING that the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said District improvements is $16,324,812.00, which is planned to be financed by the issuance of $16,324,812.00 serial bonds to be offset by any funds received from federal, state, county, and/or local grants including, but not limited to, grant funds from Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative (REDI) in the amount of $8,600,350.00, grant funds from New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (NYSEFC) in the amount of $3,089,785.00, and loan from the NYSEFC Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) in the amount of $4,634,677.00, said balance of costs to be provided by the levy and collection of special assessments from the several lots and parcels of land within such Benefited Area which the Town Board shall determine to be especially benefited by said Sewer District, so much upon and from each as shall be in just proportion to the amount of benefit which the Sewer District shall confer upon the same, to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same shall become due and payable; FIFTH: FURTHER RESOLVING that the permission of the State Comptroller is not required with respect to the District because the estimated cost of the District to the Typical Property (as defined in the Town Law) is below the Average Estimated Cost to the Typical Properties for the establishment of similar types of districts, as computed by the State Comptroller, and a full application will not need to be submitted to the State Comptroller’s Office for approval; and SIXTH: STATING that this resolution is subject to permissive referendum. By order of the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, New York. Dated: April 19, 2022 Amy Richardson Town Clerk

Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Town of Kendall Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Joseph E. Heberle Farms for the property located at 17276 Lakeshore Road, Tax ID #22.-1-7.12. The applicant is requesting a variance for a front setback distance of 35-feet for proposed farm labor housing utilizing an existing single family dwelling. Seeking relief from Article V, Section 265-56 C, requiring a 90-foot setback. Property is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. All current COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings will be in effect. A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office. Patrick Bolton Chair., Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Town of Kendall Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Lori Cole, 16836 Roosevelt Hwy., Tax ID #32.-2-30.216. The applicant is requesting a 5-foot variance for a side setback to construct a new 24’x40’ pole barn/accessory building. Seeking relief from Article V, Section 265-21 E (1) b, requiring a 15-foot setback. Property is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. All current COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings will be in effect. A copy of the application is available for review at the Town of Kendall Clerks Office. Patrick Bolton Chair., Zoning Board of Appeals

TOWN OF KENDALL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York, will meet at the Kendall High School, 16887 Roosevelt Highway, Kendall, New York, at 7:00 o’clock P.M. on March 30th, 2022 for the purpose of conducting a Public Hearing to consider the construction of the facilities and improvements of proposed Sewer District No. 1 consisting of the installation of approximately 70,000 linear feet of force main, 10,000 linear feet of gravity sewer, 301 grinder pumps and service laterals, three pump stations, 24 air valves, 45 cleanouts, three odor control systems, and 24 manholes, all of the foregoing to include land or rights in land, original equipment, machinery, furnishings, valves, fittings, connections, fill, appurtenances and related site work and other ancillary work (referred to herein as the “Sewer District”), at the estimated maximum of cost of $16,324,812.00 which is planned to be financed by the issuance of $16,324,812.00 serial bonds offset by any funds received from the federal, state, county, and/or local grants, including, but not limited to grant and/or loan funds from the Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative (REDI) and New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (NYSEFC), said balance of costs to be provided by the levy and collection of special assessments from the parcels within the Benefited Area; total estimated first year costs to a typical property and to a typical one or two family home (as defined in Town Law) in the amount of $660.00 and total estimated second year and beyond costs to a typical property and to a typical one or two family home in the amount of $660.00. At such public hearing, the Town Board will hear all persons interested in said subject matter thereof. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, ORLEANS COUNTY, NEW YORK

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, NEW YORK TO CONSIDER ADOPTING A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York on the 15th day of February, 2022, proposed Local Law No. 1 of 2022 entitled “A Local Law to Amend Camping Unit Regulations in the Town of Kendall”. Said Local Law will amend existing Camping Unit regulations to clarify the duration of scope of occupancy of Camping Units outside approved campgrounds in the Town of Kendall. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on the 15th day of March, 2022, at 7:00 o’clock in the afternoon of that day the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York, will conduct a public hearing at the Kendall Town Hall located at 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, New York, for the purpose of considering the advisability of enacting said proposed Local Law, at which time and place all persons interested will be heard. A copy of said proposed Local Law is on file at the office of the Kendall Town Clerk, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York and is open for inspection during regular Office hours. Dated: Kendall, New York February 15, 2022 BY THE ORDER OF THE KENDALL TOWN BOARD Amy K. Richardson, Town Clerk

TOWN OF KENDALL PUBLIC POSTING The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from Kendall residents interested in filling a vacant position on the Town of Kendall Planning Board. Please direct all correspondence on or before January 31, 2022, to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours. The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates. By Order of the Kendall Town Board Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk

LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF KENDALL   The 2022 organizational meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be held on Tuesday, January 4th, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. All interested persons are encouraged to attend.   By Order of the Kendall Town Board Amy K. Richardson Kendall Town Clerk




The 2022 organizational meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be held on Tuesday, January 4th, 2022

at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. All interested persons are encouraged to attend.


By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy K. Richardson

Kendall Town Clerk


Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Special Meeting of the Town Board on Thursday, December 30th, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. in the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. The purpose of such meeting is to pay claims and to conduct any other year-end business.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2022 is completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 pm on Thursday the 4th of November, 2021 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected Officials: Supervisor: $8,400, Town Council: $3,250 each, Town Clerk: $ 32,250, Highway Superintendent: $61,250, Town Justice: $9,500.

By the Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy K. Richardson

Town Clerk

Town of Kendall

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendall on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873
Kendall Road, to consider the application of Tom Gavin, Tax ID #20.-1-8.121. Applicant seeks a
variance for construction of a pole barn on an unimproved parcel. Seeking relief from Article V,
Section 265-9, requiring a principal building located on the same parcel as an accessory
structure. Property is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be
heard at this time. ALL current COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings will be in
effect. A copy of the application is available for review by contacting the Town of Kendall
Clerk’s Office at (585) 659-8721.
Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendall on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873
Kendall Road, to consider the application of Robert Pelkey, Jr., 15917 Ed Rose Shore, Tax ID
#9.11-1-19. Applicant seeks a variance for a home addition with a 5-foot side setback. Seeking
relief from Article V, Section 265-28 E.(2)(a)(2), requiring a continuous 12-foot side setback.
Property is zoned Waterfront Residential (WR). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at
this time. ALL current COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings will be in effect. A
copy of the application is available for review by contacting the Town of Kendall Clerk’s Office
at (585) 659-8721.
Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Kendall’s Planning Board regular scheduled meeting for
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 is canceled. The rescheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday,
September 27, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.
By Order of Patty Pfister
Chair, Town Planning Board

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendall on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873
Kendall Rd., to consider the application of Matthew J. Donohue for an area variance of 15 feet
from the required 90-foot front setback distance set forth in section 255-22E (1) a (1) for a
proposed new front setback distance of 75-feet. The variance is for a new 24 ft. x 36 ft.
accessory structure to be constructed at 1143 Kendall Road, Tax Parcel ID #10.-1-11.
Property is zoned Rural Agriculture (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.
ALL current COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings will be in effect. A copy of the
application is available for review by contacting the Town of Kendall Clerk’s Office at (585) 659-
Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendall on Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873
Kendall Road, to consider the application of DG New York CS lll, LLC., 700 Universe Blvd., Juno
Beach, Florida. Applicant seeks a variance for installation of impervious road surfaces within
two major solar energy sites, (1770 Center Rd. & 1771 West Kendall Rd.). Requesting relief
from Local Law #3 of the 2017 Solar Energy Regulations, Section 5.C.(3)(d) requiring that roads
not be constructed of impervious materials. All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this
time. Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a meeting held on the 20th day of July, 2021, the Kendall Town Board duly adopted a resolution, an abstract of which follows, which is subject to permissive referendum pursuant to the Town Law of the State of New York (the Town Law”).

Abstract of resolution:
Pursuant to Town Law 60-a(2) and in the interests of the Town and its residents, the Town hereby resolves to reduce the number of town justices from two to one and abolishes the office of town justice now vacant, effective December 31, 2021.
A copy of the entire resolution is available for review in the office of the Town Clerk.
Any Town residents wishing to have this matter put to a referendum must submit a proper petition to the Town Board within thirty (30) days.


Dated: July 20, 2021

Legal Notice


Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Town of Kendall Planning Board on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, for the application of a special use permit and site plan review for NextEra Energy Project/DG New York Solar #2020-099.1, for a ground mounted solar energy system located at 1770 Center Rd.             The property is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.  ALL current COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings will be in effect.  A copy of the application is available for review by contacting the Town of Kendall Clerk’s Office at (585) 659-8721.

By Order of

Chair., Patty Pfister

Town of Kendall Planning Board


Legal Notice


Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Town of Kendall Planning Board on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, for the application of a special use permit and site plan review for NextEra Energy Project/DG New York Solar #2020-098.1, for a ground mounted solar energy system located at 1771 W. Kendall Rd., Tax ID #31.-2-27.  The property is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.  ALL current COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings will be in effect.  A copy of the application is available for review by contacting the Town of Kendall Clerk’s Office at (585) 659-8721.

By Order of

Chair, Patty Pfister

Town of Kendall Planning Board


Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendall on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall
Road, to consider the application of Dan Zimmer, 15759 Knapp Shores, Tax ID #9.6-1-18.
Applicant seeks variances for a 12-foot x 24-foot storage shed with a side setback of 2-feet.
Seeking relief from Article V, Sections 265-28E(2)(a)[2] and 265-28 F(6)(b) requiring a minimum
of a 5-foot setback on one side and a continuous 12-foot setback on the other. Also, requesting
a rear setback variance of 10-feet from Article V, Section 265-28 E(2)(a)[3] requiring a 20-foot
rear setback. Property is zoned Waterfront Residential (WR). All persons wishing to speak will
be heard at this time. ALL current COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings will be in
effect. A copy of the application is available for review by contacting the Town of Kendall
Clerk’s Office at (585) 659-8721.

Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Kendall’s Planning Board regular scheduled meeting for
Tuesday, June 22, 2021 is canceled. The rescheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 29,
2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.
By Order of Patty Pfister
Chair, Town Planning Board

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendall on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall
Road, to consider the application of Andrew Englebert, 16860 Bald Eagle Dr., Tax ID #11-13.1-6.
Applicant seeks a variance for construction of a 3,600 sq. ft. pole barn on property with an
existing barn in excess of 1,200 sq. ft. Requesting a variance from Article V, Section 265-28 F.
(8)(b) allowing a single detached barn at 1,200 sq. ft. maximum. Property is zoned Waterfront
Residential (WR). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. ALL current COVID-19
restrictions regarding public gatherings will be in effect. A copy of the application is available
for review by contacting the Town of Kendall Clerk’s Office at (585) 659-8721.
Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendall on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall
Road, to consider the application of Gary Zink, 16887 Bald Eagle Drive, Tax ID #11.13-1-13.
Applicant seeks a variance for construction of an addition within the Structural Hazard Area.
Seeking relief from the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area, Chapter 59, Section 59-10B, prohibiting the
construction of a major addition to an existing structure within the Structural Hazard Area.
Property is zoned Waterfront Residential (WR). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at
this time. ALL current COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings will be in effect. A
copy of the application is available for review by contacting the Town of Kendall Clerk’s Office
at (585) 659-8721.
Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendall on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall
Road. The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comment regarding an area variance
request submitted by Scott Worthan. The applicant is requesting to construct a 14’ x 24’
accessory structure at 1032 Norway Road, Tax Parcel ID #11.13-1-40.1. The variance request is
from the requirements of section 265-28A and 265-28 6 E (1). The applicant is requesting to
place the accessory structure in front of the primary structure foundation line. Property is zoned
Waterfront Residential (WR). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. ALL current
COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings will be in effect. A copy of the application is
available for review by contacting the Town of Kendall Clerk’s Office at (585) 659-8721 or the
Town of Kendall Code Enforcement Office at (585) 659-2341. If unable to attend, written
comments and/or questions regarding the application may be submitted by mail to the Town of
Kendall Code Enforcement Office, 1873 Kendall Road, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476 or
by e-mail to All comments must be received by 5/6/2021. Please
provide your name and address in the comments. All written comments received will be read
aloud during the meeting and recorded. The recorded proceedings and minutes will be available
for review after the meeting, at a date to be determined.
Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals


The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from Kendall residents interested in filling a vacant position on the Town of Kendall Planning Board.

Please direct all correspondence on or before April 30, 2021, to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours.

The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk

Legal Notice

Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town
of Kendall on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to
consider the application of Brian Wakefield, 1323 Orleans Monroe County Line Road, Tax Parcel ID
#33.4-1-11.1. Applicant is requesting a side setback variance of 10-feet from the required 15-foot
setback distance for the construction of a 30’ x 40’ pole barn. The proposed final setback distance
will be 5-feet. Applicant is seeking relief from Article V, Section 265-21 E(1)b, requiring a 15-foot
setback. Property is zoned Residential Hamlet (RH). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this
time. ALL current COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings will be in effect. A copy of the
application is available for review by contacting the Town of Kendall Clerk’s Office at (585) 659-8721
or the Town of Kendall Code Enforcement Office at (585) 659-2341. If unable to attend, written
comments and/or questions regarding the application may be submitted by mail to the Town of
Kendall Code Enforcement Office, 1873 Kendall Road, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476 or by
e-mail to All comments must be received by 4/9/2021. Please provide
your name and address in the comments. All written comments received will be read aloud during
the meeting and recorded. The recorded proceedings and minutes will be available for review after
the meeting, at a date to be determined. All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.
Application is on file in the town clerk’s office.
Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals


The Town Board of the Town of Kendall has scheduled a special meeting on Tuesday, March 30, 2021 at 7:00 p.m., to be held at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York. The purpose of this meeting is to rescind RESOLUTION 53-0321 ACCEPTING THE HONORABLE DAVID GAUDIOSO’S RESIGNATION AS TOWN JUSTICE, and to conduct other necessary business related to this matter. All interested persons are welcome to attend.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson,
Kendall Town Clerk

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Town of Kendall Planning Board on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, for the application of a special use permit and site plan review for DG New York CS lll, LLC., Tax ID

# 31.-2-27 for a ground mounted solar energy system.  The property is zoned Agriculture Residential (RA).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.  ALL current COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings will be in effect.  A copy of the application is available for review by contacting the Town of Kendall Clerk’s Office at (585) 659-8721 or the Town of Kendall Code Enforcement Office at (585) 659-2341.  Written comments and/or questions regarding the application may be sent by mail to the Town of Kendall Planning Board, 1873 Kendall Road, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476 or by e-mail to  All comments must be received by 3/18/2021.  Please provide your name and address in the comments.  All written comments received will be read aloud during the meeting and recorded.  The recorded proceedings and minutes will be available for review after the meeting, at a date to be determined.

By Order of
The Town of Kendall Planning Board

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendall on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall
Road, to consider the application of Mary Swierkos, 15758 Roosevelt Hwy., Tax ID #31.-1-15.4.
Applicant seeks a variance for a 5-foot tall fence in the front yard of residential property.
Applicant is seeking relief from Article V, Section 265-36 A (3), allowing a 4-foot maximum
height. Property is zoned residential agricultural (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be
heard at this time. Application is on file in the town clerk’s office.
Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendall on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall
Road, to consider the application of Frederick Stone, 1716 West Kendall Rd., Tax ID #31.-2-15.
Applicant seeks variances for a ground mounted solar array with a 23-foot side set-back and a
73-foot front set-back. Applicant is seeking relief from Article V, Section 265-22 E(2) requiring a
side set-back of 25-feet and front set-back of 90-feet. Property is zoned residential agricultural
(RA). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. Application is on file in the town
clerk’s office.
Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendall on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall
Road, to consider the application of DG New York CS lll, LLC., Tax ID #31.-2-27. Applicant seeks
a variance for a ground mounted solar energy system on a parcel with 45-feet of frontage.
Applicant is seeking relief from Article V, Section 265-22 E(2) requiring 140-feet of frontage.
Property is zoned residential agricultural (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this
time. Application is on file in the town clerk’s office.
Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Kendal on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall,
1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Robert Wilson, Tax ID # 10.16-1-21. Applicant
seeks a variance for a garage addition .69 feet from the south property line. Applicant is seeking
relief from Article V, Section 265-28E, requiring a 5-foot side set-back. Property is zoned
waterfront residential (WR). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. Application
is on file in the town clerk’s office.
Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals


Collector’s Notice of Receipt of
Tax Roll and Warrant

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, Amy K. Richardson, the undersigned collector of taxes in and for the Town of Kendall, have duly received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Kendall for the year 2021, and that I will attend the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Mondays from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., for the purpose of receiving taxes on the said Roll. Tax payments may also be deposited into the drop box to the left of the front door of the Town Hall. Taxes can also be mailed to Tax Collector, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476. Online payment may be completed through the Town of Kendall website.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2021 without penalty. On all taxes received after such date, there will be an added penalty, as follows:

February 1 – February 29          1%

March 1 – March 31                  2%

April 1 – April 30                      3%,

until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Orleans County Treasurer, on the first day of May, 2021.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, Real Property Tax Law, Section 987: NOTICE OF UNPAID TAXES. On April 10, 2021, a notice will be mailed to each owner of real property on which taxes remain unpaid.

Amy K. Richardson
Tax Collector
Kendall Town Clerk

Legal Notice


Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall,

1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Terri Hughes, 2083 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, Tax ID#32.20-1-28.  Applicant seeks a variance for an above ground pool 5-feet from rear property line. Requesting a variance of 10-feet from Article V, Section 265-45 of the Town Zoning Ordinance which requires a 15-foot set-back.  Property is zoned (RH) Residential Hamlet.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s office.

Patrick Bolton

Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice


Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall,

1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Karl Driesel, 1750 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, Tax ID#32.-2-8.11.  Applicant seeks a variance for a lean-to addition 35-feet from north property line.  Requesting a variance of 15-feet from Article V, Section 265-25 of the Town Zoning Ordinance which requires a 50-foot set-back.  Property is zoned (IL) Light Industrial.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s office.

Patrick Bolton

Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals


Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Special Meeting of the Town Board on Tuesday, December 3rd 2020 at 3:00 p.m. in the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. The purpose of such meeting is to pay claims and to conduct any other year-end business.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson


 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2021 is completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 pm on Thursday the 29th of October, 2020 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected Officials: Supervisor: $8,400.00, Town Council: $3,250.00 each, Town Clerk: $ 30,250.00, Highway Superintendent: $56,250.04, Town Justice 1: $8,000.00, and

Town Justice 2: $7,140.00

By the Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Town Clerk
Town of Kendall




Community Development Block Grant Program

The Town Board, of the Town of Kendall, New York has scheduled a public hearing for October 20, 2020.  The hearing will start at 7 PM and take place at the Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Street, Kendall, New York 14476.

The public hearing will be held to provide residents with information about a Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) project implemented by the Town.  The Town received approval for $397,950 in Fiscal 2017 CDBG grant funding to stabilize sections of the Lake Ontario shoreline that were eroded and damaged in 2017.

Residents are invited to attend the hearing to comment on this project.  The Town will provide more detailed information at the hearing to comply with the legislative and program requirements which govern the Community Development Block Grant Program.  This information will also be posted on the Town website at or sent by mail upon request to the Town Clerk.

The Town Hall (where the hearing will be held) is in compliance with accessibility standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Hearing disabled persons who wish to attend should call Amy Richardson at 585-659-8721 at least 48 hours prior to the hearing to make arrangements for an interpreter.  Written public comment or emailed comments to Tony Cammarata, the Town Supervisor ( will also be accepted.

Tony Cammarata, Supervisor

Town of Kendall

October 8, 2020



Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Special Meeting of the Town Board on Monday, October 5, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. The purpose of such meeting is to present the 2021 Tentative Budget to the Town Board and to interested members of the public and to conduct any other necessary business.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE:  The Town of Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals will be holding a public hearing on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.

The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comment regarding an area variance request submitted by Eric Maxon for the construction of an exterior porch/deck at 1377 Kendall Road.  Tax Parcel ID #20.-2-7.1.

Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings and the closure of the Town Hall, the meeting will be conducted by electronic format know as Zoom.  The meeting will be available for participation by Zoning and Planning Members, Town Code Enforcement Officials, interested Town Officials and representatives from the applicant.

A copy of the application is available for review prior to the meeting by contacting the Town of Kendall Town Clerk (585) 659-9721 or Town of Kendall Code Enforcement Office (585) 659-2341.  Written comments may be sent by mail to the Town of Kendall Code Enforcement Office,

1873 Kendall Road, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, NY 14476.  You may also e-mail comments to  Questions can also be directed to (585) 659-2341.  All written comments must be received by 5/29/2020.  Please provide your name and address with your comments.

All written comments will be read aloud during the meeting and recorded.  The recorded proceedings and minutes will be available for review after the meeting, at a date to be determined.

Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE:  The Town of Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board will be conducting a joint meeting on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at 7:15 p.m.

The purpose of the meeting is to conduct public hearings and review a zoning area variance request, special use permit application, site plan and SEQR application submitted by Kludt Brothers Farms.  The application submitted is for a proposed farm working housing facility in an existing structure, located at 1188 West Kendall Road, Tax Parcel ID #9.-1-52.1.

Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings and the closure of the Town Hall, the meeting will be conducted by electronic format know as Zoom.  The meeting will be available for participation by Town Zoning and Planning Board Members, Town Code Enforcement Officials, interested Town Officials and a representative from the applicant.

A copy of the application is available for review by contacting the Town of Kendall Town Clerk (585) 659-8721 or Town of Kendall Code Enforcement Office (585) 659-2341.

Written comments regarding the application may be sent by mail to the Town of Kendall Code Enforcement Office, 1873 Kendall Road, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476.  Comments may also be sent by e-mail to  All comments must be received by 5/29/2020.  Please provide your name and address in the comments.  Questions can also be directed to (585) 659-2341.

All written comments received will be read aloud during the meeting and recorded.  The recorded proceedings and minutes will be available for review after the meeting, at a date to be determined.

Chairmen, Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board

The Town of Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board will be conducting a joint meeting via the Zoom platform on June 2, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Click here for details regarding the details of this meeting.







(585) 659-8201


                        NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a bond resolution, a summary of which is published herewith, has been adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, County of Orleans, New York (the “Town”), on February 4, 2020 and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested only if:

                        (1)        (a)        such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town of Kendall is not authorized to expend money or

                                    (b)        the provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and

an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within 20 days after the date of such publication; or

                        (2)        such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution of New York.


The following is a summary of a bond resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Kendall (the “Town”) on February 4, 2020.  The proceeds from the sale of the obligations authorized in such bond resolution shall be used to finance a certain capital improvements project in the Town of Kendall Water District No. 10, such project will generally consist of the installation of approximately 6,500 linear feet of 8-inch to 12-inch diameter PVC water main along various roads in the Town including, but not limited to, West Kendall Road, along with the installation of valves, hydrants and appurtenances, as well as other such improvements as more fully identified in (or contemplated by) such map, plan and report prepared in connection with such project, including all related right-of-way costs, new service installation, site work and other ancillary work, preliminary costs and other improvements and costs incidental thereto, and in connection with the financing thereof (collectively, the “Purpose”), at an estimated maximum amount of $672,000.  Said bond resolution authorizes the issuance and sale of a serial bond or bonds and a bond anticipation note or notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of said serial bonds, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $672,000, said amount to be offset by any federal, state, county and/or local funds received including, but not limited to, grant funds in an approximate amount of $384,000 expected to be received from the United States of America – Rural Development Agency.  The period of probable usefulness for said purpose is 40 years.  A copy of the resolution summarized herein is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Office of the Town Clerk, located in the Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.


            Amy Richardson, Town Clerk


Collector’s Notice of Receipt of
Tax Roll and Warrant

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, Amy K. Richardson, the undersigned collector of taxes in and for the Town of Kendall, have duly received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Kendall for the year 2020, and that I will attend the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Mondays from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., for the purpose of receiving taxes on the said Roll.
Taxes can also be mailed to Tax Collector, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2020 without penalty. On all taxes received after such date, there will be an added penalty, as follows:
February 1 – February 29          1%
March 1 – March 31                   2%
April 1 – April 30                       3%,
until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Orleans County Treasurer, on the first day of May, 2020.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, Real Property Tax Law, Section 987: NOTICE OF UNPAID TAXES. On April 10, 2020, a notice will be mailed to each owner of real property on which taxes remain unpaid.
Amy K. Richardson
Tax Collector
Kendall Town Clerk

Notice is hereby given that the regular scheduled meeting for Tuesday, December 24, 2019 is canceled.  The next scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.
By Order of Andrew Kludt
Chair, Town Planning Board

Good morning,

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the application period for the
2019 Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Flood Relief and Recovery Program
is now open to qualifying secondary homeowners directly impacted by
historic Lake Ontario flooding from Jan. 1, 2019 to Sept. 30, 2019.

The 2019 Flood Relief and Recovery Program will allocate up to $8
million to assist qualifying secondary homeowners and is administered
through New York State Homes and Community Renewal.

Residents with second homes in Cayuga, Jefferson, Monroe, Niagara,
Orleans, Oswego, St. Lawrence and Wayne counties are now eligible to
apply to receive up to $50,000 in state funding to help offset damages

“The aftermath of historic flooding along the shores of Lake Ontario and
the St. Lawrence River has had a disastrous impact, and we are fortunate
to have the resources available to aid repairs on both primary and
secondary residencies,” Governor Cuomo said. “As we embark on
regionally-significant rebuilding and resiliency projects across the
region, it is equally important that New York provide financial
assistance to help homeowners in these communities with their recovery

Application criteria for homeowners includes:

* Homeowners who were impacted by flooding Jan. 1, 2019 through Sept.
30, 2019.

* Second homeowner applications will be accepted from Nov. 6, 2019
through Dec. 10, 2019.


* Funding to address damages to secondary homes will be considered
following fulfillment of primary residence applications, which will be
given priority. Primary homeowners must have applied by the Oct. 31,
2019 deadline.

Applications, including the full list of eligibility criteria, are
available on the New York State Homes and Community Renewal website
(click here [1]).

The funding complements Governor Cuomo’s creation of REDI, which
includes a multi-agency commission that has been studying ways to
strengthen infrastructure along Lake Ontario’s waterfront while
bolstering the region’s local economies. Through REDI, the State has
committed up to $300 million to rebuild the shoreline, as well as
improve resiliency in flood prone regions along Lake Ontario.





Secretary to the Director

Orleans County Office of Emergency Management

14064 W. Countyhouse Rd.

Albion, NY 14411

(585) 589-4414 Fax (585) 589-7671



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2020 is completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 pm on Wednesday the 6th of November, 2019 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected Officials: Supervisor: $8,400.00; Town Council: $3,250.00 each; Town Clerk: $ 30,250.00; Highway Superintendent: $56,250.04; Town Justice 1: $8,000.00, Town Justice 2: $7,140.00.

By the Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Town Clerk
Town of Kendall


Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Special Meeting of the Town Board on Thursday November 14, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. The purpose of such meeting is to present and approve the 2020 BUDGET and to conduct any other necessary business.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board


 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2020 is completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 pm on Wednesday the 6th of November, 2019 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected Officials: Supervisor: $8,400.00; Town Council: $3,250.00 each; Town Clerk: $ 30,250.00; Highway Superintendent: $56,250.04; Town Justice 1: $8,000.00, Town Justice 2: $7,140.00.


Whereas the General Election is scheduled for November 5th, 2019 and will be held at the Kendall Town Hall, and

Whereas that is a date on which a Kendall Town Board Work Session Meeting is scheduled, now

Therefore, be it resolved to cancel said work session.

Further, this cancellation will be noticed in the Town’s official newspaper, on it’s website, and posted on the Town Clerk’s official notice board.


Be it resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review a Preliminary Budget and hold a PUBLIC HEARING thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday the 29th of October, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein. Notice of this hearing will be published on the town clerk’s board, on the town website, and in it’s official newsletter.


Whereas the Kendall Town Board wishes to adopt the Final 2020 Budget in a timely manner and after sufficient input from board members, department heads, and the public will have been considered, so then,

The Kendall Town Board resolves to schedule a special meeting on Thursday, November 14, 2019 to finalize and submit the 2020 BUDGET. The meeting is to be heal in the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 p.m. to pass the budget and to conduct any other necessary business. Notice of this meeting will be published on the town clerk’s board, on the town website, and in it’s official newspaper.


RESOLVED, that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a special meeting of the Town Board on Monday, December 30th, 2019 at 3:30 p.m. in the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. The purpose of such meeting is to pay claims and to conduct any other year-end business. Notice of the meeting will be published on the Town Clerk’s board, on the town website, and in it’s official newspaper.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York, will meet at the Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, in the Town of Kendall, at 7:00 o’clock P.M. on October 15, 2019 for the purpose of conducting a Public Hearing to consider the construction of the facilities and improvements of proposed Water District No. 10 consisting of the installation of approximately 6,500 linear feet of 8” to 12” diameter PVC water main along portions of West Kendall Road within the Town, all of the foregoing to include land or rights in land, original equipment, machinery, furnishings, valves, fittings, connections, fill, appurtenances and related site work and other ancillary work (referred to herein as the “Water District”) in the Town, at the estimated maximum of cost of $672,000.00 which is planned to be financed by the issuance of $672,000.00 serial bonds offset by any funds received from the federal, state, county, and/or local grants, including, but not limited to grant and/or loan funds from USDA Rural Development in the amount of $384,000.00, said balance of costs to be provided by the levy and collection of special assessments from the parcels within the Benefited Area; total estimated first year costs to a typical property and to a typical one or two family home (as defined in Town Law) in the amount of $2,018.00 and total estimated second year and beyond costs to a typical property and to a typical one or two family home in the amount of $778.00.

At such public hearing, the Town Board will hear all persons interested in said subject matter thereof.



Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board Work Session scheduled for September 14th to approve vouchers has been rescheduled to September 21st at 9:00 a.m., and the Kendall Town Board meeting scheduled for September 17th has been rescheduled to September 24th at 7:00 p.m.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board


 The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest from anyone interested in the position of Building Maintenance Worker. This is a part-time, as needed, job.

 Please direct all correspondence to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours.

 The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

 By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

Legal Notice

Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that the Final Assessment Roll for the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, NY, for the year 2019 has been completed and verified by the undersigned assessor and a certified copy thereof was filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476, on the 1st day of July, 2019, there to remain for public inspection.

Dated this 1st day of July, 2019

Arthur E. Massey, Jr.
Assessor Town of Kendall


 Please take notice that the scheduled Kendall Town Board Work Session on July 2, 2019 is CANCELLED.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board


 The school district has requested that its elections be held at the Kendall Town Hall and such an election will be held on May 21, 2019, which coincides with a regularly scheduled Kendall Town Board meeting. Therefore, the Kendall Town Board May meeting will now be held on Tuesday, May 28, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Legal Notice

Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the town Board of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the applications requesting rezoning of four parcels on Petersmith Road. Applicants seek approval for rezoning these parcels from Residential/Agricultural to General Business. All persons wishing to speak, in favor or against, will be heard at this time. Applications are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York, at a regular meeting thereof held on January 15, 2019, duly adopted a Resolution to Establish a Capital Reserve known as the Highway Machinery, Equipment and Vehicle Reserve Fund, an abstract of which follows, subject to permissive referendum pursuant to Article 7 of the Town Law:

The purpose of the Resolution was to establish a dedicated reserve fund for Highway Department machinery, equipment and vehicle purchases.

Said Resolution shall not take effect until thirty days after the date of this publication, March 10, 2019, nor until approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the Town voting on such proposition, if within thirty days after the adoption of this Resolution, there be filed with the Town Clerk a petition signed, and acknowledged or proved, or authenticated by electors of the Town qualified to vote upon a proposition to raise and expend money, in number equal to at least five per centum of the total vote cast for governor in the Town at the last general election held for the election of state officers, protesting against this Resolution and requesting a referendum thereon.

A full copy of the Resolution is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, and can be examined during normal business hours.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board


The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from those interested in the position of Assistant to the Assessor.

The applicant should have strong organizational skills, the ability to communicate well verbally and in writing, as well as an interest in completing training necessary to become an Assessor. An overview of the qualifications necessary for appointed assessors can be found on the New York Department of Tax and Finance website at

Please direct all correspondence, on or before February 25, 2019 to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours.

The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board                                                                      Amy Richardson                                                                                        Kendall Town Clerk


Collector’s Notice of Receipt of
Tax Roll and Warrant

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, Amy K. Richardson, the undersigned collector of taxes in and for the Town of Kendall, have duly received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Kendall for the year 2019, and that I will attend the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Mondays from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., for the purpose of receiving taxes on the said Roll. Taxes can also be mailed to Tax Collector, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or deposited in the drop box on the west side of the Town Hall.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2019 without penalty. On all taxes received after such date, there will be an added penalty, as follows:

February 1 – February 28          1%

March 1 – March 31                   2%

April 1 – April 30                        3%

until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Orleans County Treasurer, on the first day of May, 2019.

Amy K. Richardson
Tax Collector

Kendall Town Clerk


The Town of Kendall has appointed Anthony Cammarata as the Fair Housing Officer for the town. The Town Board has also adopted a Fair Housing Plan and maintains resource materials concerning Fair Housing, including Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 and the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988.

THE Federal Fair Housing Law, as well as the Laws of New York State, prohibit discrimination in the sale, rental, financing and brokerage of housing based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.

Persons who feel they have been victims of housing discrimination may receive assistance in filing a complaint by contacting Anthony Cammarata, Town Supervisor, at 1873 Kendall Road, PO Box 474, Kendall, NY 14476, telephone (585)659-8201. Copies of the Fair Housing Plan are also available from the Town Clerk, on request.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Kendall Town Board will conduct an informational presentation about Water District Expansion on Thursday, January 10, 2019 at 7:45 p.m., in the auditorium of the David J. Doyle Kendall Jr. /Sr. High School, 16887 Roosevelt Highway, Kendall, New York, Orleans County. An engineer from LaBella Associates, LLC will be in attendance to discuss the process to obtain water and to answer questions. All interested residents are encouraged to attend.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Kendall Town Board will conduct an informational presentation about Converting to LED Street Lighting on Thursday, January 10, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., in the auditorium of the David J. Doyle Kendall Jr. /Sr. High School, 16887 Roosevelt Highway, Kendall, New York, Orleans County. National Grid Manager of Customer and Community Management, Paul Gister, will be in attendance to answer questions.

The Town Board deems it prudent to convert all existing street lights to reduce energy use, emissions and costs. Wattage and color decisions will be discussed. All interested residents are encouraged to attend.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk


 The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from Kendall residents interested in filling a vacant position on the Town of Kendall Planning Board.

 Please direct all correspondence on or before December 28, 2018, to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours.

 The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

 By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk


 The 2019 organizational meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be held on Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. All interested persons are encouraged to attend.

 By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk


Please take notice that a year end meeting has been scheduled by the Kendall Town Board for Thursday, December 27, 2018 at 3:00 p.m., to be held at the Kendall Town Hall to approve the payment of year end bills and to conduct other business properly coming before the Board.

By order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk


 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2019 is completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 pm on Tuesday the 30th of October, 2018 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected Officials: Supervisor: $8,400.00; Town Council: $3,120.00 each; Town Clerk: $ 29,000.00; Highway Superintendent: $54,250.04; Town Justice 1: $7,840.92, Town Justice 2: $6,699.00.

By the Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Town Clerk

Town of Kendall


 Please take notice that the scheduled Kendall Town Board Work Session on November 6, 2018 is CANCELLED because that is General Election Day for 2018 and the polling place is the Town Hall.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board


Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Special Meeting of the Town Board on November 15, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. The purpose of such meeting is to present and approve the 2019 BUDGET and to conduct any other necessary business.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Terry and Beverly Robinson, Lake Shore Road, Tax ID #22.-1-1.3.  The applicants are requesting a variance from Article V, Section 265-22C for construction of a 60×80 accessory structure without a primary structure (residence) on the parcel.  Property is zoned (RA).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals




 To:  All interested Agencies, Groups, and Individuals

This is to give notice that the Town of Kendall has conducted an evaluation as required by Executive Order 11988 and/or 11990, in accordance with HUD regulations at 24 CFR 55.20 Subpart C Procedures for Making Determinations on Floodplain and/or Wetlands Management, to determine the potential affect that its activity in the floodplain and/or wetland will have on the human environment for the Outlet and Bank Stabilization Project under CDBG Project No. 591IT216-17.

The Outlet and Bank Stabilization Project involves the construction of installation a geotextile layer, heavy rock fill and stackable 3 to 4 ton rocks to repair and stabilize drainage channels in five locations and repair/rebuild breakwalls in two other locations.  The project also includes the reconstruction of a public boat ramp within the public right of way at the end of Peter Smith Road.  A map depicting the locations of the project sites and a detailed description of the work involved at each location is available on request at the Town Hall.  The project sites are located along the Lake Ontario shoreline in the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York.  Portions of the project may be located within the designated floodplain along the lake shoreline.

In order to implement the proposed project, the Town, as lead agency, has undertaken the review of the proposed action pursuant to the requirements for Floodplains Management.  The review process includes the identification of measures to mitigate potential adverse effects and the provision of an opportunity for public comment.

The Town of Kendall, as lead agency, has concluded that the construction of the outlet and bank stabilization improvements, as proposed, is the preferred alternative and should proceed subject to the mitigation measures outlined below.  In reaching this conclusion, the Town considered the following alternatives.

  1. Alternative Sites

The proposed improvements have been designed by the Town Highway Superintendent to repair eroded banks at the mouths of drainageways, to repair breakwalls and to replace a boat ramp.  The drainageways are essential to drain run off from the NYS Parkway to the lake.  The breakwalls ensure that the bank does not erode and adversely impact on the adjacent properties. These problems cannot be resolved without constructing the improvements in the proposed locations.  It may be possible to relocate the boat ramp to another site, however, the bank at the current location would still need to be stabilized to prevent further erosion at that site.  The relocation of the boat ramp to another site would also require construction within the floodplain of Lake Ontario.

  1. Alternative Actions

The existing drainageways, breakwalls and boat ramp have sustained severe damage and erosion as a result of high water and wave action in 2017.  As the Town is responsible for the maintenance of these sites, the failure to make improvements would result in continued erosion and damage.  Construction of the boat ramp at another site would be more costly and would also require construction within the floodplain. The reconstruction of the boat ramp at the current location is the most practicable alternative.

There are no practicable alternatives that would restore the sites without impacting on the floodplains.  The Town Highway Superintendent will use erosion control and other measures to minimize adverse impacts on the floodplains during construction and to restore the floodplain areas as soon as possible upon completion of the work.  The proposed improvements were selected as the most cost effective and economical alternative to resolve the existing problems.

  1. No Action

Under the no action alternative, the Town of Kendall would not undertake the proposed Outlet and Bank Stabilization improvements.  As a result, the shoreline banks would continue to erode and potentially undermine breakwalls and other infrastructure on adjacent properties.  While taking no action would prevent any potential adverse effect on the floodplains, it would also preclude the opportunity to repair the existing damage and protect the shoreline from future damage from high water and wave action.

The potential impacts of the use of CDBG assistance to implement the project within the floodplain include:

Negative Impacts – The bank stabilization and breakwall construction work will involve the construction of rock formations using a geotextile material, rock fill and stackable 3 to 4 ton rocks.  The new boat ramp will involve construction of a concrete slab approximately 12’ wide, 26’ long and 10” thick.  Upon completion of the improvements, the areas along the top of the banks will be restored and reseeded.  This construction will not exert significant physical impacts on the floodplains, as the excavation work will not alter the contours of the floodplains and all construction work will be completed within a relatively short time.  As the improvements are designed to repair the existing banks, breakwalls and boat ramp and to protect these features from future erosion, the project will not cause an adverse change in the floodplains.

Positive Impacts – The impacts on the floodplains will be positive as the project is designed to repair and protect the shoreline at the drainageways, breakwalls and boat ramp.

The Town of Kendall has identified measures to alleviate or mitigate the potential adverse impacts of the proposed action and to restore and preserve natural and beneficial values including:

  1. The Town will obtain permits from the NYS DEC and/or the Army Corps of Engineers for the construction of the improvements. Construction activities will be undertaken in accordance with permit conditions.
  2. Erosion control measures will be implemented to prevent sedimentation in areas of ground disturbance. The areas along the top of the banks will be graded and re-seeded as quickly as possible following construction to restore the natural value of the floodplains.

A description of the proposed activities and the floodplain review process is available for review and may be examined and copied, upon request at the Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, PO Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, during normal business hours. Written comments may be submitted to the same address or via email to  In order to be considered, such written comments should be received at the above address on or before October 9, 2018:

In addition, the findings have been sent to the following agencies for review and comment:

FEMA Region 2, Mitigation Division
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Region 8
NYS DEC, Division of Environmental Permits, Albany
NYS Office of Community Renewal
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
NYS Department of State, Office of Coastal, Local Government and Community Sustainability

Legal Notice


Town of Kendall

Notice is herby given that a public hearing will held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of William Haibach, 16076 Bridge Road, Tax ID #20.-2-56.11.  Applicant seeks a variance of 15’ from Article V, Section 265-22 requiring a 90’ front setback for construction of a shed.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals




To:  All interested Agencies, Groups, and Individuals

This is to give notice that the Town of Kendall has conducted an evaluation as required by Executive Order 11988 and/or 11990, in accordance with HUD regulations at 24 CFR 55.20 Subpart C Procedures for Making Determinations on Floodplain and/or Wetlands Management, to determine the potential effect that its activity in the floodplain and/or wetland will have on the human environment for the Outlet and Bank Stabilization Project under CDBG Project No. 591IT216-17.

The Outlet and Bank Stabilization Project involves the construction of and installation of a geotextile layer, heavy rock fill and stackable 3 to 4 ton rocks to repair and stabilize drainage channels in five locations and repair/rebuild breakwalls in two other locations.  The project also includes the reconstruction of a public boat launch at the end of Petersmith Road.  A map depicting the locations of the project sites and a detailed description of the work involved at each location is available on request at the Town Hall.  The project sites are located along the Lake Ontario shoreline in the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York.  Portions of the projects may be located within the designated floodplain along the lake shoreline.

In order to implement the proposed project, the Town, as lead agency, has undertaken the review of the proposed action pursuant to the requirements for Floodplains Management.  The review process includes the identification of measures to mitigate potential adverse effects and the provision of an opportunity for public comment.

The Town of Kendall, as lead agency, has concluded that the construction of the outlet and bank stabilization improvements, as proposed, is the preferred alternative and should proceed subject to the mitigation measures outlined below.  In reaching this conclusion, the Town considered the following alternatives.

  1. Alternative Sites

The proposed improvements have been designed by the Town Highway Superintendent to repair eroded banks at the mouths of drainageways, to repair breakwalls and to replace a boat ramp.  The drainageways are essential to drain run off from the NYS Parkway to the lake.  The breakwalls ensure that the bank does not erode and adversely impact on the adjacent properties. These problems cannot be resolved without constructing the improvements in the proposed locations.  It may be possible to relocate the boat ramp to another site, however, the bank at the current location would still need to be stabilized to prevent further erosion at that site.  The relocation of the boat ramp to another site would also require construction within the floodplain of Lake Ontario.

  1. Alternative Actions

The existing drainageways, breakwalls and boat ramp have sustained severe damage and erosion as a result of high water and wave action in 2017.  As the Town is responsible for the maintenance of these sites, the failure to make improvements would result in continued erosion and damage.  Construction of the boat ramp at another site would be more costly and would also require construction within the floodplain. The reconstruction of the boat ramp at the current location is the most practicable alternative.

There are no practicable alternatives that would restore the sites without impacting on the floodplains.  The Town Highway Superintendent will use erosion control and other measures to minimize adverse impacts on the floodplains during construction and to restore the floodplain areas as soon as possible upon completion of the work.  The proposed improvements were selected as the most cost effective and economical alternative to resolve the existing problems.

  1. No Action

Under the no action alternative, the Town of Kendall would not undertake the proposed Outlet and Bank Stabilization improvements.  As a result, the shoreline banks would continue to erode and potentially undermine breakwalls and other infrastructure on adjacent properties.  While taking no action would prevent any potential adverse effect on the floodplains, it would also preclude the opportunity to repair the existing damage and protect the shoreline from future damage from high water and wave action.

The potential impacts of the use of CDBG assistance to implement the project within the floodplain include:

Negative Impacts – The bank stabilization and breakwall construction work will involve the construction of rock formations using a geotextile material, rock fill and stackable 3 to 4 ton rocks.  The new boat ramp will involve construction of a concrete slab approximately 12’ wide, 26’ long and 10” thick.  Upon completion of the improvements, the areas along the top of the banks will be restored and reseeded.  This construction will not exert significant physical impacts on the floodplains, as the excavation work will not alter the contours of the floodplains and all construction work will be completed within a relatively short time.  As the improvements are designed to repair the existing banks, breakwalls and boat ramp and to protect these features from future erosion, the project will not cause an adverse change in the floodplains.

Positive Impacts – The impacts on the floodplains will be positive as the project is designed to repair and protect the shoreline at the drainageways, breakwalls and boat ramp.

The Town of Kendall has identified measures to alleviate or mitigate the potential adverse impacts of the proposed action and to restore and preserve natural and beneficial values including:

  1. The Town will obtain permits from the NYS DEC and/or the Army Corps of Engineers for the construction of the improvements. Construction activities will be undertaken in accordance with permit conditions.
  2. Erosion control measures will be implemented to prevent sedimentation in areas of ground disturbance. The areas along the top of the banks will be graded and re-seeded as quickly as possible following construction to restore the natural value of the floodplains.

A description of the proposed activities and the floodplain review process is available for review and may be examined and copied, upon request at the Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, PO Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, during normal business hours. Written comments may be submitted to the same address or via email to  In order to be considered, such written comments should be received at the above address on or before September 25, 2018:

In addition, the findings have been sent to the following agencies for review and comment:

FEMA Region 2, Mitigation Division
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Region 8
NYS DEC, Division of Environmental Permits, Albany
NYS Office of Community Renewal
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
NYS Department of State, Office of Coastal, Local Government and Community Sustainability





 To:  All interested Agencies, Groups, and Individuals

This is to give notice that the Town of Kendall has conducted an evaluation as required by Executive Order 11988 and/or 11990, in accordance with HUD regulations at 24 CFR 55.20 Subpart C Procedures for Making Determinations on Floodplain and/or Wetlands Management, to determine the potential effect that its activity in the floodplain and/or wetland will have on the human environment for the Outlet and Bank Stabilization Project under CDBG Project No. 591IT216-17.

The Outlet and Bank Stabilization Project involves the construction of installation a geotextile layer, heavy rock fill and stackable 3 to 4 ton rocks to repair and stabilize drainage channels in five locations and repair/rebuild break walls in two other locations.  The project also includes the reconstruction of a public boat launch at the end of Peter Smith Road.  A map depicting the locations of the project sites and a detailed description of the work involved at each location is available on request at the Town Hall.  The project sites are located along the Lake Ontario shoreline in the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York.  Portions of the project may be located within the designated floodplain along the lake shoreline.

There are three primary purposes for this notice.  First, people who may be affected by activities in floodplain and/or wetlands and those who have an interest in the protection of the natural environment should be given an opportunity to express their concerns and provide information about these areas.  Second, an adequate public notice program can be an important public educational tool.  The dissemination of information about floodplains and wetlands can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to reduce the risks associated with the occupancy and modification of these special areas.  Third, as a matter of fairness, when the Federal government determines it will participate in actions taking place in floodplains and/or wetlands, it must inform those who may be put at greater or continued risk.

Written comments must be received by the Town of Kendall at the following address on or before September 3, 2018:  Town of Kendall, 1873 Kendall Road, PO Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476 and 585-659-8721, Attention: Tony Cammarata, during normal business hours.  Comments may also be submitted via email at


 The Town of Kendall Orleans County, New York (in accordance with Section 103 of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law) hereby invites the submission of sealed bids for DOOR REPLACEMENT and INSTALLATION OF AUTOMATIC DOOR OPENERS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES at the Town Hall.

Bids will be received until 3:00 p.m. on August 24, 2018, at which time all received bids will be publicly opened and read.

Additional information may be obtained from the Kendall Town Board, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476.

The Town of Kendall reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to make an award to other than the low bidder.

Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises are encouraged to apply. This project is funded through a State Assistance to Municipalities (SAM) grant administered by the NYS Dormitory Authority of New York State (DASNY). As required by Article 8 of the NYS Labor Law, Prevailing Wage Rates established by the NYS Department of Labor for building projects in Orleans County will apply.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk


 The Town of Kendall Orleans County, New York (in accordance with Section 103 of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law) hereby invites the submission of sealed bids for ROOF REPLACEMENTS at the Town Hall and Town Highway Garage.

Bids will be received until 3:00 p.m. on August 24, 2018, at which time all received bids will be publicly opened and read.

Additional information may be obtained from the Kendall Town Board, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476.

The Town of Kendall reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to make an award to other than the low bidder.

Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises are encouraged to apply. This project is funded through a State Assistance to Municipalities (SAM) grant administered by the NYS Dormitory Authority of New York State (DASNY). As required by Article 8 of the NYS Labor Law, Prevailing Wage Rates established by the NYS Department of Labor for building projects in Orleans County will apply.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk


 The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest from anyone interested in the position of Board of Assessment Review Member.

 Please direct all correspondence or inquiries, on or before August 31, 2018 to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours.

 The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

 By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk


Separate sealed Bids for

Construction of Water Distribution Improvements for District No. 9 – Creek Road

Work consists principally of the installation of approximately 2,400 lineal feet of 8-inch diameter PVC water main and related appurtenances.

will be received by:

The Town of Kendall at their offices located at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall NY 14476

until 2:00 P.M., (Local Time) August 16, 2018 and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.

The Contract Documents may be examined at the following location(s):

Town of Kendall   Rotolite Elliot
1873 Kendall Road
Kendall New York, 14476
  1 Grove Street

Pittsford, NY 14534

M, T, Th, F 9:00 A.M. 12;00 PM and 12:45 PM to 3:30 P.M   M through F, 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M
(585) 659-8721   (585) 385-1463

Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained either at the Town of Kendall offices or Rotolite Elliot upon payment of $75 for each set.  Check for Plans and Specifications shall be made payable to the Town of Kendall.

Bidding Documents also may be examined online by visiting (click Public Jobs under the Menu Tab on the left hand side of the plan room homepage.  Once you are in the public plan room, please select the link for the Kendall Water District No. 9 Project.). Online purchase is possible.

If you would like Specifications mailed to you, please enclose an additional, non-refundable check for twenty-five ($25) per set made payable to Rotolite Elliott.  This option is only available through Rotolite Elliott.

Refunds for payment for one (1) copy of the Plans and Specifications will be made to those submitting Bids on the forms furnished, if returned in good condition to the Town Clerk within thirty (30) days from the award of the contract.

The Town of Kendall is exempt under New York State Tax law, and therefore, no sales tax on the cost of materials incorporated into the project shall be included in the bid.  This is a public works project subject to NYS Department of Labor’s prevailing wages

The Town of Kendall is an Equal Opportunity Employer.  Women- and Minority-owned Businesses are encouraged to participate.

Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.

Owner: Town of Kendall


DATE: JULY 24,2018


 The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest from anyone interested in the position of Caretaker of Beechwood Cemetery. Please direct all correspondence, on or before July 31, 2018 to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours.

The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

 By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

Town of Kendall

 Request for Proposals
Administrative Services

Repair Public Infrastructures

The Town of Kendall is seeking Proposals from qualified project management consultants to assist the Town in the implementation of the recently awarded 2017 NYS CDBG Grant.  The grant will repair public infrastructures damaged in the 2017 flooding along Lake Ontario.  The Town will award an administrative services contract to a qualified firm to provide Administrative Services to assist the Town in maintaining compliance with the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program regulations.

Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises and Section 3 firms are encouraged to submit Proposals for administrative services.

For more information about the request for proposals for administrative services, please contact Tony Cammarata, Town Supervisor, Town of Kendall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall NY 14476 or call 585-659-8201.  Proposals must be submitted to the Town Clerk’s Office by 3 PM on 10th day, July, 2018.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Legal Notice

Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Kenneth Price of 16865 Kenmor Road, Tax ID#33.-1-47.12. Applicant seeks a variance for construction of a pole barn with a side setback of 20’.  Applicant is requesting a variance of 5’ from Article V, Section 265-23E requiring a 25’ side setback.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s office.

Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

This is to inform you of a public hearing being held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 7:45 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of Brightly Farms, LLC., property owner of 1857 Transit Rd., Kent, NY 14477, Tax ID #31.-1-24.112.  Applicant is seeking a variance of 78-feet for a front set-back distance proposed agricultural worker housing.  Relief is being sought from Article V, Section 265-56 of the Town Zoning Ordinance requiring a 12-foot variance for a farm labor camp outside of the certified Ag district.  Property is zoned Rural Agricultural (RA).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

This is to inform you of a public hearing being held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of Michael Maxon, property owner of

1387 W. Kendall Rd., Kendall, NY 14476, Tax ID #20.-2-1.  Applicant is seeking a variance of 20-feet to allow construction of a pole barn.  Relief is being sought from Article V, Section 265-21E of the Town Zoning Ordinance requiring a 30-foot side set-back.  Property is zoned Rural Agricultural (RA).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

This is to inform you of a public hearing being held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of Kurtis Charland, property owner of

167878 Roosevelt Hwy., Kendall, NY 14476, Tax ID #33.-1-35.1.  Applicant is seeking a variance of 15-feet to allow construction of a pole barn.  Relief is being sought from Article V, Section 265-21E of the Town Zoning Ordinance requiring a 25-foot side set-back.  Property is zoned Rural Residential (RR).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

This is to inform you of a public hearing being held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of Richard Hill, property owner of

2873 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476, Tax ID #32.20-1-26.  Applicant is seeking a variance of 7-feet to allow construction of a shed.  Relief is being sought from Article V, Section 265-21E of the Town Zoning Ordinance requiring a 15-foot side set-back.  Property is zoned Residential Hamlet (RH).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Brightly Farms LLC, for a special use permit to operate farm labor housing outside of the certified Ag district located at 1857 Transit Road, Kent, New York, Tax ID #31.-1-24.013.  The property is zoned Rural Agriculture (RA).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

By Order of Andrew Kludt
Chair, Town Planning Board

Advertisement for Bids



 1873 Kendall Road
Kendall New York, 14476



Separate sealed Bids for:

  • Contract A – Furnishing and Delivery of PVC Water Main, Valves, Hydrants and Appurtenances

will be received by:

The Town of Kendall at their offices located at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall NY 14476

 until 1:30 P.M., (Local Time) March 15, 2018 and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.

The Contract Documents may be examined at the following location(s):

Town of Kendall Rotolite Elliot
1873 Kendall Road
Kendall New York, 14476
1 Grove Street

Pittsford, NY 14534

M, T, Th, F 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. and

12:45 P.M. to 3:30 P.M.

M through F, 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M
(585) 659-8721 (585) 385-1463

Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained either at the Town of Kendall offices or Rotolite Elliot upon payment of $50 for each set.

Check for Plans and Specifications shall be made payable to the Town of Kendall.

Bidding Documents also may be examined online with an online payment by visiting (click Public Jobs under the Menu Tab on the left hand side of the plan room homepage. Once you are in the public plan room, please select the link for the Kendall Water District No. 7 Project.).

If you would like Specifications mailed to you, please enclose an additional, non-refundable check for twenty-five ($25) per set made payable to Rotolite Elliott. This option is only available through Rotolite Elliott.

Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.

Owner: Town of Kendall
By:          Amy Richardson
Title:      Town Clerk
Date:     February 22, 2018


LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 458-b of the Real Property Tax Law and the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York, and a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Kendall adopted January 16, 2018, the Town Board of the Town of Kendall shall hold a public hearing at 7:05 p.m. on February 20, 2018 at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476, for the purposes of considering and possibly adopting a local law entitled A LOCAL LAW ESTABLISHING PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION FOR VETERANS, which purpose is to provide a partial exemption of real property tax for qualifying Cold War veterans, up to certain limits.  Copies of the proposed local law, Local Law 2 of 2018 are available at the Office of the Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476.  At the time and place above, all members of the public wishing to be heard shall be heard.



LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, adopted January 16, 2018, the Town Board of the Town of Kendall shall hold a public hearing at 7:05 p.m. on February 20, 2018 at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476, for the purposes of considering and possibly adopting a local law entitled A LOCAL LAW REPEALING CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN DOG CONTROL LAW, which purpose is to amend the Article II of Chapter 17 of the Code of the Town of Kendall, thereby permitting the county animal control department to enforce the county animal control law in the Town of Kendall, and to repeal Local Law 3 of 2006 in its entirety.  Copies of the proposed local law, Local Law 3 of 2006, and the county animal control law are available at the Office of the Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476.  At the time and place above, all members of the public wishing to be heard shall be heard.



Intent to File an Application with USDA Rural Development (RD)
Town of Kendall

 This is to provide public notice that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall intends to file an application for grant and loan assistance for improvements within an area designated as Water District No. 10. This proposed project involves the installation of water mains along a portion of West Kendall Road. Consistent with Town Law and the procedures of Rural Development, the Kendall Town Board will conduct a public information meeting and/or hearing prior to making a commitment to undertake the proposed project. Residents will be notified as to the time, date and location of such meetings.

The Town of Kendall is an equal opportunity employer.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Anthony Cammarata, Supervisor
Town of Kendall



 Collector’s Notice of Receipt of
Tax Roll and Warrant

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, Amy K. Richardson, the undersigned collector of taxes in and for the Town of Kendall, have duly received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Kendall for the year 2018, and that I will attend the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Mondays from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., for the purpose of receiving taxes on the said Roll. Taxes can also be mailed to Tax Collector, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or deposited in the drop box on the west side of the Town Hall.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2018 without penalty. On all taxes received after such date, there will be an added penalty, as follows:

February 1 – February 28         1%

March 1 – March 31                   2%

April 1 – April 30                       3%

until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Orleans County Treasurer, on the first day of May, 2018.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, Real Property Tax Law, Section 987: NOTICE OF UNPAID TAXES. On April 15, 2017, a notice will be mailed to each owner of real property on which taxes remain unpaid, and a $1.00 penalty shall be charged on and after April 15, 2017 against the parcel and added to taxes due.

Amy K. Richardson
Tax Collector
Kendall Town Clerk



The 2018 organizational meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be held on Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. All interested persons are invited to attend.

 By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk


 Please take notice that a yearend meeting has been scheduled by the Kendall Town Board for December 28, 2017 at 3:00 p.m., to be held at the Kendall Town Hall to approve the payment of yearend bills and to conduct other business properly coming before the Board,

 By order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk

Notice of Public Hearing
Town of Kendall

 The Town of Kendall will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, December 19, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of hearing public comments on the Town of Kendall’s community development needs, and to discuss the possible submission of one or more Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) applications for the 2017 program year. The CDBG program is administered by the New York State Office of Community Renewal (OCR), and will make funds available to eligible local governments for the 2017 program year for housing, economic development, public facilities, public infrastructure, and planning activities, with the principal purpose of benefitting low/moderate income persons. The hearing will provide further information about the CDBG program and will allow for citizen participation in the development of any proposed grant applications and/or to provide technical assistance to develop alternate proposals. Comments on the CDBG program or proposed project(s) will be received at this time. The hearing is being conducted pursuant to Section 570.486, Subpart I of the CFR and in compliance with the requirements of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended.

The Town Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. If special accommodations are needed for persons with disabilities, those with hearing impairments, or those in need of translation from English, those individuals should contact the Town Clerk’s Office at (585) 659-8721, at least one week in advance of the hearing date to allow for necessary arrangements. Written comments may also be submitted to Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk until December 19, 2017.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board


 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2018

is completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 pm on Wednesday the 8th of November, 2017 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected Officials: Supervisor: $8,400; Town Council: $3,120 each; Town Clerk: $28,428; Highway Superintendent: $53,250.00; Town Justice 1: $7,725, Town Justice 2: $6,600.

By the Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Town Clerk
Town of Kendall


Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York is cancelling its scheduled work session on November 7, 2017, at the Town Hall, due to it being Election Day.

Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk
By Order of the Kendall Town Board


 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Notice of Complete Application

 Date:                      10/06/2017
Applicant:          TOWN OF KENDALL
KENDALL, NY 14476-9632

Facility:                KENDALL-T WATER DISTRICT #7

Application ID:               8-3430-00183/00001
Permits(s) Applied for:       1 – Section 401 – Clean Water Act Water Quality Certification
Project is located:               in KENDALL in ORLEANS COUNTY

Project Description:
The applicant is proposing the installation of a 10-inch potable water line along 8,030 linear feet of Norway Road, between Roosevelt Highway and Creek Rd. The project will cross several federal wetlands and an unnamed Tributary to Sandy Creek, a NYSDEC Class C steam. Installation of the water main will be performed using an open trench method when low flow conditions exist. The Department seeks comments prior to making a final decision on the application.

Availability of Application Documents:
Filed application documents, and Department draft permits where applicable, are available for inspection during normal business hours at the address of the contact person. To ensure timely service at the time of inspection, it is recommended that an appointment be made with the contact person.

State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination
Project is an Unlisted Action and will not have a significant impact on the environment. A Negative Declaration is on file. A coordinated review was performed.

SEQR Lead Agency Kendall Town Board

State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination
The proposed activity is not subject to review in accordance with SHPA. The application type is exempt and/or the project involves the continuation of an existing operational activity.

DEC Commissioner Policy 29, Environmental Justice and Permitting (CP-29)
It has been determined that the proposed action is not subject to CP-29.

Availability For Public Comment                                                         Contact Person
Comments on this project must be                                                       ROBERT B CALL
submitted in writing to the Contact                                                      NYSDEC
Person no later than 11/06/2017                                                           6274 E Avon-Lima Rd
or 15 days after the publication date                                                    Avon, NY 14414
of this notice, whichever is later.



Please take notice that a special town board meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 15, 2017, at 7:00 at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, to adopt the Town of Kendall’s 2018 Budget and address any other business matters.



The Town of Kendall is offering three separate sessions of the American Heart Association CPR Training to anyone interested. Classes will be held October 21st from 8 to noon; October 25th from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.; and on October 28th from 8 to noon at the Town Hall. There will be $10 fee for certification. Please call Town Clerk Amy Richardson at 659-8721 to register. Classes will fill on a first come first served basis.


 Please take notice that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York, will hold a Special Meeting to receive the Tentative Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2018 from the Town Clerk, on October 3, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York. All interested persons are welcome to attend.

By Order Of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of David Oschmann, 1893 Kendall Rd., Tax ID #32.-2-58. Applicant is asking to amend a special use permit for a home business to allow boat storage.  The property is zoned Residential Hamlet (RH).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

By Order of Andrew Kludt
Chair, Town Planning Board

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, September 12, 2107 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of All Brite Sign and Service, P.O. Box 62, Addison, New York, contracted by Dollar General, 16678 Roosevelt Hwy., Kendall, New York.  Applicant seeks a variance request for overall square footage of proposed sign.  Relief is being sought from Article VII, Section 265-31H.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the town clerk’s office.

By Order of Patrick Bolton
Chairman, Town of Kendall Zoning Board


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York on the 17th day of July 2017, proposed Local Law No. 3 of 2017 entitled “A Local Law Adopting Solar Energy Regulations.”  Said Local Law will amend the Town Zoning Ordinance to permit installations of solar energy facilities consistent with the regulations enacted by the law.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on 15th day of August, 2017, at 7:00 o’clock in the afternoon of that day the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York, will conduct a public hearing at the Kendall Town Hall located at 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, New York, for the purpose of considering the advisability of enacting said proposed Local Law, at which time and place all persons interested will be heard.

A copy of said proposed Local Law is on file at the office of the Kendall Town Clerk, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York and is open for inspection during regular Office hours.

Dated: Kendall, New York
July 17, 2017
By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

 Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Thursday July 20, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall New York, to consider the application of Joseph Tomasino, of 16183 Lakeshore Road, Tax ID 9.-1-18.111.

 Applicant seeks relief from Article V Section 265-22 E, requiring side and rear setbacks of 30 feet in the Residential-Agricultural (RA) District. Applicant is requesting a variance of 13 feet from the side and 20 feet from the rear for the construction of a garage addition.

 Patrick Bolton
Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman



Notice is hereby given that the Assessment Roll for the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, and the State of New York for the year 2017 has been finally completed and verified by the undersigned assessor, and certified copy will be filed with the Town Clerk on the first day of July 2017, where the same remains open to public inspection, and is also available online at (Real Property Department).

Dated this 26th day of June 2017

Arthur E. Massey, Jr.
Town of Kendall


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York on the 20th day of June, 2017, proposed Local Law No. 2 of 2017 entitled “A Local Law Amending Zoning within the Waterfront Development District”.  Said Local Law will amend portions of the Town Zoning Ordinance to permit charter boat services and permitted uses in the Waterfront Development District.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on 18th day of July, 2017, at 7:00 o’clock in the afternoon of that day the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York, will conduct a public hearing at the Kendall Town Hall located at 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, New York, for the purpose of considering the advisability of enacting said proposed Local Law, at which time and place all persons interested will be heard.

A copy of said proposed Local Law is on file at the office of the Kendall Town Clerk, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York and is open for inspection during regular Office hours.

Dated: Kendall, New York
June 26, 2017


Amy K. Richardson, Town Clerk
Town of Kendall, New York



Please be advised that the Kendall Town Board Workshop scheduled for July 4, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. has been cancelled.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of William Anderson of 2249 Kendall Road, Tax ID#43.-2-51.1. Applicant seeks a variance for construction of a livestock fence 8-foot in height which exceeds the restrictions of Article VI Section 265-36.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Richard Brice of 17289 Kenmore Road, Tax ID#33.2-1-11. Applicant seeks a variance of 49-feet from Article V Section 265-23 requiring a 90-foot front set-back for construction of a handicap ramp.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice Water District 9


The Kendall Highway Department will start

CLEAN-UP OF TREES AND BRUSH from the March 8th Wind Storm.

Please cut trees and brush to no longer than six foot lengths and place parallel to the road.

(No garbage or junk)

Please have brush at your curbside as soon as is practicably possible. Pickup by the Highway Department will begin as soon as weather permits.

For more information or questions, contact Highway Superintendent Warren Kruger

at 659-2650, or visit the town website at


Notice is hereby given that a PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the KENDALL PLANNING BOARD on Tuesday, March 28, 2017, at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, to consider the application of Primax Properties, LLC, Tax ID # 32.-2-37.111. Applicant seeks Site Plan Review and Subdivision approval for construction of a 9100 square foot retail store (DOLLAR GENERAL). The proposed project is located in the General Business (B) District.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Andrew Kludt
Chairman, Kendall Planning Board


         PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, at the Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, on March 21, 2017, at 7:15 P.M., on the adoption of a Local Law known as The Town of Kendall Extension of Moratorium on Industrial Solar Energy Generation Facilities Law, which said Local Law provides as follows:



Section 101:                Enactment and Authorization


The Town Board and the Town of Kendall does hereby ordain and enact the Town of Kendall Extension of Moratorium on Industrial Solar Energy Generation Facilities Law pursuant to authority and provisions of Section 10 of the Municipal Home Rule Law.

Section 102:                Title

This local law shall be known as the Town of Kendall Extension of Moratorium on Industrial Solar Energy Generation Facilities Law.

Section 103:                Purpose

  1. a) It is the purpose of this local law to further prevent and avoid serious detrimental health, environmental and planning conditions which threaten the Town of Kendall by allowing degradation of its significant environmental and agricultural resources and in order not to undermine the conscious and continuous determination by the Town to resolve and lessen such threats to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Town.
  1. b) It is the further purpose of this local law to enable the Town of Kendall to extend by an additional one hundred eighty (180) days a moratorium adopted as Local Law Number 1 of 2016, thereby preventing the construction or erection of industrial solar energy generation facilities for a reasonable period of time pending the Town Board’s enactment of a local law regulating the construction of such facilities in the Town of Kendall.


Section 201:                Extension of Moratorium

For a period of one hundred eighty (180) days after the expiration of the Moratorium established by Local Law Number 1 of 2016, no application for the construction or erection of industrial solar energy generation facilities may be filed, nor will any such application be accepted or processed.  For the purpose of this local law, an “application” shall be deemed to mean any request for official action by the Town Board, Planning Board, Code Enforcement Officer, or Building Inspector which would in any way commence or continue the process whereby an industrial solar energy generation facility is or may be constructed or erected.  This moratorium shall only apply to solar energy generation facilities of an industrial scale encompassing more than one-half (1/2) acre of land area, and is not intended to apply to residential-scale installations on or around homes designed to offset energy demands from the premises on which the facilities are installed.


Section 301:                Validity

If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this local law is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this local law.


Section 401:                Appeals

A party aggrieved by the provisions of this local law may file an appeal with the Town of Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals.  The Town of Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals shall act upon an application for an appeal from this local law in conformance with the procedural requirements and standards of the Town of Kendall Zoning Ordinance and the Town Law of the State of New York.


Section 501:                Effective Date

This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Department of State.

Amy Richardson

Town Clerk

Town of Kendall

Publish once on March 5, 2017

Send Proof of Publication to Town Hall Town of Kendall

Send Bill to Town of Kendall, Town Clerk


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York, will meet at the Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, in the Town of Kendall, at 7:00 o’clock P.M. on March 21, 2017 for the purpose of conducting a Public Hearing to consider the construction of the facilities and improvements of proposed Water District No. 9 consisting of the installation of approximately 2,525 linear feet of 8” diameter water main along a portion of Creek Road within the Town, all of the foregoing to include land or rights in land, original equipment, machinery, furnishings, valves, fittings, connections, fill, appurtenances and related site work and other ancillary work (referred to herein as the “Water District”)  in the Town, at the estimated maximum of cost of $215,000.00 which is planned to be financed by the issuance of $65,000.00 serial bonds offset by any funds received from the federal, state, county, and/or local grants, said balance of costs to be provided by the levy and collection of special assessments from the parcels within the Benefited Area; total estimated first year costs to a typical property and to a typical one or two family home (as defined in Town Law) in the amount of $1,240.00 and total estimated second year and beyond costs to a typical property and to a typical one or two family home in the amount of $856.10.

At such public hearing, the Town Board will hear all persons interested in said subject matter thereof.

At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Kendall in the County of Orleans, New York, held in the Town on the 21st day of February, 2017.

PRESENT:      Anthony Cammarato, Supervisor
Barbara Flow, Councilperson
Bruce Newell, Councilperson,
Lynn Szozda., Councilperson
Wayne Martin, Councilperson


In the Matter of Water District No. 9

in the Town of Kendall, County of Orleans, New York,

pursuant to Article 12-A of the Town Law






WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York, has duly adopted a Resolution directing the Supervisor of the Town of Oakfield to file a Map, Plan and Report for providing the facilities, improvements or services in a portion of the Town of Kendall, where a water district is proposed to be established; and said Map, Plan and Report has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall on February 21, 2017; and

WHEREAS, a “Petition to Request Water District” was filed in the Kendall Town Clerk’s Office on February 21, 2017, signed by the required number of property owners within the proposed district, namely, pursuant to the latest completed assessment roll of the Town of Kendall, the owners of taxable real property located in the proposed Water District No. 9 owning in the aggregate at least one-half of the assessed valuation of all of the taxable real property of the proposed Water District; and also constituting the signatures of resident owners who own taxable real property aggregating at least one-half of the assessed valuation of all of the taxable real property of the proposed Water District owned by residents, and

WHEREAS, the boundaries of the proposed water district are as follows:

See EXHIBIT A attached hereto.

WHEREAS, the improvements proposed consists of the construction and installation of approximately 2,525 linear feet of eight (8) inch water main along portions of Creek Road; together with all related right-of-way costs, site work and other ancillary work, including hydrants, valves, apparatus, and other improvements and costs incidental thereto (referred to herein as “water improvement”), and

WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for such water improvement is $215,000.00, which is planned to be financed through bonded indebtedness at an interest rate of 3.5% for a 30 year term in an amount not to exceed $65,000.00, offset by any funds received from the United States of America, and/or the State of New York, and/or the county of Orleans, and/or local grants; including, but not limited to, grant of approximately $150,000.00.

WHEREAS, the proposed annual debt service (assuming 6 units) is estimated to be approximately $589.00 per typical property user in the proposed district, which is a single family home, and

WHEREAS, a typical household uses 66.42/1000 gallons of water per year and the estimated cost of the water to be purchased by the water district’s users is a total of 2.84 per 1,000 gallons used, plus an annual maintenance reserve fee of $50.00; thereby the average household can expect to additionally pay approximately $267.10 per year for water purchase above and beyond the debt service, and

WHEREAS, based upon the foregoing estimates, the total annual cost of the typical property in the proposed district is estimated to be $856.10 per year, and

WHEREAS, payment of the debt service will be made by levy and collection of special assessments from the several lots and parcels of lands within the water district, which the Town Board shall determine and specify to be specially benefited thereby, so much upon and from each as such shall be in just proportion of the amount of benefit conferred upon the same, to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds, as the same shall become due and payable, and

WHEREAS, each property will also have to pay for service from their home to the road right-of-way, incurring estimated one-time costs of approximately $10.00 per linear feet of pipe for a service line; plus potential well abandonment or separation charges; as well as any internal plumbing charges, and

WHEREAS, the Map, Plan and Report describing such improvements is on file in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall and available for public inspection, and it is

ORDERED, that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, New York, shall meet at the Town Hall, located at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York on the 21st day of March, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the proposal to establish said water district with the improvements specified herein, at which time and place all persons interested in the subject thereof may be heard concerning the same, and it is further

ORDERED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall is hereby authorized and directed to publish a copy of this Order in The Hamlin Herald, to post a copy of the same on the signboard of the Town of Kendall, and to mail a copy to all owners of property located within the proposed water district, in the time and manner required by law.

Collector’s Notice of Receipt of
Tax Roll and Warrant

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, Amy K. Richardson, the undersigned collector of taxes in and for the Town of Kendall, have duly received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Kendall for the year 2017, and that I will attend the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Mondays from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., for the purpose of receiving taxes on the said Roll. Taxes can also be mailed to Tax Collector, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or deposited in the drop box on the west side of the Town Hall.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2017 without penalty. On all taxes received after such date, there will be an added penalty, as follows:

February 1 – February 29          1%
March 1 – March 31                  2%
April 1 – April 30                      3%

until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Orleans County Treasurer, on the first day of May, 2017.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, Real Property Tax Law, Section 987: NOTICE OF UNPAID TAXES. On April 15, 2017, a notice will be mailed to each owner of real property on which taxes remain unpaid, and a $1.00 penalty shall be charged on and after April 15, 2017 against the parcel and added to taxes due.

Amy K. Richardson
Tax Collector
Kendall Town Clerk


Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Special Meeting of the Town Board on Thursday, December 29th, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. in the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. The purpose of such meeting is to pay claims and to conduct any other year-end business.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson


 The 2017 organizational meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be held on Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. All interested persons are invited to attend.

 By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

Legal Notice

Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Ryszard Jurzysta, 17284 Sand Road, Tax ID #33.4-1-18. Applicant seeks approval for a special use permit to operate a home business (saw mill) in the Residential Hamlet District (RH). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Andrew Kludt
Chair, Town Planning Board


Please take notice that the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York will hold an additional work session on November 9, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.

Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk
By Order of Planning Board Chairman Kludt

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice of hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Rd., to consider the application of Floyd Young, Jr., 2148 Peter Smith Rd., Tax ID #42.-1-6.  Applicant seeks a variance for construction of a shed with rear and side setbacks of (5’) five feet requiring variances of (20’) twenty feet from Article V S265-22.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s office.

By Order of Patrick Bolton

Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice of hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Rd., to consider the application of Alberta Root, 1945 Transit Rd., Tax ID #31-1-22.12.  Applicant seeks a variance for a one lot subdivision with (50’) fifty feet of road frontage requiring a variance of (90’) ninety feet from Article V S265-22.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s office.

By Order of Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice of hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Rd., to consider the application of Annette Staples, 16081 Lomond Shores, Tax ID #9.12-1-28.1.  Applicant seeks a variance for an open porch addition with a side setback of (3’) three feet requiring a variance of (2’) two feet from Article V S265-28.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s office.

By Order of Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice of hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 7:50 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Rd., to consider the application of Wayne Robbins, 15915 Ed Rose Shores, Tax ID #9.11-1-18.  Applicant seeks a variance for an addition with a front setback of (56’) fifty-six feet requiring a variance of (9’) nine feet from Article V S265-28 and chapter 5 of the code of the Town of Kendall, and shall also apply to the vista site lines of Article V S265-28.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s office.

By Order of Patrick Bolton
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals


 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2017 is completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 pm on Thursday the 10th of November, 2016 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected Officials: Supervisor: $8,400; Town Council: $3,120 each; Town Clerk: $28,428; Highway Superintendent: $51,250; Town Justice 1: $7,725, Town Justice 2: $6,600.

By the Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Town Clerk
Town of Kendall


Please take notice that the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York will hold an additional work session on October 11, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.

Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk

By Order of Planning Board Chairman Kludt


Please take notice that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York, will hold a Special Meeting to receive the Tentative Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2017 from the Town Clerk, on October 4, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York. All interested persons are welcome to attend.

By Order Of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk

Town of Kendall standard work day resolution

TOK standard work day resolution


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 21, 2016, the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, New York, adopted a resolution entitled:
an abstract of such resolution, concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof, being as follows:
FIRST: RECITING that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall (“Town Board” and “Town”, respectively), New York, has heretofore duly caused the preparation of a general map, plan and report for the proposed Water District No. 8, in the Town (the “District”) consisting of the construction and installation of approximately 12,900 linear feet of 12-inch diameter PVC water main along portions of Kendall Road and Creek Road, including land or rights in land, stream and road crossings, furnishings, valves, hydrants, fittings, connections, fill, services, appurtenances and related site work and other ancillary work; which map, plan and report have been duly filed in the office of the Town Clerk of Town public inspection; that an Order was adopted on May 27, 2016, reciting a description of the boundaries of the proposed District in a manner sufficient to identify the lands included therein as in a deed of conveyance, the improvements proposed, the maximum amount proposed to be expended therefore, the proposed method of financing, the fact that a map, plan and report describing the same are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office for public inspection, and specifying the time and place of a Public Hearing to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same; that copies of such Order have been duly published and posted, that all environmental laws and regulations will be complied with, and that such hearing has been duly held on June 21, 2016, at the time and place specified;
SECOND: RESOLVING AND DETERMINING that (a) the Order Calling Hearing was published and posted as required by Law and is otherwise sufficient, (b) the Notice of Public Hearing was mailed by first class mail to each owner of taxable real property in the District (c) all the property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby, (d) all the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed District, and (e) that the establishment of the District is in the public interest.
THIRD: FURTHER RESOLVING AND DETERMINING that the establishment of the District be approved, DESIGNATING such District as Water District No. 8 in the Town of Kendall, and DESCRIBING the District by metes and bounds;
FOURTH: FURTHER RESOLVING that the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said District improvements is $1,340,000.00, which is planned to be financed by the issuance of $1,340,000.00 serial bonds of the Town offset by any funds received from the federal, state, county, and/or local grants, including but not limited to loan and/or grant funds from USDA Rural Development, said balance of costs to be provided by the levy and collection of special assessments from the several lots and parcels of land within such Benefited Area which the Town Board shall determine to be especially benefited by said Water District, so much upon and from each as shall be in just proportion to the amount of benefit which the Water District shall confer upon the same, to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same shall become due and payable.
FIFTH: FURTHER RESOLVING that the permission of the State Comptroller is not required with respect to the District because the estimated cost of the District to the Typical Property (as defined in the Town Law) is below the Average Estimated Cost to the Typical Properties for the establishment of similar types of districts, as computed by the State Comptroller, and a full application will not need to be submitted to the State Comptroller’s Office for approval; and
SIXTH: STATING that this resolution is subject to permissive referendum.
By order of the Town Board of the
Town of Kendall, in the County of
Orleans, New York.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 21, 2016, the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, New York, adopted a resolution entitled:
an abstract of such resolution, concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof, being as follows:
FIRST: RECITING that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall (“Town Board” and “Town”, respectively), New York, has heretofore duly caused the preparation of a general map, plan and report for the proposed Water District No. 7, in the Town (the “District”) consisting of the construction and installation of approximately 8,000 linear feet of 10-inch diameter PVC water main along a portion of Norway Road, including land or rights in land, road crossings, furnishings, valves, hydrants, fittings, connections, fill, services, appurtenances and related site work and other ancillary work; which map, plan and report have been duly filed in the office of the Town Clerk of Town public inspection; that an Order was adopted on May 27, 2016, reciting a description of the boundaries of the proposed District in a manner sufficient to identify the lands included therein as in a deed of conveyance, the improvements proposed, the maximum amount proposed to be expended therefore, the proposed method of financing, the fact that a map, plan and report describing the same are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office for public inspection, and specifying the time and place of a Public Hearing to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same; that copies of such Order have been duly published and posted, that all environmental laws and regulations will be complied with, and that such hearing has been duly held on June 21, 2016, at the time and place specified;

SECOND: RESOLVING AND DETERMINING that (a) the Order Calling Hearing was published and posted as required by Law and is otherwise sufficient, (b) the Notice of Public Hearing was mailed by first class mail to each owner of taxable real property in the District (c) all the property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby, (d) all the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed District, and (e) that the establishment of the District is in the public interest.

THIRD: FURTHER RESOLVING AND DETERMINING that the establishment of the District be approved, DESIGNATING such District as Water District No. 7 in the Town of Kendall, and DESCRIBING the District by metes and bounds;

FOURTH: FURTHER RESOLVING that the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said District improvements is $860,000.00, which is planned to be financed by the issuance of $860,000.00 serial bonds of the Town offset by any funds received from the federal, state, county, and/or local grants, including but not limited to loan and/or grant funds from USDA Rural Development, said balance of costs to be provided by the levy and collection of special assessments from the several lots and parcels of land within such Benefited Area which the Town Board shall determine to be especially benefited by said Water District, so much upon and from each as shall be in just proportion to the amount of benefit which the Water District shall confer upon the same, to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same shall become due and payable.

FIFTH: FURTHER RESOLVING that the permission of the State Comptroller is not required with respect to the District because the estimated cost of the District to the Typical Property (as defined in the Town Law) is below the Average Estimated Cost to the Typical Properties for the establishment of similar types of districts, as computed by the State Comptroller, and a full application will not need to be submitted to the State Comptroller’s Office for approval; and

SIXTH: STATING that this resolution is subject to permissive referendum.

By order of the Town Board of the
Town of Kendall, in the County of
Orleans, New York.



Notice is hereby given that the Assessment Roll for the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, and the State of New York for the year 2016 has been finally completed and verified by the undersigned assessor, and certified copy will be filed with the Town Clerk on the first day of July 2016, where the same remains open to public inspection.

Dated this 22nd day of June 2016

Arthur E. Massey, Jr.
Town of Kendall



Intent to File an Application with USDA Rural Development (RD)

 This is to provide public notice that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall intends to file an application for grant and loan assistance for improvements within an area designated as the Town of Kendall Water District No.  8 (a/k/a Kendall Rd.-Creek Rd. Water District).  This proposed project involves the installation of approximately 12,750 linear feet of water main along a portion of Kendall Road between Roosevelt Highway and the Murray town line and along a portion of Creek Road from Kendall Road to a point east of Carton Road that will serve 52 residential dwellings.  The total cost of the project is estimated to be $1,340,000.  The Town anticipates receiving a $500,000 grant and a low-interest loan for the balance from USDA Rural Development.

The Town of Kendall is an equal opportunity employer.

Anthony Cammarata
Town of Kendall



Intent to File an Application with USDA Rural Development (RD)

 This is to provide public notice that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall intends to file an application for grant and loan assistance for improvements within an area designated as the Town of Kendall Water District No. 7 (a/k/a Norway Road Water District).  This proposed project involves the installation of approximately 7,150 linear feet of water main along a portion of Norway Road between Roosevelt Highway and Creek Road that will serve 24 residential dwellings.  The total cost of the project is estimated to be $860,000.  The Town anticipates receiving a $546,000 grant and a low-interest loan for the balance from USDA Rural Development.

The Town of Kendall is an equal opportunity employer.

Anthony Cammarata
Town of Kendall



Intent to File an Application with USDA Rural Development (RD)

 This is to provide public notice that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall intends to file an application for grant and loan assistance for improvements within an area designated as the Town of Kendall Water District No.  8 (a/k/a Kendall Rd.-Creek Rd. Water District).  This proposed project involves the installation of approximately 12,750 linear feet of water main along a portion of Kendall Road between Roosevelt Highway and the Murray town line and along a portion of Creek Road from Kendall Road to a point east of Carton Road that will serve 52 residential dwellings.  The total cost of the project is estimated to be $1,340,000.  The Town anticipates receiving a $500,000 grant and a low-interest loan for the balance from USDA Rural Development.

The Town of Kendall is an equal opportunity employer.

Anthony Cammarata
Town of Kendall



Intent to File an Application with USDA Rural Development (RD)

 This is to provide public notice that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall intends to file an application for grant and loan assistance for improvements within an area designated as the Town of Kendall Water District No. 7 (a/k/a Norway Road Water District).  This proposed project involves the installation of approximately 7,150 linear feet of water main along a portion of Norway Road between Roosevelt Highway and Creek Road that will serve 24 residential dwellings.  The total cost of the project is estimated to be $860,000.  The Town anticipates receiving a $546,000 grant and a low-interest loan for the balance from USDA Rural Development.

The Town of Kendall is an equal opportunity employer.

Anthony Cammarata
Town of Kendall




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York, will meet at the Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, in the Town of Kendall, at 7:00 o’clock P.M. on June 21, 2016 for the purpose of conducting a Public Hearing to consider the construction of the facilities and improvements of proposed Water District No. 8 consisting of the installation of approximately 12,900 linear feet of 12” diameter PVC water main along portions of Kendall and Creek Roads within the Town, all of the foregoing to include land or rights in land, original equipment, machinery, furnishings, valves, fittings, connections, fill, appurtenances and related site work and other ancillary work (referred to herein as the “Water District”)  in the Town, at the estimated maximum of cost of $1,340,000.00 which is planned to be financed by the issuance of $1,340,000.00 serial bonds offset by any funds received from the federal, state, county, and/or local grants, including, but not limited to grant and/or loan funds from USDA Rural Development, said balance of costs to be provided by the levy and collection of special assessments from the parcels within the Benefited Area; total estimated first year costs to a typical property and to a typical one or two family home (as defined in Town Law) in the amount of $1,574.84 and total estimated second year and beyond costs to a typical property and to a typical one or two family home in the amount of $844.84.

At such public hearing, the Town Board will hear all persons interested in said subject matter thereof.




 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York, will meet at the Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, in the Town of Kendall, at 7:00 o’clock P.M. on June 21, 2016 for the purpose of conducting a Public Hearing to consider the construction of the facilities and improvements of proposed Water District No. 7 consisting of the installation of approximately 8,000 linear feet of 10” diameter PVC water main along a portion of Norway Road within the Town, all of the foregoing to include land or rights in land, original equipment, machinery, furnishings, valves, fittings, connections, fill, appurtenances and related site work and other ancillary work (referred to herein as the “Water District”)  in the Town, at the estimated maximum of cost of $860,000.00 which is planned to be financed by the issuance of $860,000.00 serial bonds offset by any funds received from the federal, state, county, and/or local grants, including, but not limited to grant and/or loan funds from USDA Rural Development, said balance of costs to be provided by the levy and collection of special assessments from the parcels within the Benefited Area; total estimated first year costs to a typical property and to a typical one or two family home (as defined in Town Law) in the amount of $1,419.84 and total estimated second year and beyond costs to a typical property and to a typical one or two family home in the amount of $689.84.

At such public hearing, the Town Board will hear all persons interested in said subject matter thereof.



Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Special Meeting of the Town Board on Friday, May 27, 2016, at 4:00 pm in the Kendall town Hall, 1874 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. The purpose of such meeting is to accept the maps, plans, and reports for both the Norway Road and Kendall Road Water District Projects, and to schedule Public Hearings for those projects.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of Brian Wakefield, 1323 County Line Rd., Tax ID #33.4-1-11.  Applicant seeks a 10’ variance from Article V, Section 265-21E, requiring a 15’side set-back for construction of a garage addition.  Property is zoned Residential Hamlet (RH).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the town clerk’s office.

By Order of Patrick Bolton
Town of Kendall Zoning Board Chairman

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of Steve McAvry, 16758 Kenmore Rd., Tax ID #32.12-2-40.  Applicant seeks a 7’ variance from Article V, Section 265-21E, requiring a 15’side set-back for construction of a storage structure (12’x 40’).  Property is zoned Residential Hamlet (RH).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the town clerk’s office.

By Order of Patrick Bolton
Town of Kendall Zoning Board Chairman


Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board has rescheduled its regular April meeting from Tuesday, April 19, 2016, to Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

Legal Notice
Notice of Public Hearing
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Town of Kendall Planning Board on Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road to consider the application of Gerald Meisenzahl, 161 Hamlin Center Road, Hilton, NY for site plan review of a one lot subdivision for construction of a single family residence.  Property is located at 2565 Center Road, Tax ID #43-1-67.1.  Property is zoned Residential Agricultural (RA).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerks Office.

By Order of Andrew Kludt
Town of Kendall
Planning Board Chairman

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of Brian Wakefield, 1323 County Line Rd., Tax ID #33.4-1-11.  Applicant seeks a 10’ variance from Article V, Section 265-21E, requiring a 15’side set-back for construction of a garage addition.  Property is zoned Residential Hamlet (RH).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the town clerk’s office.

By Order of Patrick Bolton

Town of Kendall Zoning Board Chairman

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of Steve McAvry, 16758 Kenmore Rd., Tax ID #32.12-2-40.  Applicant seeks a 7’ variance from Article V, Section 265-21E, requiring a 15’side set-back for construction of a storage structure (12’x 40’).  Property is zoned Residential Hamlet (RH).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the town clerk’s office.

By Order of Patrick Bolton

Town of Kendall Zoning Board Chairman




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the refunding bond resolution published herewith has been adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York (the “Town”) on March 15, 2016, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested only if:

(1)       (a)       such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town is not authorized to expend money or

(b)       the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with

and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within 20 days after the date of publication of this notice; or

(2)       such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution of New York.


The following is a summary of a refunding bond resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York (the “Town”) on March 15, 2016.  Such resolution authorizes the issuance and sale by the Town of refunding serial bonds in an amount not to exceed $2,075,000 (the “Refunding Bonds”).  The proceeds from the sale of the Refunding Bonds shall be used for the specific purpose of refunding certain outstanding serial bonds of the Town issued in 1996, 2003 and 2007 as more fully described in the refunding bond resolution (collectively, the “Refunded Bonds”).  The Refunding Bonds are being issued in accordance with the terms of a refunding financial plan (the “Refunding Financial Plan”) prepared for the Town by Roosevelt & Cross Incorporated.  The purpose of the Refunding Bonds is to take advantage of the current interest rate environment and to reduce debt service costs through maturity.

Information regarding the Refunded Bonds follows:

Original Amount Proposed Amount to be Refunded Period of Probable Usefulness
Water District No. 2 (Serial) Bonds, 1996Construction of a water distribution system to serve Kendall Water District No. 2 in and for the Town. $274,000 $147,000 40 years
Water District No. 3 (Serial) Bonds, 2003Construction of a water distribution system to serve Kendall Water District No. 3 in and for the Town. $366,000 $285,000 40 years
Water District No. 4 (Serial) Bonds, 2003Construction of a water distribution system to serve Kendall Water District No. 4 in and for the Town. $1,310,000 $1,080,000 40 years
Water District No. 5 (Serial) Bonds, 2007 Series AConstruction of a joint water distribution system to serve both the Hamlin-Beachwood Park Water District in the Town of Hamlin and Kendall Water District No. 5 in and for the Town. $256,000 $193,000 40 years
Water District No. 5 (Serial) Bonds, 2007 Series BConstruction of a joint water distribution system to serve both the Hamlin-Beachwood Park Water District in the Town of Hamlin and Kendall Water District No. 5 in and for the Town $289,000 $217,000 40 years


Copies of the refunding bond resolution summarized herein and the Refunding Financial Plan are available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Kendall located at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.

072560.00002 Business 14703178v2



The Kendall Town Board meeting has been moved from Tuesday April 19th to Wednesday April 20 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall

Legal Notice

Notice of Public Hearing

Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Town of Kendall Planning Board on Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road to consider the application of Todd and Mindy Zyra.  Applicants seek approval for construction of a single family residence on a one lot subdivision located at Lot R-1 Banner Beach Road, Tax ID #10.11-1-44.1.  Property is zoned Waterfront Residential.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerks Office.

By Order of Andrew Kludt

Town of Kendall

Planning Board Chairman

Legal Notice


Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of Sherry Wingender, 1602 Kendall Rd., Tax ID #21.-1-20.  Applicant seeks a side setback variance of 15’ for conversion and enlargement of an existing non-conforming attached garage for living space.  Relief is being sought from Article V, S265-23, requiring a 25’setback.  Property is zoned Rural Residential (RR).  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the town clerk’s office.

By Order of Patrick Bolton

Town of Kendall Zoning Board Chairman


 The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from Kendall residents interested in a position as a Zoning Board of Appeals member.

 Please direct all correspondence, on or before February 29, 2016 to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours.

 The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

 By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson

Kendall Town Clerk


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., and its conference sessions (workshops) on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York. All interested persons are encouraged to attend.

Please also take notice that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall has scheduled additional work sessions on Saturdays prior to the third Tuesday of each month from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m., at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.

December 17, 2015

Mr. Ronald Penna

2384 Peter Smith Road

Kent, NY 14477

Dear Mr. Penna:

This is to inform you of a public hearing being held by the Planning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, to consider the application of Jacquelyn Mosher, 2369 Peter Smith Road.  Applicant seeks site plan approval for a motor vehicle repair shop located at 2355 Peter Smith Road, Tax ID# 42.-1-26.2.  Property is zoned Rural Agriculture.  All persons wishing to speak on this matter will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the town clerk’s office.

By order of Andrew Kludt

Town of Kendall Planning Board Chairman

December 17, 2015

Mr. Mark Driesel

16898 Kenmor Road

Kendall, NY 14476

Dear Mr. Driesel:

This is to inform you of a public hearing being held by the Planning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, to consider the application of Douglas Merle. Applicant seeks approval for construction of a single family residence on a one lot subdivision located at 16908 Kenmor Road, Kendall, NY, Tax ID# 33.-1-43.512.  Property is zoned Rural Residential.  All persons wishing to speak on this matter will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the town clerk’s office.

By order of Andrew Kludt

Town of Kendall Planning Board Chairman



 The resolution  published herewith was adopted on the 15th day of December, 2015, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested only if such obligation were authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town of Kendall Town Board is not authorized to expend money or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with were not, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitution. Such resolution was passed unanimously.



BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, in Orleans County, New York (the “Town”) (by the favorable vote of not less than two-thirds of all the members of the Board) as follows:

SECTION 1.  The Town is hereby authorized to acquire a Caterpillar loader for use by the Town including any preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and in connection with the financing thereof (collectively, the “Purpose”).  The estimated maximum cost of the Purpose is $150,000.

SECTION 2.  The Town Board plans to finance the estimated maximum cost of the Purpose by the issuance of serial bonds in an aggregate amount not to exceed $150,000 of the Town, hereby authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to the Local Finance Law, such amount to be offset by any federal, state, county and/or local funds received.  Unless paid from other sources or charges, the cost of such Purpose is be paid by the levy and collection of taxes on all real property in the Town to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same will become due and payable.

SECTION 3.  It is hereby determined that the Purpose is a class of objects or purposes described in subdivision 28 of paragraph (a) of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law, and that the period of probable usefulness of the Purpose is 15 years; however, the bonds issued pursuant to this resolution, and any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds, will mature no later than five years from the date of original issuance of such bonds or notes.

SECTION 4.  Current funds are not required to be provided prior to the issuance of the bonds authorized by this resolution or any notes issued in anticipation of the sale of such bonds.

SECTION 5.  It is hereby determined the proposed maturity of the obligations authorized by this resolution will not be in excess of five years.

SECTION 6.  The faith and credit of the Town are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds (and any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the sale of such bonds) as the same respectively become due and payable.  An annual appropriation will be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds or notes becoming due and payable in such year.  Unless paid from other sources or charges, there will annually be levied on all the taxable real property of the Town a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds or notes as the same become due and payable.

SECTION 7.  Subject to the provisions of this resolution and of the Local Finance Law, pursuant to the provisions of Section 30.00 relative to the authorization of the issuance of bond anticipation notes or the renewals of such notes and of Section 21.00, Section 50.00, Sections 56.00 to 60.00, Section 62.00 and Section 63.00 of the Local Finance Law, the powers and duties of the Town Board pertaining or incidental to the sale and issuance of the obligations herein authorized including, but not limited to, authorizing bond anticipation notes and prescribing the terms, form and contents and details as to the sale and issuance of the bonds herein authorized and of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the sale of such bonds, and the renewals of such notes, are hereby delegated to the Town Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer of the Town.  Without in any way limiting the scope of the foregoing delegation of powers, the Town Supervisor, to the extent permitted by Section 58.00(f) of the Local Finance Law, is specifically authorized to accept bids submitted in electronic format for any bonds or notes of the Town.

SECTION 8.  The temporary use of available funds of the Town, not immediately required for the purpose or purposes for which the same were borrowed, raised or otherwise created, is hereby authorized pursuant to Section 165.10 of the Local Finance Law, for the purpose or purposes described in Section 1 of this resolution.  The Town then reasonably expects to reimburse any such expenditures (to the extent made after the date hereof or within 60 days prior to the date hereof) with the proceeds of the bonds authorized by Section 2 of this resolution (or with the proceeds of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the sale of such bonds).  This resolution shall constitute the declaration of the Town’s “official intent” to reimburse the expenditures authorized by Section 2 hereof with such bond or note proceeds, as required by United States Treasury Regulations Section 1.150-2.

SECTION 9.     The Town Supervisor is further authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to ensure the continued status of the interest on the bonds authorized by this resolution, and any notes issued in anticipation thereof, as excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) and may designate the bonds authorized by this resolution, and any notes issued in anticipation thereof, as “qualified tax-exempt bonds” in accordance with Section 265(b)(3) of the Code.

SECTION 10.  The Town Supervisor is further authorized to enter into a continuing disclosure agreement with the initial purchaser of the bonds or notes authorized by this resolution, containing provisions which are satisfactory to such purchaser in compliance with the provisions of Rule 15c2-12, promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

SECTION 11.  The Town has determined that the Project will not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, no other determinations or procedures under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”) are required.

SECTION 12.  In the absence or unavailability of the Town Supervisor, the Deputy Town Supervisor is hereby specifically authorized to exercise the powers delegated to the Town Supervisor in this resolution.

SECTION 13.  The validity of such serial bonds or of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the sale of such serial bonds may be contested only if:

  1. (a) such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town is not authorized to expend money, or

(b)        the provisions of the law which should be complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within 20 days after the date of such publication of this notice; or

  1. such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution of New York.

SECTION 14. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish this resolution, or a summary thereof, together with a notice in substantially the form provided by Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law, in the official newspaper(s) of the Town, or if no newspaper(s) have been so designated, then in a newspaper having general circulation in the Town, which newspaper shall be designated by the Town Board in a separate resolution.

SECTION 15.     This Resolution is effective immediately.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson, Town Clerk


 Collector’s Notice of Receipt of

Tax Roll and Warrant

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, Amy K. Richardson, the undersigned collector of taxes in and for the Town of Kendall, have duly received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Kendall for the year 2016, and that I will attend the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Mondays from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., for the purpose of receiving taxes on the said Roll. Taxes can also be mailed to Tax Collector, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or deposited in the drop box on the west side of the Town Hall.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2016 without penalty. On all taxes received after such date, there will be an added penalty, as follows:

February 1 – February 29          1%

March 1 – March 31                  2%

April 1 – April 30                      3%

until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Orleans County Treasurer, on the first day of May, 2016.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, Real Property Tax Law, Section 987: NOTICE OF UNPAID TAXES. On April 15, 2016, a notice will be mailed to each owner of real property on which taxes remain unpaid, and a $1.00 penalty shall be charged on and after April 15, 2016 against the parcel and added to taxes due.

Amy K. Richardson

Tax Collector

Kendall Town Clerk




 WHEREAS notice of public hearing was duly given and said hearing duly held on the 17th day of November, 2015 to consider the enactment of the local law described below;

NOW, THEREFORE, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, after due consideration and deliberation, the Town Board of the Town of Kendall duly enacted said local law on the 15th day of December, 2015, and said local law and the Code adopted thereby shall be I full force and effect as provided by law upon the filing of a copy of this local law with the Secretary of State. The local law enacted is entitled and described as follows:



This local law:

  • States the legislative intent of the Town Board in adopting the Code.
  • Provides for the designation of the local laws, ordinances and certain resolutions of the Town of Kendall as the “Code of the Town of Kendall.”
  • Repeals local laws and ordinances of a general and permanent nature not included in the Code, except as provided.
  • Saves from repeal certain local laws and ordinances and designates certain matters not affected by repeal.
  • Retains the meaning and intent of previously adopted legislation.
  • Provides for the filing of a copy of the Code in the Town Clerk’s office.
  • Provides for certain changes in or additions to the Code.
  • Prescribes the manner in which amendments and new legislation are to be incorporated into the Code.
  • Requires that the Code books be kept up-to-date.
  • Provides for the sale of the Code books by the Town and the supplementation thereof.
  • Prohibits tampering with Code books, with offenses punishable by a fine of not more than $250 or by imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both.
  • Establishes severability provisions with respect to the Code generally.
  • Provides that the local law will be included in the Code as Chapter 1, Article II.

DATED: December 21, 2015



Amy Richardson, Town Clerk



 The 2016 organizational meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be held on Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. All interested persons are invited to attend.

 By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy K. Richardson

Kendall Town Clerk




 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, for the purpose of adopting a codification of the local laws, ordinances, and certain resolutions of the Town of Kendall, said codification to be known as the “Code of the Town of Kendall,” a public hearing will be held by the Town Board at the Town Hall in the Town of Kendall, on the 17th day of November, 2015, at 7:00 p.m., to consider the enactment of the proposed local law described and summarized below:



This local law:

  • States the legislative intent of the Town Board in adopting the Code.
  • Provides for the designation of the local laws, ordinances and certain resolutions of the Town of Kendall as the “Code of the Town of Kendall.”
  • Repeals local laws and ordinances of a general and permanent nature not included in the Code, except as provided.
  • Saves from repeal certain local laws and ordinances and designates certain matters not affected by repeal.
  • Retains the meaning and intent of previously adopted legislation.
  • Provides for the filing of a copy of the Code in the Town Clerk’s office.
  • Provides for certain changes in or additions to the Code.
  • Prescribes the manner in which amendments and new legislation are to be incorporated into the Code.
  • Requires that Code books be kept up-to-date.
  • Provides for the sale of Code books by the Town and the supplementation thereof.
  • Prohibits tampering with Code books, with offenses punishable by a fine of not more than $250 or by imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both.
  • Establishes severability provisions with respect to the Code generally.
  • Provides that the local law will be included in the Code as Chapter 1, Article I.

Copies of the local law described above and of the Code proposed for adoption thereby are on file in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall, where the same are available for public inspection during regular office hours.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard on said proposed local law at the place and time aforesaid.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the requirements of the Open Meetings Law of the State of New York, the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will convene in public meeting at the place and time aforesaid for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the proposed local law described above and, as deemed advisable by said Board, taking action on the enactment of said local law.

DATED:                                              BY THE ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD




Please be advised that the Kendall Town Board Workshop scheduled for November 3, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. has been cancelled.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy K. Richardson

Kendall Town Clerk



 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2016 is completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 pm on Thursday the 5th of November, 2015 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected Officials: Supervisor: $8,400; Town Council: $3,120 each; Town Clerk: $28,428; Highway Superintendent: $49,750; Town Justice 1: $7,725, Town Justice 2: $6,600.

By the Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy K. Richardson

Town Clerk

Town of Kendall

Legal Notice 


Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of Lawrence Nowak, Tax ID 32.12-1-20.  Applicant seeks a variance for an addition to a pre-existing garage, non-conforming with a side set-back of .3 feet at his property located at 1818 Kendall Road.  Relief is being sought from Article V, Section 505 requiring a 15′ set-back.  All persons wishing to speak on this matter will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the town clerk’s office.

By Order of Patrick Bolton

Town of Kendall Zoning Board Chairman

Public Posting 09.01.2015

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall,

1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Harvey Strassner, 16621 Banner Beach Road, Tax ID # 10.11-1-26.  Applicant seeks a variance for construction of an In-Ground pool and 4’ fence in the front yard of 16621 Banner Beach Road, Lakeshore residence in the waterfront residential (WR) district.  All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Patrick Bolton

Chair., Zoning Board of Appeals

Public Posting 07.27.2015

The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest from Kendall residents to fill a volunteer position as a member of the Kendall Recreation Committee.

Please direct correspondence to Kendall Town Clerk Amy Richardson, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, NY 14476, e-mail, or hand deliver to 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall NY during normal business hours.

The Town Board of the town of Kendall reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Town Clerk

Actual Posting

Public Posting 07.27.2015

The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest from Kendall residents to fill a volunteer position as a member of the Kendall Medical Office Oversight Board.

Please direct correspondence to Kendall Town Clerk Amy Richardson, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, NY 14476, e-mail, or hand deliver to 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall NY during normal business hours.

The Town Board of the town of Kendall reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Town Clerk

Actual Posting

Public Posting 07.27.2015


The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest from Town of Kendall residents interested in a position as Town Historian.

Please direct all correspondence and inquires, on or before August 31, 2015, to Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, e-mail, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours.

The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

Actual Posting

Public Posting 07.23.2015 – 08.23.2015


Establishing Standard Work Day for Employment Titles

Standard Work Day and Reporting Resolution for Elected and Appointed Officials

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson

Public Posting 07.21.2015

Legal Notice

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476, on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, at 7:00 P.M., on the adoption of a Local Law known as A Local Law to Recodify the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Kendall.

Actual Posting

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson

Public posting 

Please take notice that the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York has scheduled a public hearing for the application of Karl Driesel for approval of a site plan to operate a wood working shop on his property located at 1750 Kendall Road, Tax ID 32.00-01-055.2.  Said hearing will be held on the 26th day of May, 2015 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.  All persons wishing to speak on this matter will be heard at this time.  Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s office.

By Order of Andrew Kludt

Town of Kendall Planning Board Chairman

Public Posting 05.04.2015 – 05.09.2015


Notice is hereby given that the Tentative Assessment Roll for 2015 has been completed by the assessor for the Town of Kendall, County of Orleans. The Tentative Roll will be files on May 1st and is available for inspection at the Assessor’s Office (Kendall Town Hall 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall NY) until the fourth Tuesday in May, 2015 or online at under the Department of Real Property.

Full Posting

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson

Public Posting 02.27.2015 – 03.13.2015


The Kendall Town Board is seeking Town of Kendall electors who may be interested in serving on the Kendall Town Board as Councilperson, to fill a vacancy of a term ending December 31, 2015.

Please direct letters of interest and resumes, on or before 9:00 p.m. March 30, 2015, to Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk, P O Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476; or hand deliver to 1873 Kendall Rd, Kendall, New York during her normal hours. The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson

Public Posting 02.27.2015 – 03.13.2015



The following meetings of the Kendall Town Board have been rescheduled as follows:

The work session scheduled for Saturday, March 14th at 9:00 a.m. will now be held on Monday, March 23rd, at 3:30 p.m., and also, The Regular Town Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 17th, at 7:00 p.m. will now be held on Thursday, March 26th, at 7:00 p.m.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson

Public Posting 02.11.2015 – 02.18.2015


Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board is seeking letters of interest with resumes from Kendall residents interested in a position as Justice Court Clerk.

Inquiries regarding a job description and details of expectation may be directed to Justice Drennan, 659-8546.

Please direct all correspondence, on or before January 20, 2015, to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall New York during her normal business hours.

The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

Actual Posting

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson



PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm, and its conference sessions on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York. All interested persons are encouraged to attend.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson



Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Special Meeting of the Town Board on Monday, December 29th, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. in the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. The purpose of such meeting is to pay claims and to conduct any other year-end business.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson



The 2015 organizational meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be held on Tuesday, January 6th, 2015
at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. All interested persons are invited to attend.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

New posting 11.12.14


Please take notice that the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York, will hold a public hearing on the application of Mr. Ronald Bierstine for approval of a Special Use Permit, to operate a Bed and Breakfast on his property located at 2038 Peter Smith Road. Said hearing will be held the 25th day of November, 2014 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. All persons wishing to speak on this matter will be heard at this time. Application is on file in the Town Clerk�s office.
By Order of Andrew Kludt, Town of Kendall Planning Board Chairman

New posting

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 7:10 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of John R. Marchand, 16636 Carr Road, Kendall, New York 14476, Tax ID #32.-2-7.2. Applicant is seeking a variance for a front set back of 10� for construction of a porch. Applicant is also seeking a front set back variance of 15� and a side set back variance of 10� for construction of a garage/room addition. Relief is being sought from Article V, Section 512. Property is zoned Rural Residential. All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. Application is on file in the Town Clerks Office

Patrick Bolton
Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals

New posting

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 7:40 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Ronald Bierstine, 2038 Peter Smith Road, Kent, New York 14477, Tax ID #31.0-1-17.12. Applicant is seeking a variance to allow front parking for a Bed and Breakfast. Relief is being sought from Article VII, Section 722F. Property is zoned Residential Agriculture. All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. Application is on file in the Town Clerks Office

Patrick Bolton
Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals
New posting 03.14.14
Town of Kendall
Notice of Completion of Tentative Assessment Roll
(Pursuant to Section 506 & 526 of the Real Property Tax Law)

Notice is hereby given that the Tentative Assessment Roll for 2014 has been completed by the Assessor for the Town of Kendall, County of Orleans. The Tentative Roll will be filed on May 1, 2014 and is available for inspection at the Assessor’s Office (Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY) until the fourth Tuesday in May 2014. Or on line at at

The Assessor will be in attendance with the Tentative Assessment Roll on
May 5,6, 2014 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Noon) & 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
May 13, 2014 9:00 a.m. – 12:00p.m. (Noon) & 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
May 10, 2014 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. by appointment

To Schedule an appointment please call (585.659.8545)

The Board of Assessment Review will meet on May 27, 2014 between the hours of 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road Kendall, NY to hear and examine all complaints in relation to Assessments on the application of any person believing himself to be aggrieved. Please call 585.659.8545 to schedule time.

A publication containing procedures for contesting as Assessment is available at the assessor’s Office. To view on line click here.

Gene Massey
Assessor, Town of Kendall

New posting 03.14.14


Please take notice that the Planning Board of the Town Of Kendall, Orleans County, New York has scheduled a public hearing for the application of Frederick Stone for approval of a Special Use Permit, to operate a dog kennel on his property located at 1716 West Kendall Road per Section 712 of the Kendall Zoning Ordinance. Said Hearing will be held on the 25th day of March, 2014 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. All persons wishing to speak on this matter will be heard at this time. Application is on file in the Town Clerk�s office.

By Order of Raymond G. Wenzel III,
Town of Kendall Planning Board Chairman

New posting


The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from Kendall residents interested in filling a vacant position on the Town of Kendall Town Board.

Please direct all correspondenceon or before March 3, 2014, to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours.

The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk

New posting 01.24.14

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall has scheduled additional work sessions to occur on Saturdays prior to the third Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m., at the Kendal Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, to audit the claims for payment. All interested persons are encouraged to attend.

New posting 01.14.14(1)


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm, and its conference sessions (workshops) on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York. All interested persons are encouraged to attend.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk

New posting 01.14.14(2)


The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from Kendall residents interested in filling vacant positions on the Town of Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals, and on the Town of Kendall Planning Board.

Please direct all correspondence, specific to which position, on or before February 27, 2014, to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours.

The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk
New posting 01.14.14(3)

Collectors Notice of Receipt of
Tax Roll and Warrant

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, Amy K. Richardson, the undersigned collector of taxes in and for the Town of Kendall, have duly received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Kendall for the year 2014, and that I will attend the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Mondays from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., for the purpose of receiving taxes on the said Roll. Taxes can also be mailed to Tax Collector, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2014 without penalty. On all taxes received after such date, there will be an added penalty, as follows:
February 1  February 29 1%
March 1  March 31 2%
April 1 April 30 3%
until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Orleans County Treasurer, on the first day of May, 2014.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, Real Property Tax Law, Section 987: NOTICE OF UNPAID TAXES. On April 10, 2014, a notice will be mailed to each owner of real property on which taxes remain unpaid, and a $1.00 penalty shall be charged on and after April 15, 2014 against the parcel and added to taxes due.

Amy K. Richardson
Tax Collector
Kendall Town Clerk


Please take notice that the Town Board of the
Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York, will hold a Special Meeting to receive the Tentative Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2014 from the Town Clerk, on October 1, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York. All interested persons are welcome to attend.
By Order Of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk



The public hearing will take place September 3, 2013 at 7:30 pm at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.

Copies of each of this proposed law are available for public inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours, and are available for review on the town website: Click here to view

All persons interested in these matters and desiring to be heard will be heard
at these hearings.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

New posting 05.27.13

The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from Kendall residents interested in a position as a Town Council member.

Please direct all correspondence, on or before June 10, 2013
to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours.

The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

New posting

Please take notice that the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York, will hold a Public Hearing on the application of RM Zingler Farms for approval of a Special Use Permit, to operate a farm labor camp on his property located at 1669 Center Road. Said hearing will be held the 22nd day of January, 2013 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall , 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. All persons wishing to speak on this matter will be heard at this time. Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s office.

By Order of Paul Gray, Town of Kendall Planning Board Chairman

New posting

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m., and its conference sessions (workshops) on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m., at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York. All interested persons are encouraged to attend.

Please also take notice that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall has scheduled additional work sessions to occur on each Monday evening from 6:00 to 9:00, excluding holidays, and on Saturdays prior to the third Tuesday of each month from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m., at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.

New posting

The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from those interested in the position of Town of Kendall Planning Board Member.
Please direct all correspondence, on or before January 18, 2013 to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours.
The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

New Posting 01.05.13


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to a joint resolution dated November 14, 2012, the Boards of Fire Commissioners of the Hamlin Fire District , the Morton Fire District and the
Walker Fire District have endorsed a proposed joint consolidation agreement, dated November14th, and pursuant to that resolution and proposed agreement, a public hearing will be held at
St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1107 Lake Road West Fork, Hamlin, New York 14464 on January 15th, 2013, at 7:00 pm, before the Boards of Fire Commissioners of the Hamlin Fire District, the
Morton Fire District and the Walker Fire District on the proposed joint consolidation agreement. Any interested person shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard on any aspect of the
proposed consolidation.
Attached to this Notice is a descriptive summary of the proposed joint consolidation agreement: Copies of the full Joint Consolidation Agreement may be viewed in its entirety at the following
readily accessible public place or places in Hamlin, Morton and Walker
Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Rd, Kendall, NY 14476
Hamlin Town Hall, 1658 Lake Rd. Hamlin, NY 14464
Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, P.O. Box 858, Clarkson, NY 14430
Hamlin Fire Hall, 1521 Lake Road, Hamlin, NY 14464
Walker Fire Hall, 1420 Walker Lake Ontario Rd, Hilton New York 14468 ;
Morton Fire Hall, 1094 Monroe Orleans Countyline Rd. , Hamlin, New York 14464
US Post Office, 1205 County Line Rd # 1, Kendall, NY
The Hamlin Library, 1422 Clarkson Hamlin TL Road, Hamlin, NY 14464
Dated: November 14th, 2012
Kathy Gross,
Hamlin Fire District
1521 Lake Road
Hamlin, NY 14464
Joyce Henry
Morton Fire District
P.O. Box 164
Morton, New York 14508-0129
Karen Haight
Walker Fire District
P.O. Box 614
Hilton, New York 1446

New Posting 01.01.13

Collector’s Notice of Receipt of
Tax Roll and Warrant

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, Amy K. Richardson, the undersigned collector of taxes in and for the Town of Kendall, have duly received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Kendall for the year 2013, and that I will attend the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Mondays from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., for the purpose of receiving taxes on the said Roll. Taxes can also be mailed to Tax Collector, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2013 without penalty. On all taxes received after such date, there will be an added penalty, as follows:
February 1st February 29 1%
March 1st March 31 2%
April 1st April 30 3%
until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Orleans County Treasurer, on the first day of May, 2013.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, Real Property Tax Law, Section 987: NOTICE OF UNPAID TAXES. On April 12, 2013, a notice will be mailed to each owner of real property on which taxes remain unpaid, and a $1.00 penalty shall be charged on and after April 15, 2013 against the parcel and added to taxes due.

Amy K. Richardson
Tax Collector
Kendall Town Clerk

New Posting 11.19.12

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will continue its scheduled meeting of November 20, 2012, through recess, on November 27, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. , at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk

New Posting 10.24.12


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2013 is completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday the 30th of October, 2012 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected Officials: Supervisor: $8,400; Town Council: $3,120 each; Town Clerk: $26,000; Highway Superintendent: $48,650; Town Justice 1: $8,100, Town Justice 2: $7,350.00.

By the Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Town Clerk
Town of Kendall


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Morton Fire District located in the Towns of Hamlin and Kendall, in the Counties of Monroe and Orleans, State of New York shall present the Proposed Budget of the Morton Fire District and discuss the contents of the same.

Pursuant to Town Law 105, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held at 7:00 o-clock p.m. prevailing time on October 16, 2012 at Morton Fire House on 1094 County Line Road, Hamlin New York 14464.

The purpose of the public hearing is to allow any person to be heard in favor of or again any item or items contained in the Proposed Budget as submitted, or to be heard in favor or against the Proposed Budget as submitted.

A copy of the Proposed Budget is available at the office of the Fire District Secretary at 1094 County Line Road, Hamlin, New York 14464, during the hours of 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on October 1, 2012, prevailing time, and at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Hamlin, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin, NY 14464, during the hours of 8:00 am, to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, prevailing time, and at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476, during the hours of 9:00 am to12:00 p.m., and 12: 45 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday through Friday, and on Monday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. prevailing time.

Dated: October 1, 2012
1094 County Line Road
Hamlin, New York
To view/print a copy click here


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall will hold two special meetings, one on Monday the 8th day of October, 2012 at 7:00p.m. the other on Wednesday the 10th day of October, 2012 at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall New York for the continued review of the Site plan for the Cottages at Troutburg project. All interested persons are welcome to attend

By order of the Kendall Planning Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk


Please take notice that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York, will hold a Special Meeting to receive the Tentative Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2013 from the Town Clerk, on October 2, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York. All interested persons are welcome to attend.

By Order Of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

The Town Board is looking for your input on the following resolution that was passed at the June 19, 2012 Town Board Meeting.
Be it RESOLVED, that the Kendall Town Board introduces Local Law 1 of 2012, entitled Establishment of Waterfront Planned Development District, as attached, for consideration by the Town Board and to allow for public input and Orleans County Planning Board comment, and,
Be it further RESOLVED, that the text of this local law will be available at the Kendall Town Clerk’s Office for public inspection, and posted on the town website for public inspection; and
Be it further RESOLVED, that this document is still in draft format, pending further recommendations of Attorney Spitzer, the Town of Kendall Planning Board, Orleans County Planning Board, the Town Board and public inspection.
BE it resolved that, in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) regulations, the Town Board of the Town of Kendall announces its intent to serve as lead agency to conduct an environmental review as it relates to the establishment of Local Law #1 of the year 2012, which will consider adoption of establishment of Waterfront Planned Unit Development District
Be it further resolved that the Town Board has determined that the proposed Local Law is a “Type 1 Action”, as defined under SEQR, and…
Be it further resolved that the Town Board, in its capacity as Lead Agency, has prepared an environmental assessment of the significance of and potential environmental impact of the above Type 1 action, and
Be it further resolved that Part 1of this SEQR action is to be forwarded, along with this resolution, to the Orleans County Planning Board for its review of Local Law #1 and filed with the Town Clerk as is appropriate for the official record of establishment of Local Law #1.
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will hold a public hearing on July 10, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider Local Law #1 of 2012, ESTABLISHMENT OF WATERFRONT PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT , and further,
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is authorized to place a Legal Notice for a Public Hearing to consider adoption of this law, at which time all persons wishing to be heard in favor of or in opposition thereto will be heard.

Click here for your copy, I ask for you to review it and submit your comments.

NEW Posting 01.26.12

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Please take note that the Town of Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals meeting has been rescheduled for the month of February. The meeting scheduled for February 14, 2012 has been canceled and is scheduled to take place on Tuesday February 7, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

Kevin Banker
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Posted 01.15.12
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Public Posting

The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from Kendall from those interested in the position of Deputy Code Enforcement Officer.

Please direct correspondence on or before January 31, 2012 to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476 or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during normal business hours.

The Town Board of the Town of Kendall reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By the Order of the Kendall Town Board.
Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

NEW Posting

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Collector’s Notice of Receipt
of Tax Roll and Warrant

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, Amy K. Richardson, the undersigned collector of taxes in and for the Town or Kendall, have duly received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes in and for the Town of Kendall have duly duly recieved the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes withing the Town of Kendall for the year 2012, and that I will attend the Kendall Town Hall 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Mondays from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., for the Purpose of receiving taxes on the said Roll. Taxes, can also be mailed to Tax Collector, P.O. Box 474. Kendall, New York 14476.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2012 without penalty. On all taxes received after such date there will be an added penalty, as. follows:
February 1st – February 28 1%
March 1st March 31 2%
April 1st – Apri1 30 3%
Until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Orleans County Treasurer on the first day of May 2012 TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, Real Properly Tax Law, Section 987 NOTICE OF UNPAID TAXES, On April 4, 2012, a notice will be mailed to each owner of real property on which taxes remain unpaid and a $1.00 penalty shall be charged on and after April 16, 2012 against the parcel and added to taxes due
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

View and Print your 2012 Tax Bill by
clicking here

NEW Posting 01.02.12
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

The 2012 Organizational Meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be held Tuesday January 3, 2012, at 7:30 p.m.. at the Kendall Town Hall. 1873 Kendall Road. Kendall. New York 14476. All interested persons are invited to attend.
By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

New Posting 11.13.11
On December 13, 2011

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Election of the Morton Fire District will take place on December 13 2011 between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at the Morton Fire House located at 1094 County Line Road Morton, NY 14508, for the purpose of electing one Commissioner for a five (5) year term, commencing January 1, 2012 and ending December 31, 2017. All voters registered with the Monroe and Orleans Counties Board of Elections that live in the Morton fire District on or before November 21, 2011 shall be eligible to vote.

Candidates for District Office shall have filed their names with the Secretary of the Morton Fire District, at the fire house at 1094 County Line Road, Morton, NY 14508 no later than twenty days before the election, November 23, 2011.

Date: November 19, 2011
Joyce Henry, Secretary

New Posting 10.24.11
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2012 is completed and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk Office hours. To view a copy of the Budget click here.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board for the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a Public Hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:30 pm on Tuesday November 1, 2011 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected officials. Supervisor $8,400.00; Town Council $3,120.00 each; Town Clerk $26,000.00; Highway Superintendent $48,650.00; Town Justice 1 $8,100.00; Town Justice 2 $7,350.00.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Town Clerk
Town of Kendall

New Posting
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 7:45 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Tracie Strabel, owner of vacant property, Tax ID 43.-1-37 and 43.-1-30, Kendall Road. Applicant seeks an area variance of 166 feet for land frontage currently measured at 34 feet. Article V section 512 specification require 200 feet of frontage for buildable lots in Residential Agriculture Districts of which land is located. All persons wishing to speak on this matter will be heard at this time. Application is on file in the Town Clerks Office.

Kevin Banker
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

New Posting
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Jon Ostrander, 16078 Carr Road, Tax ID 31.-2-8. Applicant seeks a variance for a 14-foot rear set-back for a new garage, replacing the existing garage. Relief is being sought from Article V, section 512. Property is zoned Residential Agriculture. All persons wishing to speak on this matter will be heard at this time. Application is on file in the Town Clerks Office.

Kevin Banker
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

New Posting 10.17.11
Legal Notice
Notice of Meeting Change
Town of Kendall

Please take note that the regular scheduled meeting for the Town Of Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals on November 8, 2011 has been rescheduled for Wednesday October 26, 2011 at 7:00 pm.

Kevin Banker, Chairman
Zoning Board of Appeals

New Posting
Legal Notice
Kendall Fire District
Notice of Public Hearing
on the Annual Budget

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Commissioners of the Kendall Fire District located in the Town of Kendall, in the county of Orleans, State of New York shall present the Proposed Budget of the Kendall Fire District and discuss the contents of the same. Pursuant to town law 105, a Public Hearing will be held at 7:00 o-clock p.m. prevailing time on October 18, 2011 at the Kendall Fire House, 1879 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476. The purpose of the hearing is to allow any person to be heard in favor of or against any item or items contained in the Proposed Budget as submitted, or to be heard in favor against the Proposed Budget as submitted.
A copy of the Proposed Budget is available at the office of the Fire District Secretary by calling 585-738-1388 and at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476 during the hours of operation.

Dated: October 3, 2011
Board of Fire Commissioners of Kendall Fire District
1879 Kendall Road
Kendall, NY 14476

New Posting 10.03.11
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet to receive the tentative budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2012 from the town clerk on Tuesday October 4, 2012, at 7:30 pm, at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York

Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

New Posting 09.26.11


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Morton Fire District located in the Towns of Hamlin and Kendall, in the Counties of Monroe and Orleans, State of New York shall present the Proposed Budget of the Morton Fire District and to discuss the contents of the same.

Pursuant to Town Law 105, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held at 7:00 o-clock p.m. prevailing time on October 18, 2011 at Morton Fire House on 1094 County Line Road, Hamlin New York 14464.

The purpose of the public hearing is to allow any person to be heard in favor of or again any item or items contained in the Proposed Budget as submitted, or to be heard in favor or against the Proposed Budget as submitted.

A copy of the Proposed Budget is available at the office of the Fire District Secretary at 1094 County Line Road, Hamlin, New York 14464, during the hours of 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on October 10, 2011, prevailing time, and at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Hamlin, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin, NY 14464, during the hours of 8:00 am, to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, prevailing time, and at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476, during the hours of 9:00 am. to 12:00 p.m., and 12: 45 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday through Friday, and on Monday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.. prevailing time.

Dated: September 27, 2011
1094 County Line Road
Hamlin, New York

New Posting 06.27.11
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice of Filing Completed
Assessment Roll with Kendall Town
Clerk after Grievance Day
(Pursuant to Section 516 of the Real Property Tax Law)

Notice is herby given that the Assessment roll for the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, and the State of New York for the year 2011 has been finally completed and verified by the undersigned Assessor, and certified copy filed with the Town Clerk on the 1 st. day of July 2011, where the same remains open to public inspection.

Dated this 24th. day of June 2011

Arthur E. Massey, Assessor
Town of Kendall

Posted 05.07.11
The Kendall Highway Department
will carry out a
Please cut trees and brush to
no longer than six ft. lengths, and
place parallel to the road.
Please have brush
at your curbside before
MAY 23, 2011
For more Information, contact Highway
Superintendent warren Kruger at 659-2650.
By Order of the Kendal Town Board.

Posted 05.01.11
Town of Kendall
Notice of Completion of Tentative Assessment Roll
(Pursuant to Section 506 & 526 of the Real Property Tax Law)

Notice is hereby given that the Tentative Assessment Roll for 2011 has been completed by the Assessor for the Town of Kendall, County of Orleans. The Tentative Roll will be filed on May 2, 2011 and is available for inspection at the Assessor’s Office (Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY) until the fourth Tuesday in May 2011.

The Assessor will be in attendance with the Tentative Assessment Roll on
May 3,6,12, 2011 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Noon) & 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
May 16, 2011 9:00 a.m. – 12:00p.m. (Noon) & 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
May 21, 2011 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. by appointment

To Schedule an appointment please call (585.659.8545)

The Board of Assessment Review will meet on May 24, 2011 between the hours of 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road Kendall, NY to hear and examine all complaints in relation to Assessments on the application of any person believing himself to be aggrieved. Please call 585.659..8545 to schedule time.

A publication containing procedures for contesting as Assessment is available at the assessor’s Office. To view on line click here.

Gene Massey
Assessor, Town of Kendall

Posted 04.26.11
Legal Notice
Public Hearing

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Public Hearing regarding adoption of Local Law 1 of 2011, entitled REVISIONS TO THE TOWN OF KENDALL ZONING REGULATIONS WITHIN HAMLET, WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT AND WATERFRONT RESIDENTIAL ZONES. The public hearing will take place Tuesday May 3, 2011 at 7:30pm at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.

Copies of the law are available for public inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours, and are available for review on the Town’s website: (click here for a copy)

All persons interested in these matters and desiring to be heard will be heard at these hearings

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

Public Notice
Town of Kendall

The Town of Kendall Zoning Board will carry out a town-wide survey May 1 through May 15. This survey will be conducted from roadways to identify potential zoning violations such as unlicensed vehicles, homes without posted numbers, and unsafe property conditions. Questions should be directed to the code enforcement Department at 585.659. 2341, or by email at

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Posted 04.18.11

Job Duties Include:
Take minutes at monthly meeting 3rd Tuesday of the month
Pay bills , Prepare budget
Prepare financial reports
Good with figures
Please submit a resume to:
Job Posting
P. O. Box 317
Kendall, NY 14476
Any questions about the position please call Tina Burrage @ 410-0356

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm. and its conference sessions (workshops) on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York. All interested persons are encouraged to attend.

Please also take notice that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall has scheduled additional work sessions to occur on each Monday evening from 6:00 to 9:00 pm, excluding holidays, and on Saturdays prior to the third Tuesday of each month from 9:00 to 11:00 am, at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall New York

Posted 01.09.11
Town of Kendall
Public Posting

The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from Kendall residents interested in a position as a member of the Kendall Planning Board.
Please direct correspondence, on or before January 31, 2011, to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, during normal business hours.

The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardsob
Kendall Town Clerk


Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, Amy K. Richardson, the undersigned collector of taxes in and for the Town or Kendall, have duly received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Kendall for the year 2011, And that I will attend the Kendall Town Hall 1873 Kendall Road in the Town of Kendall, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Mondays from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., for the Purpose of receiving taxes on the said Roll. Taxes, can also be mailed
To Tax Collector, P.O. Box 474. Kendall, New York 14476. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2011 without penalty. On all taxes received after such date there will be an added penalty, as. follows:
February 1st – February 28 1%
March 1st March 31 2%
April 1st Apri1 30 3%
Until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the Orleans County Treasurer on the first day of May 2011 TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, Real Properly Tax Law, Section 987 NOTICE OF UNPAID TAXES, On April 4, 2011, a notice will be mailed to each owner of real property on which taxes remain unpaid and a $1.00 penalty shall be charged on and after April 15, 2011 against the parcel and added to taxes due
By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

View and Print your 2011 Tax Bill by
clicking here

Posted 12.23.10

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

The 2011 Organizational Meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be held Tuesday January 4, 2011, at 7:30 p.m.. at the Kendall Town Hall. 1873 Kendall Road. Kendall. New York 14476. All interested persons are invited to attend.
By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

POSTED 11.29.10


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Public Hearing regarding adoption of Local Law No. 2 of 2010, entitled EXTENSION OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL’S MORATORIUM ON ACCESSORY STRUCTURES IN HAMLET, WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT AND WATERFRONT RESIDENTIAL ZONES. The public hearing will take place December 7, 2010 at 7:00 pm at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.

Copies of each of these laws are available for public inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours, and are available for review on the town website:

All persons interested in these matters and desiring to be heard will be heard at these hearings.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans Count, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2011 is completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York, where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:30 pm on Thursday the 4th of November, 2010 and that any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected Officials: Supervisor: $8,400; Town Council: $3,120 each; Town Clerk: $25,700; Highway Superintendent: $48,336; Town Justice 1: $8,100, Town Justice 2: $7,350.00.

By the Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Town Clerk
Town of Kendall


The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from Kendall residents interested in a position as member of the Kendall Zoning Board.

Please direct all correspondence, on or before December 1, 2010 to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during her normal business hours.

The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Public Hearing regarding adoption of Local Law No. 1 of 2010, titled PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF DOGS IN THE TOWN OF KENDALL NEW YORK.
The public hearing will take place November 16th, 2010 at 7:00 pm at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Kendall Town Board will conduct a Public Hearing regarding adoption of Local Law No. 2 of 2010, titled EXTENDING THE MORATORIUM ON DEVELOPMENT WITHIN HAMLET, WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT AND WATERFRONT RESIDENTIAL ZONES. The public hearing will take place November 16th, 2010 at 7:10 pm at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.

Copies of each of these laws are available for public inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours, and are available for review on the town website:

All persons interested in these matters and desiring to be heard will be heard at these hearings.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

Posted 10.12.10
Legal Notice of Public Hearing
on the Budget
Morton Fire District

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Proposed Budget of the Morton Fire District of the Town (s) of Hamlin and Kendall, State of New York, will be presented to the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Morton Fire District, for its consideration.

A PUBLIC HEARING will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Morton Fire Hall, 1094 Monroe-Orleans County-line Rd., Morton, New York 14508, in the Town of Hamlin, State of New York on the 19th dayof October. 2010.

Pursuant to Town Law 105, the Board of Fire Commissioners must hold a public hearing on the budget, make the proposed budget available to the public prior to the public hearing, allow the
Public to comment on the budget at the public hearing. This public hearing must be held to allow maximum public participation in the hearing.

The purpo1ie of the public hearing is to allow any person to be heard in favor of or against the proposed budget as it is submitted, or for or against any item or items con tamed in the proposed
budget. and hearing all persons interested in the subject concerning same.

That a copy of the proposed budget is available at the Office of the Town Clerks of the Towns of Hamlin and Kendall and Fire District Secretary at 1094 Monroe Orleans County-line Road.
Morton where it may be inspected by any interested person on the 14th of October from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Dated: October 12.2010

Board of Fire Commissioners
Morton Fire District
1094Monroe Orleans County-line Road
Morton. NY 14508

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Please take Notice that the Town of Kendall Planning Board meeting has been rescheduled for the month of September. This month’s meeting will take place on September 16, 2010 at 6:30 pm.

Paul Gray
Planning Board Chairman

New Posting 09.12.10
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Kendall on Thursday September 16,2010 at 6:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Charles Akey, owner 16175 Carr Road Tax ID 20.-2-21 for a special use permit, pursuant to Article VII, Section 728, and subsection A2. Applicant proposes to construct a windmill on land to be acquired behind his residence. Property is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.

Paul Gray
Planning Board Chairman

New Posting 08.02.10
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Charles Akey, owner 16175 Carr Road Tax ID 20.-2-21 for a ground clearance variance. Applicant proposes to construct a windmill on land to be acquired behind his residence, requiring a 10-foot ground to blade clearance variance. Relief is being sought from Town Code Article VII Section 728, and Subsection C3.. Property is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.

Kevin Banker, Chairman
Zoning Board of Appeals

New Posting
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Public Hearing

The Town Board of the Town of Kendall has scheduled a Public Hearing to introduce a Local Law regarding Portable Storage Containers Ordinance for July 6, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road Kendall, New York. The Text of this recommendation as local law will be available for public review during regular Town Clerk’s office hours.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

NOTE: Copies are available on the Town Web site. Click to view a copy

New Posting
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Public Hearing

The Town Board of the Town of Kendall has scheduled a Public Hearing to introduce a Local Law regarding Junkyard Zoning Ordinance Updates for July 6, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road Kendall, New York. The Text of this recommendation as local law will be available for public review during regular Town Clerk’s office hours.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

NOTE: Copies are available on the Town Web site. Click to view a copy

New Posting 06.27.10
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice of Filing Completed
Assessment Roll with Kendall Town
Clerk after Grievance Day
(Pursuant to Section 516 of the Real Property Tax Law)

Notice is herby given that the Assessment roll for the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, and the State of New York for the year 2010 has been finally completed and verified by the undersigned Assessor, and certified copy filed with the Town Clerk on the 1 st. day of July 2010, where the same remains open to public inspection.

Dated this 24th. day of June 2010

Arthur E. Massey, Assessor
Town of Kendall

New Posting
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

The Kendall Planning Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York will hold a Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m., Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 2009 at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of Ellen Robinson, property owner of 2398 Norway Road Road, Tax ID 43.-2-18-2 for a special use permit. The request is to allow horse riding lessons, trail rides and boarding of horses. Relief is being sought from Article VII, Section 709. Property is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA). All persons wishing to speak to this request will be heard. Application is on file in the Town Clerks office.

Paul Gray
Planning Board Chairman

New Posting
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Donald Ward owner of 2539 Norway Road tax ID 44-1-55-2,for a side set back. Applicant proposes to construct a 384 square foot garage with a porch requiring a 20 foot side set back variance. Relief is being sought from Town Code Article V Section 512. Property is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.

Kevin Banker, Chairman
Zoning Board of Appeals

New Posting 03.16.10
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Please take notice that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall has scheduled additional work sessions to occur on the Saturday prior to the third Tuesday of each month from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, and on each Monday evening from 6:00p to 9:00 pm, excluding holidays. Work sessions are held at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall New York
By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

New Posting 02.07.10
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, February 11, 2010 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Mr. David Robinson, owner of 2398 Norway Road tax ID 43-3-18-2, seeks relief from Town Code Article V Section 512, setback requirements, which disallows any structure within thirty (30) feet of a side setback in the Rural Agricultural District (RA). Applicant has applied to construct a forty (40) by sixty (60) foot pole barn zero (0) feet onto the North property line, thereby requesting a thirty (30) foot variance. All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.

Kevin Banker, Chairman
Zoning Board of Appeals

New Posting
Town of Kendall

Please know that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will hold its scheduled workshop on February 2, 2010 at 7:30 p.m., at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York at which the Assessor and state representatives from the Office of Real Property Services will present information about the 2010 reassessment process. All interested people are encouraged to attend.
By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

New Posting
Town of Kendall

Please take Notice that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall has adopted a policy regarding compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and that this policy and complaint forms are available in he Town Clerk’s Office during regular business hours
By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

New Posting
Town of Kendall

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall will meet on the second Tuesday of each month, at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. All interested persons are welcome to attend.
By Order of the Town of Kendall
Zoning Board of Appeals

Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

New Posting 01.24.10
Town of Kendall

The Planning Board of the Town of Kendall will meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. All interested persons are welcome to attend.
By Order of the Town of Kendall Planning Board
Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

New Posting 11.19.09
On December 8th, 2009

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Election of the Morton Fire District will take place on December 8th, 2009 between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at the Morton Fire Hall located at 1094 Monroe Orleans Countyline Road, for the purpose of electing one Commissioner for a five (5) year term, commencing January 1, 2010, and ending December 31, 2015. All voters registered with the Monroe County Board of Election and the Orleans County Board of Election on or before November 16th, 2009 shall be eligible to vote.
Candidates for District Office shall have filed their names with the Secretary of the Morton Fire District, at the Morton Fire hall located at 1094 Monroe Orleans Countyline Road, no later than twenty days before the election, November 20th, 2009.

Date November 17th, 2009

Joyce Henry, Secretary

Posted 11.11.09

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Commission of the Kendall Fire District that the Annual Election of said Fire District will be held at the firehouse on Tuesday December 8, 2009 for the purpose of electing a commissioner for a term of (5) years. The firehouse is located on Main Street in Kendall. Every elector of the town of Kendall who shall have resided in the district for a period of thirty (30) days preceding any election of fire district officers, shall be qualified to vote. The polls will open from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Candidates for District Office shall file their names with thee Secretary of the Fire District, Tina Dickerson at P.O. Box 317, Kendall, NY 14476 no later than November 17, 2009

Tina M. Dickerson, Secretary
Kendall Fire District

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Wednesday, November 4, 2009 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the area variance application of Sharyn Redinger, owner of 1803 Kendall Road, Tax ID 32.12-2-8.1. Applicant proposes to erect a covered front porch on the existing residence and requests a 34 feet front setback variance. Relief is being sought from Article V, Sec. 505, which stipulates 90 feet front setback. Property is zoned Residential Hamlet (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be heard.

Pamela Rowles
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Posted 10.21.09
Town of Kendall

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall has rescheduled the November meeting for Wednesday, November 4th at 7:00 p.m., at Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road. The regularly scheduled meeting on November 17 is canceled.

Pamela Rowles
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Posted 10.07.09


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Morton fire
District located in the Towns of Hamlin and Kendall, in the Counties of Monroe and Orleans, State of New York shall present the Proposed Budget of the Morton Fire District and to discuss the contents of the same.

Pursuant to Town Law 105, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held at 7:00 o-clock p.m. prevailing time on October 20, 2009 at Morton Fire House on 1094 County Line Road, Hamlin New York 14464.

The purpose of the public hearing is to allow any person to be heard in favor of or again any item or items contained in the Proposed Budget as submitted, or to be heard in favor or against the Proposed Budget as submitted.

A copy of the Proposed Budget is available at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Hamlin, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin, NY 14464, during the hours of 8:00 am, to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, prevailing time, and at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476, during the hours of 9:00 am. to 12:00 p.m., and 12: 45 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday through Friday, and on Monday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.. prevailing time.

Dated: October 3, 2009
1094 County Line Road
Hamlin, New York

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Please take notice that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet to receive the tentative budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2010 from the Town Clerk, at a Special Meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 1, 2009 at 7:30 p.m., at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall New York.
Further, take notice a budget workshop will be held at the same location on October 22, at 7:30 p.m.

Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

Posted 09/27/09.1
Legal Notice of Public Hearing
Town of Kendall
Property Zoning Changes

A Public Hearing has been set for October 8, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at t the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall New York , to hear all public comment on a request for proposed property zoning changes of 5.1 acres of property identified as Parcel 32.2-1-28 from Residential /Hamlet (RH) District and Residential/Agricultural (RA) District to Light Industrial (LI) District. All interested persons are invited to attend.

Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York at a recessed meeting thereof held on the 27th day of August, 2009, duly adopted pursuant to section 64 (14) of the Town Law, a resolution subject to a permissive referendum, the purpose and effect of which is to purchase property for the in kind exchange value of $2,090.00 for the improvement of Banner Beach Road.
The resolution, in its entirety, is as follows:


WHEREAS, this action by the Town Board is deemed a Type II action for purposes of the State Environmental Quality Review Act; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Kendall has determined that it is in the best interest of the residents of the Town of Kendall to acquire certain property for the improvement of Banner Beach Road more fully described as follows,

ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of land situate in the Town of Kendall, County of Orleans, State of New York distinguished as being part of Lot 14, Township 4 of the 100,000 Acre Tract, so-called, bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING AT AN angle point in the southerly bounds of Banner Beach Road, Said point being a distance of 1149.41 feet north 38-13-10 west from the westerly bounds of Kendall Road; THENCE SOUTH 38-13-10 EAST along the southwesterly bounds of Banner Beach Road a distance of 42.06 feet to a point; THENCE NORTH 66-36-38 WEST along a line a distance of 74.01 feet to a point in the southerly bounds of Banner Beach Road; THENCE NORTH 84-59-55 EAST along the southerly bounds of Banner Beach Road a distance of 42.06 feet to the point or place of beginning, containing 0.02+ acres; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Kendall finds that such improvements will positively contribute to the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Kendall; and

WHEREAS, the owner of such parcel of property is willing to accept the following in kind transfer of town labor and materials in exchange for said property, To run a waterline from the road connection to his residence for a cost to the Town of Kendall of $940.00 in labor and equipment and $1,150.00 in materials and supplies, for a total purchase price of $2,090.00; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Kendall Highway Superintendant has recommended the acquirement of above-described property for the price as a fair and equitable exchange; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Kendall finds that such price for the property purchase is fair and equitable;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall hereby approves the purchase of the above-described property for the in kind exchange value of $2,090.00 as listed above and authorizes the Supervisor to enter into a contract for the purchase thereof. The Town Board further directs the Town Clerk to post and publish a notice within ten days a copy of this resolution and to specify that such resolution was adopted subject to permissive referendum.

The foregoing resolution was motioned by Councilman Joseph, and seconded by Councilwoman Szozda, and duly put to a vote which resulted as follows:

Member of Council Gaesser NO
Member of Council Joseph YES
Member of Council Schuth NO
Member of Council Szozda YES
Supervisor Gillman YES


Posted 09/06/09.2
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Joseph and Heather Tomasino, owner of 16183 Lakeshore Road, Tax ID 9.-1-18.111, for side setback variance. Applicant proposes to construct an addition on an existing house, requiring an 8 feet side setback variance on the west side. Relief is being sought from Article V, Sec.512. Property is zoned Residential Agricultural (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. Application is on file in Town Clerks office.

Pamela Rowles
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Steve Nauerth, owner, 16757 Smith Drive, Tax ID 32.20-1-43, for a side setback variance. Applicant proposes to construct a 2 car garage addition on an existing house, requiring a 2 feet side setback variance on the east side. Relief is being sought from Article V, Sec. 505. Property is zoned Residential Hamlet (RH). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. Application is on file in Town Clerks office.

Pamela Rowles
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Posted 07.08.09
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Donald & Lynne Short, owners of 16821 Bald Eagle Drive, Tax ID 10.-1-9.3, for a Use Variance. Applicant proposes to construct a stand alone wind energy system, one (1) unit, 48 feet high. Property is zoned Waterfront Residential (WR). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time. Application is on file in Town Clerks office.

Pamela Rowles
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Posted 06.07.09
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the variance application of Carol and Arthur Kirch, co-owners of 16787 Lakeland Beach Road, Tax ID 10.16-1-19. Applicants propose to erect a 6 ft fence on the east property line, south of the existing residence. Relief is being sought from Article VI, Sec. 610 I 2, which stipulates a 3 ft fence height restriction. Property is zoned Waterfront Residential. All persons wishing to speak will be heard.

Pamela Rowles
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

Posted 04.18.09
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice to Bidders

“Plow Equipment”
“Dump Body and Hoist”
“Salt/Sand Spreader”

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: that the Town Board of the Kendall, Orleans County, New York will receive sealed bids at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall, Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476, until 10:00 am on the 18th. day of May, 2009, at which time all sealed bids received shall be publicly opened and read aloud, for the purchase of a new Plowing Equipment, Dump Body and Hoist and a Salt/Sand Spreader, in order to equip a truck cab and chassis, for use by the Town of Kendall Highway Department, upon the bid specifications prepared and on file with the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall. All sealed bids shall be addressed to the the Town Clerk, Town of Kendall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476, and shall bear a label relevant to the item being bid. (Plowing Equipment) (Dump Body and Hoist) (Salt/Sand Spreader). All bids received must contain an Non -Collusive Bid Certificate as required by the General Municipal Law and shall remain good and open and may not be withdrawn for a period of 45 days after the date of opening therof. The Town Board of the Town of Kendall reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. A copy of the bid specifications and instructions to bidders is on file and available for inspection in the Office of the Town Clerk at the aforementioned address.

Town Clerk Amy Richardson
Highway Superintendant Warren Kruger
Town of Kendall
Dated April 16, 2009

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice of Completion of Tentative Assessment Roll
(Pursuant to Section 506 & 526 of the Real Property Tax Law)
Hearing of Complaints

Notice is hereby given that the Tentative Assessment Roll for 2009 has been completed by the Assessor for the Town of Kendall, County of Orleans. The Tentative Roll is available for inspection at the Assessor’s Office (Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY) until the fourth Tuesday in May 2009.

The Assessor will be in attendance with the Tentative Assessment Roll on
May 4,5, & 8, 2009 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Noon) & 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
May 4, 2009 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
May 11, 2009 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Noon) by appointment

To Schedule an appointment please call (585.659.8545)

The Board of Assessment Review will meet on May 26, 2009 between the hours of 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road Kendall, NY to hear and examine all complaints in relation to Assessments on the application of any person believing himself to be aggrieved. Please call 585.659..8545 to schedule time.

A publication containing procedures for contesting as Assessment is available at the assessor’s Office.

Gene Massey
Assessor, Town of Kendall

New Posting 04/14/09.3
Notice of Public Hearing
Town of Kendall
Restore NY Round 3
Revitalization Program Application

The Town of Kendall will hold a public hearing on the Restore NY Round 3 application. The purpose of this hearing is to review proposed activities at the following locations:
1823 Kendall Rd.
1827 Kendall Rd.
1841 Kendall Rd.
1849 Kendall Rd.
16721 Kenmore Rd
The hearing will be held on Thursday April 30, 2009 at 7:30 pm at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Rd., Kendall NY 14476.
Your attendance and participation at this hearing are welcome.

New Posting 04/14/09.2
Public Notice
Restore NY Program
Round 3
Property Assessment List
Town of Kendall

The Restore NY Round 3 Program can provide funds to municipalities to demolish, rehabilitate and/or reconstruct vacant, mostly unoccupied, abandoned and seriously deteriorated buildings that further the goals of revitalizing an urban center encouraging commercial investment or adding value to the municipal housing stock. The Town of Kendall has considered any or all of the following properties in the application.
1823 Kendall Rd.
1827 Kendall Rd.
1841 Kendall Rd.
1849 Kendall Rd.
16721 Kenmore Rd.
Comments on the above property assessment list may be forwarded to the Town Supervisor, Jonathan Gillman, 1873 Kendall Rd., P.O. Box 474 Kendall, NY 14476 no later than April 29, 2009.

New Posting 04/14/09

Legal Notice
Town of Kendall, Zoning Board of Appeals

Notice is hereby given that the Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on April 21, 2009 at 7:30pm or shortly thereafter at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall New York. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider an area variance request by Mr. David Schuth, 16761 Kenmore Road who is seeking relief from Article VI section 625 E which stipulates in part that camping units must be in accordance with the setbacks required for buildings in the respective zoning of the property. The property is zoned Residential Hamlet which requires a 90 ft front setback. Applicants is seeking a 58 ft variance as measured from the road centerline on property that is preexisting non-conforming.

Persons wishing to be heard in this matter may do so at this time.

Marianne Wilson
Deputy Town Clerk

New posting 04/09/09
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Kludt Brothers Inc, owners of 1165 West Kendall Road, Tax ID 9.-1-24.2, for a setback variance. Applicants propose to erect a grain bin, requiring a 42 ft front setback. Relief is being sought from Article V, Sec. 512 which stipulates a 90 ft front setback requirement. Property is zoned Agricultural. All persons wishing to speak will be heard.

Pamela Rowles
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

New posting 03/09/09B
Legal Notice

The Kendall Planning Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of Stephen A. Ackley, property owner of vacant land on Center Road, Tax ID 43.-1-53 and 43.-1-54 for a one lot subdivision approval for the purpose of constructing a single family home. All persons wishing to speak to this request will be heard. Application is on file in the Town Clerks office.

Paul Gray
Planning Board Chairman

New posting 03/09/09
Legal Notice

The Planning Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York announces the addition of a special meeting to be held Tuesday, March 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.

Paul Gray, Chairman
Planning Board

New posting 02/03/09
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
“Cab and Chassis Bid”

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York will receive sealed bids for the purchase of a new heavy duty motor truck cab and chassis for use by the Town of Kendall Highway Department, upon the bid specifications prepared and on file with the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall until 11:00 a.m. the 9 th day of March 2009, at which time all sealed bids received shall be publicly opened and read aloud, and recorded. All sealed bids shall be addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Kendall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall , New York 14476, or be delivered in person to the Town Clerk during normal business hours, and shall bear the label “Cab and Chassis Bid”. All bids received must contain a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate as required by the General Municipal Law and shall remain good and open and may not be withdrawn for a period of 45 days after the date of opening thereof.

The Town Board of the Town of Kendall reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. A copy of the bid specifications and instructions to bidders is on file and available for inspection in the Office of the Town Clerk at the aforementioned address.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board
Amy Richardson, Kendall Town Clerk

New posting 02/03/09
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the application of Peter Forte, owner, 15693 Thompson Drive, Tax ID 9.5-1-27, for two setback variances. Applicant proposes to construct an addition to an existing house, requiring a 15 ft rear setback variance on the south side and 3 ft front setback variance on the north side. Relief is being sought from Article V, Sec. 560. Property is zoned Waterfront Residential (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.

Pamela Rowles
Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals

New posting 01/15/09
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from Kendall residents to fill the vacancy of Zoning Board Member. Please direct correspondence, on or before February 9, 2009 to the Kendall Town Clerk, P.O.Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476, or hand deliver to the Kendall Town Clerk at 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476 during her normal business hours.
The Kendall Town Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.
By Order of the Kendall Town Board

New Posting 12.20.08
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Please be advised that the Kendall Town Board Workshop scheduled for December 25, 2008 at 7:30 pm has been cancelled. A Town Board Meeting will be held at 7:30 pm on
Tuesday December 30, 2008 at the Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall.

New Posting 11.17.08
On December 9th, 2008

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Election of the Morton Fire District will take place on December 9th, 2008 between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at the Morton Fire Hall located at 1223 Monroe Orleans Countyline Road, for the purpose of electing one Commissioner for a five (5) year term, commencing January 1, 2009, and ending December 31, 2013, one Commissioner for a two (2) year term, commencing January 1, 2009, and ending December 31, 2011, and one Commissioner for a one (1) year term, commencing January 1, 2009, and ending December 31, 2009. All voters registered with the Monroe County Board of Election and the Orleans County Board of Election on or before November 16th, 2008 shall be eligible to vote.
Candidates for District Office shall have filed their names with the Secretary of the Morton Fire District, at the Morton Fire hall located at 1223 Monroe Orleans Countyline Road, no later than twenty days before the election, November 19th, 2008.

Date November 9th, 2008

Margaret Coleman, Secretary

New Posting 10.27.08


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF KENDALL, Orleans County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2009 has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, located at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall will meet and review said preliminary budget and hold public hearings thereon at the Kendall Town Hall at 7:00 pm on the 6th day of November, 2008, and on the 13th day of November, 2008 and that at such hearings any person may be heard in favor or against any item contained therein.

AND FURTHER NOITICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of the following elected officials: Supervisor: $8,400; Town
Council (4): $3.120 ea; Town Clerk: $25,525; Highway Superintendent: $48,204; Town Justice $7,950.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT the regular meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be held following the public hearing on November 13th .

Amy K. Richardson
Town Clerk
Town of Kendall

New Posting October 6, 2008
Kendall Fire District

Notice of Public Hearing on the Annual Budget

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Kendall Fire District located in the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, State of New York shall present the Proposed Budget o the Kendall Fire District and discuss the contents of the same.

Pursuant to Town Law 105, a PUBLIC REARING will be held at 7:00 o’clock pm prevailing time on October 21, 2008 at Kendall Fire House, 1879 Kendall Road., Kendall, New York 14476,

The purpose of the public hearing is to allow any person to be heard in favor of or against any item or items contained in the Proposed Budget as submitted, or to be heard in favor or against the Proposed Budget as submitted.

A copy of the Proposed Budget is available at the office of the Fire District Secretary by calling 585-659-2843 and at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476, during the hours of9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 12:45 pm to 3:30 pm, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and on Monday evenings from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, prevailing time.

Dated: October 6, 2008

Board of Fire Commissioners of Kendall Fire District
1879 Kendall Road
Kendall, NY 14476

New Posting October 3, 2008

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Morton fire
District located in the Towns of Hamlin and Kendall, in the Counties of Monroe and Orleans, State of New York shall present the Proposed Budget of the Morton Fire District and to discuss the contents of the same.

Pursuant to Town Law �105, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held at 7:00 o�clock p.m. prevailing time on October 21, 2008 at Morton Fire House on 1094 County Line Road, Hamlin New York 14464.

The purpose of the public hearing is to allow any person to be heard in favor of or again any item or items contained in the Proposed Budget as submitted, or to be heard in favor or against the Proposed Budget as submitted.

A copy of the Proposed Budget is available at the office of the Fire District Secretary at 1094 County Line Road, Hamlin, New York 14464, during the hours of 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on October 10, 2008 and October 17, 2008, prevailing time, and at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Hamlin, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin, NY 14464, during the hours of 8:00 am, to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, prevailing time, and at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476, during the hours of 9:00 am. to
12:00 p.m., and 12: 45 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday through Friday, and on Monday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.. prevailing time.

A copy of the Proposed Budget is also available at the following website, www.mortonfire.ora.

Dated: October 3, 2008
1094 County Line Road
Hamlin, New York

NEW POSTING 09.25.08

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Kendall Fire District, located in the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York, will receive sealed bids for the sale of the following used fire apparatus: (a) one used Ford fire pumper/tanker truck; and (b) one used Ford fire rescue truck. Both vehicles are sold in �as is� condition with no representations or warranties, expressed or implied. The vehicles and specifications may be inspected prior to bidding by appointment by contacting Patrick Seaman, Truck Committee Chairman, at 585-355-2819. It shall be the sole responsibility of the bidder to determine the present condition of the vehicles or their fitness for any particular purpose. It is an expressed condition of sale that neither vehicle may be sold to any other fire district, paid or volunteer fire department, or to any other person or entity involved in the fire service and shall otherwise be retired from the fire service upon sale.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all bids shall be sealed, shall bear either the label �Fire Pumper/Tanker Truck Bid� or �Fire Rescue Truck Bid� as the case may be, and shall be delivered or mailed to the attention of Patrick Seaman, Truck Committee Chairman, at 1140 Monroe-Orleans County Line Road, Hamlin, New York 14464 prior to the date and time of the bid opening, or, in the alternative, shall be hand delivered to the Kendall Fire District, at the Kendall Fire Hall, 1879 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476 on the date and time of the bid opening. Whether delivered by mail or in person, it shall be the sole responsibility of the bidder to insure that its bid is received in hand by the Board of Fire Commissioners prior to the bid opening. The deadline for receipt of sealed bids is 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 21, 2008, at which time they shall be opened and read aloud at the Kendall Fire Hall, 1879 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York 14476. All bids shall remain good and open and not withdrawn for a period of 30 days after the bid opening. The Board of Fire Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any and all informalities.

Dated: September 18, 2008
Kendall Fire District
Kendall, New York
Board of Fire Commissioners

NEW POSTING 09.15.08
Legal Notice

The Kendall Planning Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York will hold a Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m., Tuesday, September 23, 2008 at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of James K. Glogowski, contractor for Charles Keirn, property owner of vacant land on Center Road, tax id 43.-1-57.212 for a one lot subdivision approval for the purpose of constructing a single family home. All persons wishing to speak to this request will be heard. Application is on file at the Kendall Town Hall.

Paul Gray
Planning Board Chairman

New Posting 09/07/08
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that the Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 7:30 pm, at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road. Applicant Mr. Edward Czerniak, property owner of 1821 County Line Road seeks relief from Town Code section 518, setback requirements, which disallow any structure within 25 feet of a side setback in the Rural Residential District (RR). Applicant has applied to construct a 10-foot addition (garage) to the North, leaving a five (5) foot setback. The structure is currently a pre-existing non-conforming structure, being between 14 and 17 feet from the North property line. All persons wishing to speak to this request will be heard at this time.

Kevin Banker, Chairman
Zoning Board of Appeals

New Posting 09/07/08.2
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that the Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 7:15pm, at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road. Applicants Lawrence and Barbara Matrese, property owners of 16085 Lomond Parkway in the Town of Kendall, seek relief from Town Code, Section 560 which disallows any structure within 60 feet from a front property line in the WR district. Applicants have applied to construct a 12 foot deck on the house, leaving 28 feet to the North (front) property line. The house is currently a pre-existing non-conforming structure, being 40 feet from the front property line. All persons wishing to speak to this request will be heard at this time.

Kevin Banker, Chairman
Zoning Board of Appeals

New Posting 08.03.08
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Public Hearing

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Kendall Town Board will conduct Public Hearings regarding adoption of proposed Town of Kendall Local Law No. 1 of 2008 – Amendment to the Town of Kendall Zoning Ordinance Regulating Wind Energy Conversion Systems. The Public Hearings will take place on August 14, 2008 at 7:30 p.m., at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.

Copies of the proposed local law will be available for public review during regular Town Clerk office hours after August 1, 2008.
Online copies will be available August 3, 2008, please check the Home page for the link.

All persons interested in this matter and desiring to be heard will be heard at this hearing.

By Order of the Town Board
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk.

(Notice there is a second meeting scheduled for Thursday August 21, 2008 at 7:30 p.m., at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.)

New Posting 08.03.08
Legal Notice
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Notice of Complete Application
Date: May 5, 2008
Applicant: Town of Kendall
1873 Kendall Road
Kendall, New York 14476-9632
Facility: Kendall-T Water District No. 6
Petersmith Road South of St. Rte. 18
Kendall, NY
Application ID: 8-3430-00143/00001
Permit(s) Applied: 1 – Article 15, Title 15 Water Supply
Project is located in Kendall in Orleans County
Project Description: The Town of Kendall proposes to create the Kendall Water District No. 6 to take for use therein a supply of water up to a maximum of 9750 gallons of water per day from the Town of Murray’s Water District 11 sources (which include MCWA and Village of Albion Lake Ontario sources). The project includes the installation of 12140 LF of 8-inch water main and appurtenants to provide service to 30 residents along portions of Petersmisth Road and NYS Route 18 (Roosevelt Highway.) The file is available for review and comment at the NYSDEC Region 8 Office.

Availability of Application Documents: Filed application documents and Department drat permits where applicable, are available for inspection during normal business hours at the address of the contact person. To ensure timely service at the time of inspection, it is recommended that an appointment be made with the contact person.

State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination Project is a Type 1 action and will not have a significant effect on the environment. A coordinated review with other involved agencies was performed and a Negative Declaration is on file.

SEQR Lead Agency: Kendall Town Board

State Historical Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination: Cultural resources lists and map have been checked. No registered, eligible or inventoried archaeological sites or historical structures were identified at the project location. No further review is accordance with SHPA is required.

DEC Commissioner Policy 29, Environmental Justice and Permitting (CP-29). It has been determined that the proposed action is not subject to CP-29.

Availability For Public Comment: Comments on this project must be submitted in writing to the Contact Person no later than 08/14/08 or 15 days after the publication date of this notice, whichever is later.

Contact Person:
Kimberly A. Merchant, NYSDEC
6274 East Avon-Lima Road
Avon, New York 14414

New Posting 07.14.08
Legal Notice

The Kendall Planning Board of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York will hold a Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m., Tuesday, July 22nd at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York to consider the application of Jeffrey and Amy Conte, property owners of vacant land on Kendall Road, tax id 21-1-10.1 for a one lot subdivision approval with intent to construct a single family home. All persons wishing to speak to this request will be heard. Application is on file at the Town Hall.

Paul Gray
Planning Board Chairman

New Posting
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Fair Housing Notice

The Town of Kendall has appointed Councilman Daniel Gaesser as the Fair Housing Officer for the Community. The Town has also adopted a Fair Housing Plan and maintains resource materials concerning fair housing, including Title VIII of the Civil rights Act of 1968 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

The federal Fair Housing Law, as well as the Laws of New York State, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, financing, and brokerage of housing based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or natural origin.

Persons who feel they have been victims of housing discrimination may receive assistance in filing a complaint by contacting Mr. Gaesser, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall New York 14476, telephone 585.659.8721. Copies of the Fair Housing Plan and other related materials are also available from the Town Clerk on request.

Kendall Town Board

New Posting 07.06.08
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice of Filing Completed
Assessment Roll with Kendall Town
Clerk after Grievance Day
(Pursuant to Section 516 of the Real Property Tax Law)

Notice is herby given that the Assessment roll for the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, and the State of New York for the year 2008 has been finally completed and verified by the undersigned Assessor, and certified copy filed with the Town Clerk on the 1 st. day of July 2008, where the same remains open to public inspection.

Arthur E. Massey, Assessor
Town of Kendall

New Posting 06.29.08
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Please take notice that the Kendall Town Board has rescheduled its regular July meeting for Tuesday July 8, 2008 at 7:00 pm at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York.

Amy Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

New Posting 06.04.08
Legal Notice

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York announces the rescheduling of the June 17, 2008 meeting to Wednesday, June 18 at 7:00 p.m. at Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.

Kevin Banker, Chairman
Zoning Board of Appeals

New Posting 05.11.08(1)
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

The bond resolution, a summary of which is, published herewith, was adopted by the Kendall Town Board on May 8, 2008, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such bond resolution may be hereafter contested only if such obligations were autho�rized for an object or purpose for which the Town of Kendall, New York is not authorized to expend money or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is com�menced within twenty (20) days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution.
Amy Richardson, Town Clerk
Town of Kendall, New York
New York includ�ing acquisitions of land or rights in lands, and all other furnish�ings, equipment, machinery and apparatus incidental thereto for such District and Town use.

Period of Probable Usefulness: forty (40) years.

Maximum Maturity of Bonds: not to exceed for


Object or Purpose: amending the bond resolution previously adopted which authorized the construction and equipping of a water distribution system to serve Kendall Water District No. 6 in and for the Town of Kendall, Orleans County,
forty (40) years.

Estimated Maximum Cost of Object or Purpose: increased by $70,000, making the revised estimated maximum cost to the Wa�ter District No. 6 and to the Town for such purposes $590,000.

Amount of Debt Obligations Authorized: increased by $70,000, making the revised amount of debt obligations authorized to be

Remainder of Project Costs to be paid from the proceeds of $400,000 Small Cities Grant.

A complete copy of the amending bond resolution summarized above shall be available for public inspection during normal busi�ness hours at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Kendall, New York, at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.

Dated May 8, 2008
Town of Kendall, New York.

New Posting 05.11.08 (2)
Legal Notice
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application
Date: 05/05/2008

KENDALL, NY 14476-9632


Application ID:
8-3430-00 143/0000 1

Permit(s) Applied for: 1-Article 15 Title 15 Water Supply

Project is located: in KENDALL in ORLEANS COUNTY Project Description:
The Town of Kendall proposes to create the Kendall Water District No. 6 to take for use therein a supply of water up to a maximum of 9750 gallons of water per day from the Town of Murray�s Water District 11 sources (which include MCWA and Village of Albion Lake Ontario sources). The project includes the installation of 12140 LF of 8-inch water main and appurtenants to provide service to 30 residences along portions of Peter. Smith Road and NYS Route 18 (Roosevelt Highway). The file is available for review and comment at NYSDEC Region S office.

Availability of Application Documents:
Filed application documents, and Department draft permits where applicable, are available for inspection during normal business hours at the address of the contact person. To ensure timely service at the time of inspection, it is recommended that an appointment be made with the contact person.

State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR)
Project is a Type I action and will not have a significant effect on the environment. A coordinated review with other involved agencies was performed and a Negative Declaration is on file.

SEQR Lead Agency: Kendall Town Board

State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination:
Cultural resource lists and map have been checked. No regis�tered, eligible or inventoried archaeological sites or historic structures were identified at the project location. No further review in accordance with SHPA is required.

DEC Commissioner Policy 29, Environmental Justice and
Permitting (CP-29):
It has been determined that the proposed action is not subject to

Availability for Public Comment:
Comments on this project must be submitted in writing to the Contact Person no later than 05/29/2008 or 15 days after the publication date of this notice, whichever is later,

Contact Person:

New Posting 05.11.08(3)
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice of Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given that the Kendall Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York has rescheduled the May meeting to Wednesday, May 21, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. On that date will be held a Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m., at the Kendall Town Hall 1878 Kendall Road. Applicant Alan Fry, property owner of 16937 Bald Eagle Drive in the Town of Kendall, seeks relief from Town Code article V section 560 which disallows any structure within five (5) feet from a side property line in the WF district. Applicant has applied to construct an addition to the existing house three (3) feet from westerly property line. All persons wishing to speak to this request will be heard at this time.

Kevin Banker, Chairman
Zoning Board of Appeals

New Posting 05.04.08
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Please take Notice that the Town Supervisor has filed the Annual Financial Report Update Document of the Town of Kendall, New York, for the year ended December 31, 2007 with the Town Clerk. This report may be examined and copied by any interested person at the Town Clerk’s office, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during normal business hours, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk

New Posting 04.20.08
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice of Completion of Tentative Assessment Roll
(Pursuant to Section 506 & 526 of the Real Property Tax Law)

Hearing of Complaints

Notice is hereby given that the Tentative Assessment Roll for 2008 has been completed by the Assessor for the Town of Kendall, County of Orleans. The Tentative Roll is available for inspection at the Assessor’s Office (Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY) until the fourth Tuesday in May 2008.

The Assessor will be in attendance with the Tentative Assessment Roll on

May 5, 6, & 8, 2008 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Noon) & 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
May 5, 2008 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
May 10, 2008 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Noon) by appointment

To Schedule an appointment please call (585.659.8545)

The Board of Assessment Review will meet on May 27, 2008 between the hours of 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road Kendall, NY to hear and examine all complaints in relation to Assessments on the application of any person believing himself to be aggrieved. Please call 585.659..8545 to schedule time.

A publication containing procedures for contesting as Assessment is available at the assessor’s Office.

Stephen A. Seaman
Assessor, Town of Kendall

New Posting 04.13.08 Closed 04/23/08
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York announces the rescheduling of the April 15, 2008 meeting to Wednesday, April 23 AT 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road.

Kevin Banker, Chairman
Zoning Board of Appeals

New Posting (2) 04.13.08 Closed 04/23/08
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, New York will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 at 7:15 p.m., at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road. Applicants Carol and Michael Diodato, owners of 16941 Bald Eagle Drive in the Town of Kendall, seek relief from Town Code, Section 610.I 2 which disallows any fence higher than three (3) feet in the WR district. All persons wishing to speak to this request will be heard at that time.

Kevin Banker, Chairman
Zoning Board of Appeals

New Posting 03.31.08 Closed 04/21/08
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest from residents of Kendall to fill the position of Court Officer, starting May 5, 2008. The position will be approximately four hours per month. Applicant must be available when Court is in session.

Please Direct correspondence on or before 3:30 pm April 21st., to the Kendall Town Clerk, Amy Richardson, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476 or hand deliver to 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during normal business hours.

The Town Court of Kendall reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By the Order of Kendall Town Justice Lape

New Posting 03.29.08
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice concerning the examination of Assessment Inventory and Valuation Data
(Pursuant to Section 501 of the Real Property Tax Law)

Notice is hereby given Assessment Inventory and Valuation Data is available for examination and review. This data is used to establish the assessment of each parcel which will appear on the Tentative Assessment Roll of the Town Kendall. This will be filled on or before May 1, 2008. This information maybe reviewed by appointment at the Assessor�s Office at the Kendall Town Hall (1873 Kendall Rd, Kendall, New York 585-659-8545) in April 2008.

Assessor Town of Kendall

New Posting 03.21.08
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall
Notice is hereby given to Town of Kendall Residents:

In 2007 New York State passed a law permitting only 1 unlicensed/unregistered motor vehicle to be stored, outside of a building, per land parcel. This supersedes the Town Of Kendall Ordinance of permitting up to 2 vehicles per parcel. Notice is hereby given that the annual survey will be conducted of unlicensed/unregistered motor vehicles in the Town of Kendall between March 30th and April 28th, 2008.

Kevin Banker
Zoning Board of Appeals, Chairman

New Posting 02.18.08 Closed 04/01/08

Authorization is given to place an ad in the Hamlin Herald to request submission of separate quotes for Lawn Mowing services for the Town of Kendall properties and authorization is given to pay for such ad. The following ad will be published:
Town of Kendall
Request for quotations for Lawn Mowing Service
2008 Season
The Town Board is requesting separate quotations for mowing and lawn care for the 2008 season. Operator must have his own equipment as well as insurance certificate showing coverage. The areas to be mowed are: The Morton Firemen�s field on Countyline Road, the Town Hall on Kendall Road, the Greenwood Cemetery on Roosevelt Highway, and the Beechwood Cemetery on West Kendall Road. The grass should be kept to a maximum of 3 to 4 inches; quote should include all necessary hand trimming, weed whacking and bush trimming. The Town of Kendall reserves the right to refuse or reject all quotes. Please respond by April 1, 2008 to the Town Clerk, Town of Kendall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476.

New Posting Posting Closed 02/20/08
Legal Notice
Town of Kendall

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Kendall on
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 7:15 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, to consider the following:
1) The application of Robert Malin, owner, 17085 Norway Heights Road for two area variances on vacant lot #61, Tax ID 11.14-1-62. Applicant proposes to construct a 30 ft. by 50 ft. pole barn with 35 ft. setback. Relief is being sought from Article V, Sec. 560 which requires a 60 ft. setback; and applicant has 60 ft. frontage and seeks relief from minimum requirement of 100 ft. frontage. Property is zoned Waterfront Residential (RA). All persons wishing to speak will be heard at this time.

Kevin Banker
Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals

Posted 01/17/08 Posting Closed 02/02/08
There is presently one vacancy on the Town of Kendall Recreation Commission. Anyone interested in this position should submit a letter so stating to the Kendall Town Clerk�s Office by February 1, 2008. This is a volunteer position on the Commission. For further information, please call Barbara Flow, Recreation Director at 659-9184

Posted 01/09/08
The Town Board Meeting for Thursday January 10, 2008 has been postponed until Thursday January 17, 2008.

Posted 01/08/2008 Posting Closed 01/26/08

The Town of Kendall is seeking letters of interest and resumes from Kendall residents to fill the vacancies of Code Enforcement Officer, Deputy Code Enforcement Officer, Planning Board member and Zoning Board Member.

Please direct correspondence on or before 4:00 p.m. January 25, 2008 to Kendall Supervisor Jonathan Gillman, P.O. Box 474, Kendall, New York 14476 or hand deliver to 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, New York during normal business hours.

The Town Board of the Town of Kendall reserves the right to accept or reject any or all candidates.

By the Order of the Kendall Town Board.