February 2025
The Town of Kendall has accepted bids for the wastewater project construction. See here for specific details.
December 2024
The Town of Kendall is accepting bids for the construction of the wastewater project.
Please see here for specific details on the project.
August 2024 Update-
Please see the attached handout packet for more info regarding guidance on electrical requirements.
As per Jason R Ebbs, PE from Labella Associates
Thanks to all who attended the Open House on Thursday, June 20th for more information regarding this project! We now have additional stakes available to those residents who need them for placement as described in the mailings from the Town attorney
Kindest Regards,
Tony Cammarata
Town of Kendall & Hamlin Sewer District
Low-Pressure Sanitary Sewer System
Property Owner Participation
To maintain affordability and expedite construction we are requesting resident participation during the final design phases of the Town of Kendall & Hamlin Low-Pressure Sanitary Sewer System.
Beginning June 21, 2024 Kendall and Hamlin district residents are asked to pick up an Orange and Green stake from the Kendall Town Hall at 1873 Kendall Rd, Kendall, NY 14476 (stakes may also be obtain at the Open House on June 20, 2024).
By July 1, 2024 residents must place an Orange stake in the location of their existing septic tank and place a Green stake in their desired location of the grinder pump (must be within 10’ of septic tank).
Between July 1, 2024 and July 26, 2024 the Town’s Engineering team will review and document the stake locations. (Residents must maintain the stakes during this time).
Grinder Pump Location Notes & Guidance:
1. Grinder Pumps must be located within 10’ of existing septic tanks and outside of the existing septic field.
2. To the greatest extent possible grinder pumps should be located at least 10’ from dwellings.
3. To the greatest extent possible, grinder pumps should be located 10’ from the property line.
4. To the greatest extent possible grinder pumps should be placed in a location that has a direct / unobstructed path to the roadway.
5. The final placement of grinder pump is subject to change during construction based on site conditions.
6. Questions regarding the location of the grinder pumps or septic tanks may be emailed to the Town’s engineer at kendallsewer@labellapc.com until July 26, 2024.
The Town of Kendall has scheduled a public Open House and exhibit for Kendall property owners within the established Town of Kendall & Hamlin Joint Sewer District. This will be held on THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the gymnasium of the Kendall Junior/Senior High School, 16887 Roosevelt Highway, Kendall, New York. The meeting will provide an update on the sewer project, afford an opportunity to ask questions, and aid those affected to complete required easements and receive septic tank and potential grinder pump marker stakes.
Amy K. Richardson
Kendall Town Clerk
Please Click here for answers provided by LaBella regarding current questions by our community members. – April 3, 2024
Update March 2024
At this time, the town of Kendall has received by unanimous vote by the REDI Commission, additional funding. This is excellent news as we proceed with the first sewer district in the town!
Update November 2023
Significant milestones have been achieved. Here is a summary of our progress:
- Design Document Submission:
Completed and submitted 60% design documents to REDI commission and New York State DEC - Archaeological Investigation:
Successfully completed archaeological field investigation.
Submitted Phase 1B Report to and received concurrence from New York State Historic Preservation Office. - Wetland Delineation and Approvals:
Finished wetland delineation process.
Submitted Joint application package to USACE, NYSDEC, NYSDOS, and NYSOGS for approval. - Grant Applications & Funding:
Submitted grant applications to EFC for a WIIA (Water Infrastructure Improvement Act) and IMG (Intended Use Plan).
Coordinated with DASNY to reallocate surplus REDI funding from other projects to the Kendall Wastewater project. - Ongoing Coordination:
Maintained active coordination with key agencies, including Monroe County Department of Transportation and Monroe County Department of Environmental Services. - Upcoming Activities:
Anticipate commencing geotechnical field investigation the week of November 27, 2023.
Submission final SEQR documents and supplemental information to SHPO for receipt of no affect letter
Completion of Grant Disbursement Agreement with NYS REDI Commission.
We appreciate the collaborative efforts of everyone involved and remain dedicated to achieving the project’s objectives. Further updates will be provided as the project continues to progress.
Best Regards,
Jason R Ebbs, PE
LaBella Associates | Municipal Group Leader
Update June 2023
Please see the attached notice for current update on the Wastewater project from LaBella & Associates.
Update 1-12-2023
Consultants from LaBella Architecture have spoken with their survey sub-consultant this morning, and they’re making good progress and are still aiming to have a final map and CAD file to us by mid-February.
It is a 15 mile project and requires quite a bit of field work, mapping, and QA / QC on their end.
The lack of snow is helping to expedite their progress though.
They are continuing to progress the design as much as possible, and ensure we have the right design personnel available as soon as we receive the survey.
LaBella has coordinated with geotechnical engineers, environmental engineers, and the archaeologist to ensure they’re ready to begin field work later this spring.
Update 9-26-2022 Please see this attached flyer for a letter from our Town Supervisor with updates regarding the Watershed Sewer Project.
Update 9/09/22
The application for grant and loan funding was submitted on September 8,2022. The deadline for applying for the grant and loan is September 9,2022. We have received acknowledgement they have receive our application. Now we have to wait for 60-90 days to know the status of two awards.
Senator Ortt has sent a letter to show his support of our project to EFC, as well.
Kindest regards, Tony Cammarata
Update 8/18/22
We are making progress but many approvals are needed in making this project come to fruition.
On March 30, 2022, a Public Hearing was held to discuss the Sewer Project (REDI Wastewater Infrastructure (Asset NO 62) ). Click here for some FAQ about this Low-Pressure Sanitary Sewer System.
Update October 2021
July 2021 Wastewater Treatment in Kendall State funding under the Lake Ontario Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative (REDI) will cover 95 percent of the costs of connecting homes to a wastewater system in order to solve septic issues for lakeside residents by connecting them to a sanitary sewer and conveying wastewater to a treatment facility. Discussion of this project began following the flooding of 2017 along the lakeshores of Kendall/Hamlin. This project is proposed to disconnect homes from the septic systems and connect them to a wastewater system. A privately owned facility (located at Troutburg in the Town of Kendall) will be turned over to the Town of Kendall, and approximately 125 residences in the towns of Hamlin and Kendall will be connected to the facility. The project will solve the problems for lakeside residences with septic issues west of West Kendall Drive, including along Lomond Shore West, Edrose Shore, Knapp Shore, Thompson Drive, and near Lakeland Beach Road and Bald Eagle Drive in the Town of Kendall, plus residences near Beachwood Park Road in the Town of Hamlin. This project will connect these areas to a sanitary sewer and convey wastewater to a treatment facility. This sewer project is the single largest project the Town of Kendall has ever undertaken and there are many entities involved in this project with many approvals needed. At present, the Town Board is waiting for Monroe County to send us an agreement to use their treatment facility. Once received and if we concur, then the Monroe County Legislature will need to approve it as well. The Town Board will then have a public hearing to address questions and provide valuable information. This will be some time in the fall depending on when we can move forward with Monroe County. As the project moves forward, the Town will continue to update the public on this website.